Shadee Elmasry – Juz 11, The Quran An English Translation, Part 11 of 30
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The Bible's history is discussed, including the desert Arabs as stubborn and morally evil, the history of the Bible's theology, and the importance of showing faith in God and not wasting one's time. The speakers stress the need for people to be mindful of God and not let anyone convince them to go out to fight, and stress the importance of trusting God and not denying one's supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed supposed
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A. S Abdul
Halim me
this begins Jews number 11. The ones open to blame or those who
asked you for exemption despite their wealth, and who preferred to
be with those who stay behind.
God has sealed their hearts, they do not understand.
When you return from the expedition, they will carry on
coming to you believers with excuses, say, do not make excuses.
We do not believe you. God has told us about you. God and His
Messenger will watch your actions now. And in the end, you will be
returned to the one who knows the seen and the unseen. He will
confront you with what you have done.
When you return to them, they will swear to you by God in order to
make you leave them alone. So leave them alone. They are
loathsome and * will be their home as a reward for their
actions. They will swear to you in order to make you accept them. But
even if you do accept them, God will not accept people who rebel
against him.
The desert Arabs are the most stubborn of all peoples in their
disbelief and hypocrisy. They are the least likely to recognize the
limits that God has sent down to his messenger.
God is all knowing and all wise. Some of the desert Arabs consider
what they give to be in the imposition. They are waiting for
fortune to turn against you, but fortune will turn against them.
God is all hearing and all knowing. But there are also some
desert Arabs who believe in God and the Last Day and consider
their contributions as bringing them nearer to God and the prayers
of the messenger. They will indeed bring them nearer and God will
admit them to his mercy. God is Most Forgiving and Merciful. God
will be well pleased with the first immigrants and helpers and
those who follow them in good deeds, and they will be well
pleased with him. He has gardens graced with flowing streams for
them there to remain forever. That is the supreme triumph.
Some of the desert Arabs around you are hypocrites, as are some of
the people of Medina they are obstinate in their hypocrisy. You
Prophet do not know them, but we know them well. We shall punish
them twice, and then they will be returned to face a painful
punishment in the hereafter.
And there are others who have confessed to their wrongdoing, who
have done some righteous deeds and some bad ones. God may well accept
their repentance, for God is Most Forgiving and Merciful. In order
to cleanse and purify them profit, take ALMS out of their property
and pray for them. Your prayer will be a comfort to them.
God is all hearing all knowing.
Do they not know that it is God himself who accepts repentance
from His servants and receives what is given freely for his sake.
He is always ready to accept a repentance, most merciful, say
Prophet, take action. God will see your actions as well His messenger
and the believers and then you will be returned to him who knows
what is seen and unseen. And he will tell you what you have been
And there are others who are left for God to decide either to punish
them or to show them mercy. God is all knowing and wise.
Then there are those who built a mosque in an attempt to cause
harm, disbelief and disunity among the believers as an outpost for
those who fought God and His messenger before they swear. Our
intentions were nothing but good.
But God bears witness that they are liars. Prophet, never pray in
that mosque. You should rather pray in a mosque founded from its
first day on consciousness of God. In this mosque there are men who
desire to grow in purity. God loves those who seek to purify
which is better, the person who founds his building
unconsciousness of God and desire for His good pleasure, or the
person who founds his building on the brink of a crumbling
precipice that will tumble down into the fire of *, taking him
with it. God does not guide the evildoers, the building they have
founded will always be a source of doubt within their hearts until
their hearts are cut to pieces.
God is all knowing and wise. God has purchased the persons and
possessions of the believers in return for the garden.
They fight in God's way, they kill and are killed. This is a true
promise given by him in the Torah, the gospel and the Quran, who
could be more faithful to His promise than God.
So be happy with the bargain you have made? That is the supreme
The believers are those who turn to God and repentance, who worship
and praise Him who fast, bow down and prostrate themselves, who
order what is good for bid what is wrong and observe God's limits,
give glad news to such believers.
It is not fitting for the Prophet and the believers to ask
forgiveness for the idolaters even if they are related to them, after
having been shown that they are the inhabitants of the Blaze.
Abraham asked forgiveness for his father, only because he had made a
promise to him. But once he realized that his father was an
enemy of God, He washed his hands of Him.
Abraham was tender hearted and forbearing.
God would not condemn for going astray, those he has already
guided to the faith before making entirely clear to them what they
should avoid. God has knowledge of everything. Control of the heavens
and earth belongs to God. He alone gives life and death. You have no
ally or helper other than Him.
God has relented towards the prophet, and the immigrants and
helpers who followed him in the hour of adversity, when some
hearts almost wavered.
In the end, he has relented towards them. He is most kind and
merciful to them, and to the three men who stayed behind, when the
earth for all its spaciousness closed in around them, when their
very souls closed in around them. When they realized that the only
refuge from God was with him.
he relented toward them in mercy, in order for them to return to
Him. God is the ever relenting the Most Merciful,
you who believe, be mindful of God, stand with those who are
true. The people of Medina and their neighboring desert Arabs
should not have held back from following God's Messenger, nor
should they have cared about themselves more than him. If ever
they suffer any thirst, weariness or hunger in God's cause. Take any
step that angers the disbelievers or gain any advantage over an
enemy, a good deed is recorded in their favor on account of it. God
never wastes the reward of those who do good
if they spend a little or a lot for God's cause, if they traverse
a mountain pass, all this is recorded to their credit so that
God can reward them in accordance with the best of their deeds.
Yet, it is not right for all the believers to go out to battle
together. From each community, a group should go out to gain
understanding of the religion so that they can teach their people
when they returned, and so that they can guard themselves against
You who believe fight the disbelievers near you and let them
find you standing firm.
Be aware that God is with those who are mindful of him.
When a surah is revealed, some hypocrites say
Have any of you been strengthened in faith by it?
It certainly does strengthen the faith of those who believe and
they rejoice. But as for the perverse at heart, each new Surah
adds further to their perversity, they die disbelieving
can they not see that they are afflicted once or twice a year?
Yet they neither repent nor take heed. Whenever a surah is
revealed. They look at each other and say, is anyone watching you?
And then they turn away? God has turned their hearts away.
because they are people who do not use their reason.
A messenger has come to you from among yourselves. Your suffering
distresses him. He is deeply concerned for you and full of
kindness and mercy towards the believers.
If they turn away Prophet say, God is enough for me, there is no god
but him, I put my trust in Him. He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.
This ends surah number nine
surah number 10. Jonah,
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Alif Lam, rah.
These are the verses of the decisive scripture.
Is it so surprising to people that we have revealed to a man from
among them that he should warn people and give glad news to those
who believe that they are on a shore footing with their Lord?
Yet those who disbelieve say, This man is clearly a sorcerer. Your
Lord is God, Who created the heavens and earth in six days,
then established himself on the throne, governing everything.
There is no one that can intercede with him, unless he has first
given permission.
This is God your Lord, so worship him. How can you not take heed?
It is to Him you shall all return a true promise from God.
It was he who created you in the first place, and he will do so
again so that he may justly reward those who believe and do good
But the disbelievers will have a drink of scalding water and
agonizing torment because they persistently disbelieved.
It is He who made the sun is shining radiance and the moon a
light determining phases for it so that you might know the number of
years and how to calculate time. God did not create all these
without a true purpose. He explains his signs to those who
in the succession of night and day, and in what God created in
the heavens and earth, there truly are Signs for those who are aware
of him. Those who do not expect to meet us and are pleased with the
life of this world contenting themselves with it and paying no
heed to our signs shall have the fire for their home because of
what they used to do.
But as for those who believe and do good deeds, their Lord will
guide them because of their faith. streams will flow at their feet in
the gardens of bliss. Their prayer in them will be glory be to you
God, their greeting, peace and the last part of their prayer. Praise
be to God Lord of the Worlds.
If God were to hasten on for people the harm they have earned,
as they wish to hasten on the good, their time would already be
But we leave those who do not expect to meet us to wander
blindly in their accesses.
When trouble befalls man, he cries out to us whether lying on his
side sitting or standing
by but as soon as we relieve him of his trouble, he goes on his way
as if he had never cried out to us to remove his trouble.
In this way, the deeds of such careless people are made
attractive to them.
Before you people, we destroyed whole generations when they did
evil. Their messengers brought them clear signs, but they refuse
to believe
this is how we repay the guilty. Later, we made you their
successors in the land, to see how you would behave when Our Clear
revelations are recited to them. Those who do not expect to meet
with us say, Bring us a different Quran or change it. Prophets say
it is not for me to change it of my own accord. I only follow what
is revealed to me, for I fear the torment of an awesome day. If I
were to disobey my lord, say,
If God had so willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would
he have made it known to you. I have lived a lifetime among you
before it came to me. How can you not use your reason?
Who could be more wicked?
And then someone who invents lies against God or denies his
revelations, the guilty will never prosper.
They worship alongside God, things that can neither harm nor benefit
them and say,
these are our intercessors with God. Say, do you think you can
tell God about something he knows not to exist in the heavens or
Glory be to Him. He is far above the partner gods they associate
with him.
All people were originally one single community, but later they
If it had not been for a word from your Lord, the judgment would
already have been passed between them regarding their differences.
They say, why has no miraculous sign been sent down to him from
his Lord?
Say, Prophet, only God knows the Unseen. So wait, I too am waiting.
No sooner do we let people taste some mercy after some hardship has
afflicted them. Then they begin to scheme against our revelations,
God's schemes even faster.
Our Messengers record all your scheming.
It is He Who enables you to travel on land and sea until when you are
sailing on ships and rejoicing in the favoring wind, a storm
arrives. waves come at those on board from all sides, and they
feel there is no escape.
Then they pray to God, professing sincere devotion to Him. If you
save us from this, we shall be truly thankful.
Yet no sooner does he save them back on land. They behave
outrageously against all that is right.
People, your outrageous behavior only works against yourselves.
Take your little enjoyment in this present life. In the end, you will
return to us and we shall confront you with everything you have done.
The life of this world is like this.
Rain that we send down from the sky is absorbed by the plants of
the earth from which humans and animals eat.
But when the Earth has taken on its finest appearance and adorns
itself, and its people think they have power over it. Then the fate
we commanded comes to it by night or by day, and we reduce it to
as if it had not flourished just the day before.
This is the way we explain the revelations for those who reflect.
But God invites everyone to the home of peace
and guides whoever He will to a straight path.
Those who did well will have the best reward and more besides,
neither darkness nor shame will cover their faces. These are the
companions in Paradise, and there they will remain. As for those who
did evil, each evil deed will be recreated by its equal and
humiliation will cover them. No one will protect them against God,
as though their faces were covered with veils cut from the darkening
These are the inmates of the fire. And there they shall remain.
On the day we gather them all together, we shall say to those
who associate partners with God, stay in your place you and your
partner God's then we shall separate them and their partner
God's will say it was not us you worshipped. God is witnessed
enough between us and you. We had no idea that you worshipped us.
Every soul will realize then and there what it did in the past,
they will be returned to God, their rightful Lord and their
invented God's will desert them.
Say prophet who provides for you from the sky and the earth? Who
controls hearing and sight? Who brings forth the living from the
dead and the dead from the living and who governs everything?
They are sure to say God then say so why do you not take heed of
him? That is God, your Lord the truth? Apart from the truth, what
is their accept error? So how is it that you are dissuaded? In this
way? Your Lord's word has been proved to those who defy the truth
that they do not believe.
Ask them can
In any of your partner Gods originate creation, then bring it
back to life again in the end, say
it is God that originates creation, and then brings it back
to life. So how can you be misled? Say, can any of your partner God's
show the way to the truth? Say, God shows the way to the truth
is someone who shows the way to the truth more worthy to be
followed? Or someone who cannot find the way unless he himself has
What is the matter with you? How do you judge most of them follow
nothing but assumptions.
But assumptions can be of no value at all against the truth. God is
well aware of what they do.
Nor could this Quran have been devised by anyone other than God.
It is a confirmation of what was revealed before it and an
explanation of the Scripture.
Let there be no doubt about it. It is from the Lord of the worlds or
do they say he has devised it, say, then produce a surah like it
and call on anyone you can beside God if you are telling the truth.
But they are denying what they cannot comprehend.
Its prophecy has yet to be fulfilled for them. In the same
way, those before them refuse to believe. See, what was the end of
those evildoers?
Some of them believe in it and some do not. Your Lord knows best
those who cause corruption.
If they do not believe you profit say, I act for myself and you for
yourselves. You are not responsible for my actions, nor am
I responsible for yours.
Some of them do listen to you.
But can you make the Deaf here if they will not use their minds?
Some of them look at you. But can you guide the blind if they will
not see,
God does not wrong people at all. It is they who wrong themselves.
On the day he gathers them together, it will be as if they
have stayed in the world no longer than a single hour, and they will
recognize one another.
Those who denied the meeting with God will be the losers, for they
did not follow the right guidance.
Whether we let you profit see some of the punishment we have
threatened them with or cause you to die first, they will return to
us. God is witness to what they do.
Every community is sent a messenger and when their messenger
comes, they will be judged justly, they will not be wronged. They ask
when will this promise be fulfilled? If what you say is
Say profit. I cannot control any harm or benefit that comes to me.
Except as God wills. There is an appointed time for every
community. And when it when it is reached, They can neither delay
nor hasten it even for a moment.
Say, think if his punishment were to come to you during the night or
day, what part of it would the guilty wish to hasten?
Will you believe in it when it actually happens?
It will be said, now you believe when before you sought to hasten
It will be said to the evildoers taste lasting punishment.
Why should you be rewarded for anything? But what you did?
They ask you Prophet, is it true? Say yes, by my Lord, it is true
and you cannot escape it.
Every soul that has done evil, if it possessed all that is on the
earth would gladly offer it as ransom.
When they see the punishment, they will repent in secret but they
will be judged with justice and will not be wronged.
It is to God that everything in the heavens and the earth truly
belongs. God's promise is true. But most people do not realize it.
It is He Who gives life and takes it and you will all be returned to
People are teaching from your Lord has come to you. A healing for
what is in your hearts and guidance and mercy for the
believers say prophet.
In God's grace and mercy let them rejoice. These are better than all
the acute
be late, say, think about the provision God has set down for
you, some of which you have made unlawful and some lawful say, has
God given you permission to do this? Or are you inventing lies
about God?
What will those people who invent lies about him think on the Day of
God is bountiful towards people, but most of them do not give
In whatever matter, you Prophet may be engaged, and whatever part
of the Quran you are reciting whatever work you people are
doing, we met we witness you when you are engaged in it. Not even
the weight of a speck of dust in the earth or sky escapes your
Lord, nor anything lesser or greater. It is all written in a
clear record.
But for those who are on God's side, there is no fear nor shall
they grieve.
For those who believe and are conscious of God, for them, there
is good news in this life and in the hereafter. There is no
changing the Word of God. That is truly the supreme triumph.
Do not let what they say grieve you profit. Power belongs entirely
to God. He hears and knows all, indeed, all who are in the heavens
and on the earth belongs to Him.
Those who call upon others beside God, are not really following
partner gods, they are only following assumptions and telling
lies. It is He who made the night so that you can rest in it, and
the daylight so that you can see, there truly are signs in this. For
those who hear.
They say God has children may be exalted. He is the self sufficient
Everything in the heavens, and the earth belongs to him. You have no
authority to say this. How dare you say things about God, without
any knowledge, say profit. Those who invent lies about God will not
prosper. They may have a little enjoyment in this world, but then
they will return to us.
Then we shall make them taste severe torment for persisting and
Tell them the story of Noah.
He said to his people, my people, if my presence among you, and my
reminding you of God's sign is too much for you. Then I put my trust
in God,
agree on your course of action. Call your partner gods. Do not be
hesitant or secretive about it. Then carry out your decision on me
and give me no respite.
But if you turn away, I have asked no reward from you. My reward is
with God alone. And I am commanded to be one of those who devote
themselves to him.
But they rejected him. We saved him and those with him on the ark
and let them survive. And we drowned those who denied our
revelations. See what was the end of those who were forewarned.
Then, after him, we sent messengers to their peoples who
brought them clear signs, but they would not believe in anything they
had already rejected. In this way, we seal the hearts of those who
are full of hostility.
After them, we sent Moses and Aaron with our signs to Pharaoh
and his leading supporters, but they acted arrogantly they were
wicked people.
When the truth came to them from us, they said,
This is blatant sorcery. Moses said, Is this what you say about
the truth when it comes to you? Is this sorcery?
Sorcerers never prosper.
They said, Have you come to turn us away from the faith we found
our father's following, so that you and your brother can gain
greatness in this land.
We will never believe in you. And Pharaoh said, Bring me every
learned sorcerer.
When the sorcerer's came, Moses said to them, throw down whatever
you have. When they did so Moses said,
every everything you have brought is sorcery and God will show it to
be false. God does not make the work of Mischief Makers right.
He will up
Hold the truth with his words, even if the evildoers hate it.
But no one believed in Moses, except a few of his own people,
for fear that Pharaoh and their leaders would persecute them.
Pharaoh was domineering in the land and prone to access.
Moses said, My people, if you have faith in God, and are devoted to
him, put your trust in him. They said, We have put our trust in
God, Lord, do not make us an object of persecution for for the
oppressors. Save us in your mercy from those who reject your
We revealed to Moses and his brother,
how's your people in Egypt, and make these houses places of
worship? Keep up the prayer. Give good news to the believers. And
Moses said, Our Lord, you have given Pharaoh and his chiefs,
splendor and wealth in this present life and here they are
Lord, leading others astray from your path.
Our Lord, obliterate their wealth, and harden their hearts so that
they do not believe until they see the agonizing torment.
God said, your prayers are answered. So stay on the right
course and do not follow the path of those who do not know.
We took the children of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh and his
troops pursued them in arrogance and aggression.
But as he was drowning, he cried.
I believe there is no God except the one the children of Israel
believing. I submit to Him. Now, when you had always been a rebel
and a troublemaker, today, we shall save only your corpse as a
sign to all posterity.
A great many people fail to heed our signs.
We settled the children of Israel in a good place, and provided good
things as sustenance for them.
It was only after knowledge had come to them that they began to
differ among themselves. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day
of Resurrection regarding their differences.
So if you profit are in doubt about what We have revealed to
you. Ask those who have been reading the scriptures before you.
The truth has come to you from your Lord. So be in no doubt and
do not deny God's signs, then you would become one of the losers.
Those against whom your Lord sentence is past will not believe
even if every sign comes to them, until they see the agonizing
If only a single town had believed and benefited from its belief,
only Jonah's people did so. And when they believed, we relieved
them of the punishment of disgrace in the life of this world, and let
them enjoy life for a time.
Had your Lord willed all the people on earth would have
believed? So can you profit compel people to believe
no soul can believe except by God's will. And he brings disgrace
on those who do not use their reason? Say, look at what is in
the heavens and on the earth.
But what use are signs and warnings to people who will not
What are they waiting for, but a punishment like that, which came
to those before them? Say, wait, then I am too I am waiting to.
In the end, we shall save our messengers and the believers, we
take it upon ourselves to save the believers.
Prophets say people, if you are in doubt about my religion, I do not
worship those you worship other than God, but I worship God who
will cause you to die. And I am commanded to be a believer.
Prophet. Set your face towards religion as a man of pure faith.
Do not be one of those who join partners with God. Do not pray to
any other god that can neither benefit nor harm you. If you do,
you will be one of the evil doers. If God inflicts harm on you, no
one can remove it but him and if he intends good for you, no one
can turn his bounty away.
He grants his bounty to any of his servants. He
Will, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful, say, people,
the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever follows the
right path, follows it for his own good. And whoever strays does so
to his own loss, I am not your guardian.
Prophet, follow what is being revealed to you, and be steadfast
until God gives His judgment, for he is the best of judges.
This is the end of Surah number 10.
Surah number 11. Who
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, forgive her Have mercy,
olive lamb raw. This is a scripture whose verses are
perfected, then set out clearly from one who is all wise, all
aware. Say Prophet, worship no one but God, I am sent to you from him
to warn and to give good news. Ask your Lord for forgiveness, then
turn back to him.
He will grant you wholesome enjoyment until an appointed time
and give his grace to everyone who has merit.
But if you turn away, I fear you will have torment on a terrible
It is to God that you will all return and he has power over
See how the disbelievers wrap themselves up to hide their
feelings from him. But even when they cover themselves with their
clothes, he knows what they can seal on what they reveal. He knows
well the innermost secrets of the heart.
This is the end of Jos number 11.
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this has been a Safina society production