Shadee Elmasry – Juz 13, The Quran An English Translation, Part 13 of 30
AI: Summary ©
there's a call to action and expressing their desire to kill people. They discuss signs and predictions of the completion of their dream, as well as the importance of showing actual results and showing faith in God. The transcript also touches on negative perception of people as he claims to be the God who created the universe and the negative perception of people as he claims to be the God who created the universe.
AI: Transcript ©
Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A. S Abdul
Halim me
this begins just number 13
I do not pretend to be blameless for man's very soul incites him to
evil unless my Lord shows mercy. He is most forgiving, Most
Merciful. The king said, Bring him to me, I will have him serve me
personally. And then, once he had spoken with him, from now on, you
will have our trust and favor. Joseph said,
put me in charge of the nation store houses, I shall manage them
prudently and carefully.
In this way, we settled Joseph in that land to live wherever he
We grant our grace to whoever we will, and do not fail to reward
those who do good.
The reward of the Hereafter is best for those who believe in our
mindful of God. Joseph's brothers came and presented themselves
before him. He recognized them, though they did not recognize him.
And once he had given them their provisions, he said, Bring me the
brother, you left with your father. Have you not seen me
giving generous measure and being the best of hosts, you will have
no more corn from me, if you do not bring him to me, and you will
not be permitted to approach me.
They said, We shall do all we can to persuade his father to send him
with us. Indeed we shall. Joseph said to his servants, put their
traded goods back into their saddlebags. So that they may
appreciate this, when they go back to their family and be eager to
When they return to their father, they said, Father, we have been
denied any more corn, but send our brother back with us and we shall
be given another measure.
We shall guard him carefully. He said,
Am I to entrust him to you as I did his brother before, but God is
the best Guardian and The Most Merciful of the Merciful. Then,
when they opened their packs, they discovered that their goods had
been returned to them. And they said, Father, we need no more
goods to barter. Look, our goods have been returned to us. We shall
get corn for our household, we shall keep our brothers safe, we
shall be entitled to another camel load of grain, an extra measure,
so easily achieved. He said,
I will never send him back with you.
Not unless you swear by God, that you will bring him back to me if
this is humanly possible.
Then, when they had given him their pledge, he said, our words
are entrusted to God. He said, My sons do not enter all by one gate,
use different gates. But I cannot help you against the will of God.
All power is in God's hands. I trust in Him, let everyone put
their trust in Him.
And when they entered as their father had told them, it did not
help them against the will of God. It merely satisfied a wish of
Jacobs. He knew well, what we had taught him, though most people do
Then when they presented themselves before Joseph, he drew
his brothers apart and said,
I am your brother. So do not be saddened by their past actions.
And once he had given them their provisions, he placed the drinking
cup in his brother's pack.
A man called out
people of the caravan you are thieves. And they turned and said,
What have you lost? They replied, The King's drinking cup is
missing. And whoever returns it will get a camel load of grain.
And I give you my word. They said by God, you must know that we did
not come to make mischief in your land. We are no thieves. They ask
them and if we find that you are lying, what penalty Shall we apply
to you? And they answered the penalty will be the enslavement of
the person in whose bag the cup is found. This is how we punish
Joseph began by searching their bags then his brothers and he
pulled it out from his brother's bag.
In this way, we devised a plan for Joseph
If God had not willed it, so he could not have detained his
brother as a penalty under the Kings law.
We raise the rank of whoever He will. above everyone who has
knowledge there is the one who is all knowing.
His brother said,
if he is a thief, than his brother was a thief before him.
But Joseph kept his secrets and did not reveal anything to them.
He said, You are in a far worse situation. God knows best the
truth of what you claim. They said, mighty governor, he has an
elderly father, take one of us in his place, we can see that you are
a very good man. He replied. God forbid that we should take anyone
other than the person on whom we found our property that would be
unjust to us.
When they lost hope of persuading them, they withdrew to confer with
each other. The eldest of them said, do not remember that your
father took a solemn pledge from you in the name of God. And before
that, you failed in your duty with regard to Joseph, I will not leave
this land until my father gives me leave. Or God decides for me, he
is the best designer.
So go back to your father and say, Your son stole
we can only tell you what we saw.
How could we guard against the unforeseen? Asking the town where
we have been asked the people of the caravan we traveled with? We
are telling the truth.
Their father said, No. Your souls have prompted you to do wrong. But
it is best to be patient. May God bring all of them back to me. He
alone is the All Knowing the all wise. And he turned away from them
saying, Alas for Joseph. His eyes went white with grief and he was
filled with sorrow. They said, by God, you will ruin your health or
even die. If you do not stop thinking of Joseph.
He said,
I plead my grief and sorrow before God.
I have knowledge from God that you do not have my sons go and seek
news of Joseph and his brother and do not despair of God's mercy.
Only this disbelievers despair of God's mercy.
Then, when they presented themselves before Joseph, they
said, mighty governor, misfortune has afflicted us in our family. We
have brought only a little merchandise but give us full
Be charitable to us. God rewards the charitable.
He said, Do you now realize what you did to Joseph and his brother
when you were foolish? And they tried? Could it be that you are
Joseph? He said, I am Joseph. This is my brother. God has been
gracious to us. God does not deny anyone who is mindful of God, and
steadfast in adversity, the rewards of those who do good.
They said, by God,
God really did favor you over all of us and we were in the wrong.
But he said,
you will hear no reproaches today. May God forgive you. He is the
Most Merciful of the Merciful.
Take this shirt of mine and lay it over my father's face. He will
recover his sight. Then bring your whole family back to me.
Later, when the caravan departed, their father said, you may think I
am senile, but I can smell Joseph.
But people said by God, you are still lost in that old illusion of
yours. Then when the bearer of good news came and placed a shirt
onto Jacob's face, his eyesight returned. And he said, Did I not
tell you that I have knowledge from God that you do not have? The
father the brother said,
asked God to forgive our sins. We were truly in the wrong.
He replied. I shall ask my Lord to forgive you. He is the Most
Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Later, when they presented themselves before Joseph, he drew
his parents to him. He said, Welcome to Egypt. You will all be
safe here God willing, and took them up to his throne. They all
bowed down before Him and He said, Father, this is the fulfillment of
that dream I had long ago.
My Lord has made it come true and has been gracious to me
He released me from prison and he brought you here from the desert.
After Satan sow discord between me and my brothers, my Lord is most
subtle in achieving what he will.
He is the All Knowing the truly wise, My Lord, You have given me
authority. You have taught me something about the interpretation
of dreams, creator of the heavens and the earth. You are my
protector in this world and in the hereafter. Let me die in true
devotion to you. Join me with the righteous.
This account is part of what was beyond your knowledge, Muhammad,
we revealed it to you. You are not present with Joseph's brothers
when they made their treacherous plans.
Yet most people will not believe, however eagerly you may want them
You ask no reward from them for this. It is a reminder for all
people. And there are many signs in the heavens and the earth that
they pass by and give no heed to.
Most of them will only believe in God while also joining others with
Are they so sure that an overwhelming punishment from God
will not fall on them? Or that the last hour will not come upon them
suddenly, when they least expect it? Say, this is my way based on
clear evidence, I and all who follow me call people to God,
Glory be to God, I do not join others with him.
All the messengers we sent before you Muhammad, were men to whom we
made revelations, men chosen from the people of their towns
have the disbelievers not traveled through the land and seen the end
of those who went before them. For those who are mindful of God, the
home in the Hereafter is better. Do you people not use your reason?
When the messengers lost all hope, and realized that they had been
dismissed as liars are help came to them.
We saved whoever we pleased. But our punishment will not be turned
away from guilty people.
There is a lesson in the stories of such people for those who
This revelation is no fabrication.
It is a confirmation of the truth of what was sent before it, an
explanation of everything, a guide and a blessing for those who
This is the end of SUTA Joseph
Surah 13 thunder
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Alif Laam Meem rah.
These are the signs of the Scripture. What Your Lord has sent
down to you prophet is the truth. Yet most people do not believe
it is God who raised up the heavens with no visible supports,
and then established himself on the throne.
He has subjected the sun and the moon, each to pursue its course
for an appointed time.
He regulates all things and makes the revelations clear so that you
may be certain of meeting your Lord. It is He Who spread out the
earth, placed firm mountains and rivers on it and made to have
every kind of fruit. He draws the veil of night over the day. There
truly are signs in this for people who reflect there are in the land,
neighboring plots, gardens of vineyards, cornfields, palm trees,
and clusters are otherwise all watered with the same water, yet
we make the yield of some better than others. There truly are signs
in this for people who reason.
If anything can amaze you profit, then you should surely be amazed
that they're asking what when we become dust, shall we be created a
these are the ones who deny their lord who will wear iron collars
around their necks and be the inhabitants of the fire there to
They ask you to bring on the punishment rather than any
promised rewards.
Though there have been many examples before them. Your Lord is
full of forgiveness for people despite their wrongdoing, but he
is truly severe and punishment.
The disbelievers say
why has no miracle been sent down to him from his Lord, but you are
only there to give warning. Earlier communities each have
their guide.
God knows what every female bears and how much their rooms shrink or
Everything has its measured with him.
He knows what is not seen as well as what is seen.
He is the Great, the Most High.
It makes no difference whether any of you speak secretly, or aloud.
Whether you are hiding under a cover of night or walking about in
the day.
Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by
God's command.
God does not change the condition of a people for the worse unless
they change what is in themselves. But if He wills harm on people, no
one can ward it off. Apart from him, they have no protector. It is
He Who shows you the lightning, inspiring fear and hope. He builds
up the clouds heavy with rain. The thunder sounds His praises, as do
the angels in awe of him. He sends Thunderbolts to strike whoever He
will. Yet still they dispute about God. He has mighty plans.
The only true prayer is to him.
Those they pray to besides Him, give them no answer, any more than
water reaches the mouth of someone who simply stretches out his hands
for it. It cannot do so the prayers of the disbelievers are
all in vain. All that are in heaven and earth submit to God
alone, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows in the morning
and in the evenings. Say prophet
who is Lord of the heavens and the earth? Say, God, say, Why do you
take protectors other than Him, who can neither benefit nor harm
even themselves, say,
are the blind equal to those who can see and are the depths of
darkness equal to the light
have the partners they assigned to God created anything like his
creation, so that their creation is Indigo distinguishable from his
say God is the Creator of all things. He is the one of the all
He sends water from the sky that fills river beds to overflowing
each according to its measure. The stream carries on its surface a
growing layer of froth, like the froth that appears when people
melt metals in the fire to make ornaments and tools. In this way,
God illustrates truth and falsehood, the froth disappears.
But what is of benefit to people stays behind. This is how God
makes illustrations.
There will be the best of rewards for those who respond to their
Lord. Those who do not respond would willingly give away the
Earth's contents twice over. If they had it in order to ransom
themselves. So terrible will be their reckoning.
* will be their home and their bed wretched.
Can someone who knows that the revelation from your LORD is the
truth be equal to someone who was blind to it?
Only those with understanding will take it to heart.
Those who fulfill the agreements they make in God's name and do not
break their pledges, who joined together with God commands to be
joined? Who were who are in awe of their Lord and fear the harshness
of the reckoning.
who remained steadfast through their desire for the face of their
Lord, who keep up the prayer. Who gives secretly and openly from
what We have provided for them
who Repel evil with good views will have the reward of the true
home. They will enter perpetual gardens, along with their
righteous ancestors, spouses and descendants, the angels will go
into them from every gate.
Peace be with you, because you have remained steadfast. What an
excellent reward is this home of yours.
But there will be rejection for those who break their confirmed
agreements made in God's name,
who break apart what God has commanded to be joined, and who
spread corruption on earth. There is the dreadful home.
God gives abundantly to whoever He will and sparingly to whoever He
will. And though they may rebel, in the life of this world, it is
but a fleeting comfort compared with life to come.
The disbelievers say
why has no miracle been sent down to him from his Lord. Prophets say
God leaves whoever He will trust.
Ray, and guides himself, those who turn towards Him. Those who have
faith in whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God.
Truly it is in the remembrance of God that hearts find peace, those
who believe and do righteous deeds, Joy awaits these and their
final homecoming will be excellent.
So we have sent you prophet to a community, other communities
passed away long before them, to recite to them what we reveal to
you. Yet they disbelieve in The Lord of Mercy. Say, He is my Lord,
there is no god but him. I put my trust in Him and to Him as my
If there were ever to be a Quran with which mountains could be
moved, the earth shattered or the dead may to speak, it would have
been this one. But everything is truly in God's hand.
Do the believer has not realized that if God had so willed, He
could have guided all mankind.
As for the disbelievers because of their misdeeds,
disaster will not cease to afflict them or fall close to their homes
until God's promises fulfilled. God never fails to keep his
Many messengers before you Mohammed remarked, but I granted
respite to the disbelievers. In the end, I took them to task, how
terrible my punishment was.
It is he who stands over every soul, marking its action in need
of any partner.
Yet they ascribe partners to God say, named them, or can you tell
him something on the earth he does not know to exist? Or is this just
a display of words,
but the things they devise are made a luring to the disbelievers
and they are barred from the right path. No one can guide those God
leaves to stray.
There is a torment for them in this world. But the torment of the
Hereafter will be harder, no one will defend them against God.
Here is a picture of the garden that those mindful of God have
been promised, flowing streams and perpetual food and shade.
This is the reward that awaits those who are mindful of God. The
disbelievers reward is the fire.
Those to whom we sent the Scripture rejoice in what was
revealed to you prophet.
Some factions deny parts of it, say,
I am commanded to worship God and not join anything with Him and
worship. To him, I call others and to him I shall return.
So we have sent down the Quran to give judgment in the Arabic
If you were to follow their desires after the knowledge that
has come to you, you would have no one to guard you or protect you
from God.
We sent messengers before you and gave them wives and offspring.
No messenger was given the power to produce a miracle except with
God's permission.
There was a scripture for every age, God erases or confirms
whatever he will and the source of Scriptures with him.
Whether we let you Prophet see part of what we threaten them
with, or cause you to die before that, Your duty is only to deliver
the message. The Reckoning is ours.
Do they not see how we come to their land and trinkets borders?
God decides no one can reverse his decision. And he is swift and
Those before them also schemed, but the overall scheme belongs to
He knows what each soul does. In the end, the disbelievers will
find out who will have the excellent home. They say, You have
not been sent. Say, God is sufficient witness between me and
you. All knowledge of the scripture comes from Him.
This is the end of surah 13 surah 14, Abraham
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
olive law Lam raw.
This is a scripture which We have sent down to you Prophet, so that
with their Lord's permission, you may bring people from the depths
of darkness into light to the path of the Almighty, the praiseworthy
one God, to whom everything in the heavens and earth belongs. How
terrible will be the torment of those who ignore Him. Those who
prefer the life of this world over the life to come
who turn others from God's way, trying to make it crooked. Such
people have gone far astray.
We have never sent a messenger who did not use his own people's
language to make things clear for them.
But still, God leaves whoever He will to stray and guides whoever
He will. He is the Almighty V all wise.
So we sent Moses with our signs.
Bring out your people from the depths of darkness into light,
remind them of the days of God. They're truly are signs in this
for every steadfast, thankful person.
And so Moses said to his people,
remember God's blessing on you when he saved you from pharaohs,
people who were inflicting terrible suffering on you,
slaughtering your sons and sparing only your women.
That was a severe test from your Lord.
Remember that he promised, if you are thankful I will give you more.
But if you are thankless, My punishment is terrible indeed.
And Moses said, even if you together with everybody else on
Earth, are thankless, God is self sufficient, Worthy of all parties.
Have you disbelievers not heard about those who went before you?
The people of Noah odd saw mood and those after them known only to
Their messengers came to them with clear proof. But they tried to
silence them, saying, We do not believe the message you were sent
with. We have disturbing doubts about what you are asking us to
do. They're messengers answered. Can there be any doubt about God,
the Creator of the heavens and the earth?
He calls you to him in order to forgive you your sins, and let you
enjoy your life until the appointed hour. But they said you
are only men like us.
You want to turn us away from what our forefathers used to worship.
Great, bring us clear proof then if you can. Their messengers
answered. True. We are only men like you but God favors whichever
of His servants he chooses.
We cannot bring you any proof unless God permits it. So let the
believers put all their trust in him.
Why should we not put our trust in God when it is he who has guided
us to the ways we follow?
We shall certainly bear steadfastly whatever harm you do
to us. Let anyone who trusts trusts in God.
The disbelievers said to their messengers.
We shall expel you from our land unless you return to our religion.
But their Lord inspired the messengers.
We shall destroy the evil doers and leave you to dwell in the land
after them.
This reward is for those who are in awe of meeting me and of my
warnings. They asked God to decide and every obstinate tyrant failed.
* awaits each one. He will be given fallow water to drink, which
he will try to go but scarcely be able to swallow.
Death will encroach on him from every side but he will not die.
More intense suffering will lie ahead of him.
The deeds of those who reject their Lord are like ashes that the
wind blows furiously on a stormy day. They have no power over
anything they have gained. This has to stray far, far away.
Do you not see that God created the heavens and the earth for a
He could remove all of you and replace you with a new creation if
he wished to.
That is not difficult for God.
When they all appear before him the week will say to the power
seekers. We were your followers. Can you protect us from any of
God's punishment?
They will reply. If God had guided us we would have guided you. It
makes no difference. Now whether we rage or endure with patience,
there is no escape.
When everything has been decided, Satan will say
God gave you a true promise. I too made promises but they were false
ones. I had no power over you except to call you and you
responded to my call. So do not blame me. Blame yourself
I cannot help you nor can you help me.
I reject the way you associated me with God before.
A bitter torment awaits such wrongdoers.
But those who dispute those who believed and did good deeds will
be brought into gardens graced with flowing streams, there to
remain with their Lord's permission, their greeting, there
is peace.
Do you not see how God makes comparisons?
A good word is like a good tree, whose roots is firm, and whose
branches are high in the sky, yielding constant fruit by its
Lord's leave.
God makes such comparisons for people so that they may reflect.
But an evil word is like a rotten tree uprooted from the surface of
the Earth, with no power to endure.
God will give firmness to those who believe in the firmly rooted
word, both in this world and the hereafter. But the evildoers he
leaves to stray.
God does whatever he will
do prophet. Do you not see those who, in exchange for God's favor,
offer only ingratitude and make their people end up in the home of
ruin? *, where they burn
what an evil place to stay.
They set up false deities as Gods equals to lead people astray from
His Path. Say, take your pleasure now, for your destination is the
Tell my servants who have believed to keep up the prayer and give
secretly and in public out of what We have provided them
before a day comes when there will be no trading or friendship.
It is God who created the heavens and earth who has sent down water
from the sky and with it brought forth produce to nourish you.
He has made ships useful to you, sailing the sea by His Command and
the rivers to he has made the sun and the moon useful to you study
on their paths.
He has made the night and they're useful to you and given you some
of everything you asked him for. If you tried to count God's
favors, you could never calculate them. Man is truly unjust and
Remember when Abraham said, Lord, make this town safe? Preserve me
and my offspring from idolatry. Lord, the idols have led many
people astray.
Anyone who follows me is with me. But as for anyone who disobeyed
me, you are surely forgiving and merciful. Our Lord,
I have settled some of my offspring in an uncultivated
Valley, close to your sacred house, Lord, so that they may keep
up the prayer.
Make people's hearts turn to them and provide them with produce so
that they may be thankful.
Our Lord, you know well what we conceal and what we reveal.
Nothing at all is hidden from God on earth or in heaven.
Praise be to God who has granted me Ishmael in his heart. In my old
age. My Lord hears all requests. Lord, grant that I and my
offspring may keep up the prayer. Our Lord, accept my request.
Our Lord, forgive me, my parents and the believers on the day of
Do not think prophet that God is unaware of what the disbelievers
do. He only gives them respite until a day when their eyes will
stare in terror.
They will rush forward craning their necks, unable to divert
their eyes, a gaping void in their hearts. So warn people of the day
when punishment will come to them. And when the disbelievers will
say, Our Lord, give us a little more time, we shall answer your
call and follow the messengers.
Did you disbelievers not swear in the past, that your power would
have no end.
You lived in the same places as others who wronged themselves
before. And you were clearly shown how we dealt with them.
We gave you many examples. They made their plots. But even if
their plots had been able to move mountains, God had the answer.
So do not think prophet that God will break his promise to His
messengers. He is mighty you
and capable of retribution
one day when the earth is turned into another Earth, the heavens
into another heaven and people all up here before God the one the
overpowering you profit will see the guilty on that day bound
together in fetters in garments of pitch faces covered and fire all
will be judged so that God may reward each soul as it deserves.
God is swift in his reckoning
This is a message to all people so that they may be warned by it and
know that he is the only God and so that those who have minds may
take heed
this is the end of Jos number 1301.
whoa Nana all
moody pain
long, long, long, long wave. This has been a Safina society