Shadee Elmasry – Jacob Wrestles God NBF 273
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hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While he was sad
to be human Well welcome everybody to the Safina society nothing but
facts live stream. Another gorgeous day out in this great
state of New Jersey, the sun is out the weather is I would say
just barely crispy. Okay, we had a great guest yesterday in Hampstead
sorts, and we talked about a lot of things today we're gonna have
great guests and that is Sheikh Abdullah Misra, who is an expert.
But first, can you believe this? Look at what I'm holding up here.
Are these people actually serious in this era that and the way
people live here and all the busyness and they're going to drag
me to court
on February 13
at 8:45am
because I possessed a goat for 24 hours in the town.
You have got to be kidding me.
Cannot believe this?
Geez, you are hereby notified that the court matters listed below has
been rescheduled. All right. What is the court matter?
complaint number SC 202-321-2525 Possession of goat
what you call yourself and there are pitbulls walking around
Oh my gosh. It's you know what bothered me? Is the waste of time.
I cannot stand waste of time. 845 What is the February 13? What is
that? It's not like the day after the Super Bowl or something?
February the 13th and also so remember this that's a Tuesday
we're supposed to be streaming
while we're gonna be streaming and this thing is not on Zoom. I have
to show up by order of the Judge James whole bitch know what? That
is a terrible name. You got it
Are you kidding me? This is his name. I hope he doesn't see the
stream but I mean
that you can't be it cannot be
it cannot be
that cannot be his name
No, you have got to seriously be kidding me. Change it. By Sharia
you would change your name.
I mean the kids gonna get made fun of. I mean, just
I'm here trying to be a good pious most of them and I can't stop
that is one of the
there are a lot of funny names out there. This one's not funny. This
one is just straight up.
Okay, prepare to be there from 8:30am to 4pm Are you nuts? So I'm
going to take the day off.
I'm going to take the whole day to sit in a ridiculous courtroom by
charging my computer the night before
and get to work and just be miserable all day. sitting there
in a courtroom. It shouldn't even be called to court this stuff any
Half Legal clerk could do this stuff
with are they gonna have like the golden understand like in the
courtroom? I'm gonna tell them what Dr. Harris Amin told me.
Okay, ocean retina if you want to get your eyes fixed. He comes to
Jersey come see inside lockouts. Get your eyes fixed. He said
Where's the goat? Nobody no crime because that good stead
it's been slaughtered and eaten for eight. Yeah, when I took her
back I think it was a her him I can you remember it was her when I
took her back. Okay. She was too skinny for aid. It was going to be
the next aid.
But he managed managed to fatten her up enough
and someone bought her and slaughtered her and ate her fried
February 13 25 Kirkpatrick Street New Brunswick
please notify the court of any disability accommodation needs no
I need anger management at this point. Right
that's that's the need that I accommodation that I need.
Plus, come back from a wonderful Texas trip to that on my
Texas was amazing. Dallas specifically. Okay, was totally
amazing. And
there's there's two observations I made.
And I think it's, you know, the first one is good. The second one
could be good or not good depending on your your depending
on yourself. So, the first one is that they have they have masajid
And then they have called a sec called this act called the SEC
called the SEC. A call the SEC for those in England. It's basically a
development made in a U, a U shaped development or kidney
shaped development and their homes on both sides of the road. So you
drive down the road. And there are homes on both sides. Not small not
big, right but very nicely not done. Like Newt new construction,
beautiful brick designs vary. Everyone's got a different design.
And you go around in a you like that, basically. And I think maybe
the you meets again. So it's almost like a teardrop almost with
homes on both sides. So maybe you got 3040 homes. So you got these
like teardrop teardrop teardrop teardrop. And then you got the
masjid. And I only saw one of these examples. There's probably
two or three.
And England has that but not to the size. Right? Not like I've
seen Cricklewood mosque, for example, if anyone's been to
London, cricoid mosque. It's at the end of a long road and it's at
the end of the road. That's cricket Birmingham probably has.
But in any event
that to me was very impressive. And not only that, it's all
It's all intentional. So by the way, shake up the Lynn, is you're
not here, okay.
It's all intentional. Like even the youth and the kids. They know
that their parents moved there just for the sake of the Muslim
school or the Muslim community or what have you. Houston, how to
Houston is not like Dallas, I would say is here Houston is a bit
of a less cosmopolitan city. But it has a massive Islamic
population with some population masajid I've never seen the size
of it here on the east coast because they have so much land
they don't know what to do with it. Okay. And so some of these
massages are simply massive. All I can tell you is the two basketball
courts huge Musala
recreation room wedding wedding hall. One Masjid even has a Mr.
Jamaah room in the masjid. Like the masjid has, it's like long
like this has men's side here, women's side here. And then
there's a little room on the side. If you miss the gym out another
room has like
just like a glass wall. And it's like soundproof and they babies
and kids could go there and moms could go there. And it's big glass
so they could see the rest of the masala so they feel like they're
not cloistered up in a closed room. Right. And people love that.
And so that part was extremely impressive. We did three events
there. And by the way, guess who I met in the flesh Malachy click? It
was there came down from Oklahoma. Okay, Oklahoma, where the wind,
you know, comes blowing down the plains into Gaza. You guys know
that? Of course, you're not going to know that the same people who
don't know what a trapper keeper is? He's not going to know that
for sure. Well, when you play piano when your youngest the first
song that they teach you how to play anyway.
So we end up going, he comes down and he spends a day with us. We go
to this one event. Two events, three events, we had three events
on Saturday. Every single one of them was at least I would say 70
People minimum if not to 270 to 200 people, all different groups.
Like it wasn't the same group.
And that's the vibe they get. There's a lot of activity, tons of
activity. Right.
Okay, tons of activity, nonstop, it seems activity. And you got
some of the biggest names there. So on Sunday, we took a tour of
your clean we took a tour of Calum Institute and Sheikh Hamza
mockable was there so we did our tour together. And we visited
these institutions we visited actually a being together he had
to leave. And I visited also daata salaam Sheikh
Mufti Azimo Dean was there, we did an event for the youth, and he
likes to go late in the night. So it was like a midnight event.
Okay, so
that was all great. Now, what is the side of it? That's a little
different. I would say I'm not gonna say good or bad. Just an
observation is that and I think there could be a lot of positives
in this. Right. In general, there's
one kind of Dean there, basically. Right, which is a very general and
I would even venture to say, pretty open minded to believe,
you know, to blue light.
Maybe Deobandi a little bit type of a vibe there. So in one sense,
that's good, because everyone's unified. Like there's not there. I
don't I didn't see that. They're like hardcore communities, like
against each other in the way that more mature in time.
In terms of time,
communities and I'm not saying mature mentally or emotionally I'm
saying mature in terms of time, this Dallas project is pretty new,
what is it 20 years people not even that been going there
To live there with them with the Muslim community. So, in that
respect, I don't necessarily think that's totally a bad thing in the
sense that at least people are unified. When I describe them, I'm
not describing them with any criticism. I'm just saying that
that's the minute now people will some people are brand new
listeners and like, wait a second, isn't Islam Islam? Yeah, Islam is
Islam on the things of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that
are mentioned in the Quran, and the Hadith of the messenger peace
be upon him and repeated so many times and are crystal clear. That
is where you could say Islam is Islam. So not everything human
beings utter. Even the Quran itself, which is the word of Allah
has layers of the, or different types of verses, verses in which
the meaning is crystal clear. And it's often repeated verses in
which it could be understood in two different ways. We call that
funny. Right, speculative, it could mean this, it could mean
that, right? That's where human, its Jihad by pious Muslim scholars
comes into play. And we do hold that those opinions are semi
sacred, semi sacred meaning what meaning that it's rooted in the
book and the Sunnah. But it requires the thought of a human
being. All right, so we could say that the word of God and His
Prophet is sacred text, the words of scholars interpreting those
words. All right, we could say it's also
semi sacred, we're not gonna say it's sacred, right, but semi
sacred. So in that respect, there are multiple schools within the
truth. So you have the one tranche no one can disagree with that is
that which has been repeated over and over and over, and is crystal
clear is not up for discussion at all.
And it's not up for discussion, even if it wasn't repeated over
and over, if it's one time it was recited, revealed in the Quran,
and it's crystal clear, and there's no discussion about it.
The meaning cannot be interpreted away, then there's no discussion,
and that's Islam period discussion over, okay. Then there's that
other layer of Hadith, it's a verses and Hadith, sayings of the
Prophet peace be upon him, that could be interpreted either way.
And then there is on top of that problems that didn't exist in the
early era of Muslims.
And scholars have to give rulings about those problems. They have to
solve those problems. They have to, they don't have a choice. You
they must if you're a scholar of Islam, you must and there's a
fitna in your community, you must, the scholars must come up with a
solution. Okay? And that's where you have now it's a fork in the
road, and these are innovations, but they can be necessary
innovation. What's an example of unnecessary innovation that every
Muslim observes today, multiple mosques in one city?
You shouldn't have Joomla except one Joomla. In the town, there
should only be one Juma in every sound, that's the rule of Islam.
Why? Because that's how the Prophet lived in the city of
Medina, there was one Juma prayer.
As a result of that, the Sahaba took that as a as a rule that in
the city, there should be one Juma prayer, the city should unify on
one clip every Friday. Well, that's in the case where it's
physically possible. As soon as the city now becomes so massive,
and so huge.
You have to accommodate multiple dramas. That's a that's
unnecessary innovation. Okay. It's unnecessary innovation. How about
this? You cannot have multiple GEMA multiple Juma prayers in one
mosque for example, you can't have two of those Hey, there's a vote
Salah at one and there's we're going to pray vote again at to the
second Imam we got to Imams that's not allowed in Islam.
We're not allowed to do that. Why? Because we don't only pray as the
Prophet prayed. The Prophet never did that. The Prophet ray comes to
Salah. The Prophet clearly said prayers you see me pray. So the
methodology of learning how to pray is only from the Prophet
peace be upon then comes. Now imagine what about Joomla Joomla
is far more important, right? Joomla is far more important.
Juma prayer is founded on an adult male who's resident and praying in
the Jamaat is sunnah.
So how know what to know about the fact that we have multiple jamas
cookbooks in one Masjid multiple cookbooks and one mustard every
Friday. Why? Because the parking just won't allow
afford it.
I don't know of a single Masjid out there that is of a sizable in
a sizable community that has one drummer in North Jersey and
Patterson they have four Joma solos, the parking just won't
allow for otherwise. So that is unnecessary innovation. What is
the recommended innovation and innovation we all observe as
Muslims that has no basis in the action of the prophet or the
companions? And yet, everyone does it. Tada we're starting the first
night with ls la meme so little Bacara and all the way we recite
at the end
SUTA tennis?
Why is it recommended so that everyone can hear the Quran exam
of Quran is highly recommended to do this, haven't ever did it. The
second generation never did it. Who knows maybe the fourth
generation fifth generation is the first generation of Muslims to do
So when we talk about innovations, there are obligatory innovations,
necessary innovations, permitted innovations, discouraged
innovations and forbidden innovations. And that is the
philosophy of the great commander of right for bidder of wrong great
scholar Sultan. Allah is in Abdus Salam, the Syrian scholar who was
expelled from Syria by the governor because he forbid wrong
he was forbidding wrong. On some matters, he expelled him we went
to Egypt is not the set up then is the firt is one of those who
classified the innovation in this manner.
The Hana Villa never accepted it.
So we have to be fair and say that there is another
view of this. So they they they don't accept it. And so how do
then do they explain.
They just have different terminology because they also
recognize the necessity of the three things that I mentioned.
Multiple dramas in the city, multiple clippers in one masjid,
and tada we from hats, from fat to Hudson s are puppets in us. They
also do this and they recognize that but they just term and term
it differently. They give it different terms. I don't know what
they call it. I'm not an expert, when it comes to humbly
innovations in the hamady school.
All right, where is our che? Where's our guests? Yeah, give
them a ring
All right, let's in that case, one thing we didn't do for a long time
is open QA. And one of the things that I want to do in the future
Is I want to study the Scofield Bible. But I'm going to research
it for a little bit. And you know what, it'd be nice if we can get a
an expert on the Scofield by the we are on a Judaism, Israel's
Zionism, you know, tear here. We're covering everything, it
seems to me. Right? And let me tell you something that just
drives me nuts. Every time I think about this. What is the meaning of
Get in Arabic, we consider the meaning to have been Abdullah
Seola. Right. This the slave of Allah, but the Hebrew in Hebrew or
in Judaism? What is the meaning? Let me read it to you. I'll read
it to you.
I have it here. I mean, it's nothing complicated, but let me
give it to you.
the meaning the very meaning that has penetrated then the ethic, the
of the Jew. Okay.
All right.
The biblical figure, Jacob, Jakob siniakova. Islam is also called as
Israel. Now we have that in the Quran to
Sheikh Abdullah, you're here. Come on to the Zoom link.
Yeah, check, check the email. Come on. We're waiting for you.
Okay, Jacob called is called Israel, the one who wrestled with
God according to Genesis 3510. This is so important to understand
the nature of this poem.
Jacob the head, the founder of this family, this group, this
tribe this religion, so called wrestled with God according to
Genesis 3510. As the children of Israel, the Jewish community has
carried on this legacy of wrestling with God
Now you understand why God cannot just give an order, and you just
accepted it and he split the red seeds in and he bring you
miracles, didn't he? Isn't he your God? No. So if God could put the
phone from here to here, the Jewish ethic is to wrestle with
God. Wait a second. Why there? Why not? They're okay.
Why they're in why not? They're
rest. What does it mean to wrestle with God? Of course, in their
belief in the Bible, it's like a mystical thing where God took a
form, and Jacob physically wrestled with God. Okay? And that
physical activity that Jacob did in this lie in this fabrication
and this nonsense, imprinted upon him, and within him, the physical
wrestling God imprinted within his DNA, that we will always wrestle
god. Okay. So the Jewish community has carried on
this legacy of wrestling with God. Okay, how do you wrestle with God?
You wrestle with God by arguing with his every commandment, and
disagreeing with his every creation? So if he created the sky
blue, why blue? Why not? Let's make it another Keller. If he told
you do this, do Sabbath on Friday, or do your worship on Friday?
Now, let's do it on Saturday. Okay, if he said don't have fish
on, on Saturday, put the nets in on Friday. Let's try to always
trick God. Let's try to always find a loophole that is the
meaning. Go and listen, no offense, if somebody is of Jewish
background, I'm reading your own websites. And that's explanation
of the Talmud, which is how far can we go in the law? The Torah is
of course, the holy book. The Talmud is essentially how far can
we interpret things? And what conclusions can we come out? I'm
reading from a Jewish website here.
Sheikh Abdullah is going to reschedule Okay, unfortunately,
he's got to reschedule no problem so we're gonna read here then
about this history. Okay.
Let's go to another the Bible project.
Another explanation of God. Jacob wrestling with God, you have to
understand now the origin of all this meat look put put down.
Israel wrestles with God. Okay.
That's the title of the new stream. Okay.
what's happening?
How are you? Good. I'm on the stream. You're on live TV?
Jacob, here it is Bible with duct Bible. This is it
just is one of those things that you get a tick when you hear it
because it makes so little sense. It's the dumbest thing that you
have ever seen. Okay, let me let me put it this way. The concept of
wrestling with God.
Let's play say I'm for playing chess. How do you win a game of
chess? Right? Well, well, we all know how to win a game of chess,
you got to move the pieces. You got to move the little soldiers,
the pawns and then you move the pieces. And then you check the
kink. The King has nowhere to go. Any move he makes. He'll be eaten.
J he'll be taken. So you got to slowly win the game that way.
Okay. Imagine now I tell you you play chess with me like this.
You have to defeat me. My way of winning is that I have a big
screen with a big green button.
The moment I want to win, I can hit the button and I win.
Why would you play against me?
Why would you play against me? That is the same meaning of
wrestling with God. And then there's no button. There's just
the word couldn't.
What is the word couldn't for a new Muslim to understand. The word
couldn't means be exist, come into existence. It's two letters Kev
and noon. Now, no notice. The word Quran is also a means God doesn't
have to do this.
Okay. But he's just telling us that when he wants something to
come into existence, all that he has to say is B and it is. He does
not have to follow a process. The physical laws causing effect do
not apply
lie to God.
We have to follow processes. If I want to pick up the phone, I gotta
move my arm. I gotta grasp with my finger. I gotta live with my
muscles. Okay? My God doesn't have to do this. Okay if if Allah
wanted this phone to levitate in the air he just say Be and it is.
And that's no big deal. That's not even surprising to us. Like when
we see a miracle, the surprise should be that I'd never seen
anything like this before. Not how could this be? It could be very
easily. Well, how could gravity be because Allah said being it as he
created gravity and wood the difference between gravity and a
levitating phone is nothing other than one is the customary way of
The other is new to us. We've never seen it before. Okay, and
why did God create things this way? So that we don't go crazy. So
that life can be predictable? So that we can manipulate things?
So they come
and you are Zhi Shan Whose friend are you?
Oh just popped in all right good. We gotta get where you from but
no, seriously right here. Sorry. East Brunswick Island salad so
you're just a listener who popped in? Mashallah, come on take a
seat. Make yourself comfortable Zhi Shan so what do you tell us
about yourself?
Okay, mashallah, good. I saw the soil local brother coming in, and
to listen it. Now listen to this. You wouldn't. This is the
understanding we have of creation, there is no concept of a miracle,
so to speak the way the Christians have it. The Christians have it.
The premise of the Christian belief is that the way things are
now is absolute. We say it's not absolute gravity only exists
because God wants it to exist. They don't want it to exist, it
won't exist. We call it marches ads cut on ads and how I could add
that what what are these mean?
A mortgage is a is a way in which a profit, handcuffs his enemies, a
profit handcuffs, his enemies and silences his enemies. That's a
Marchesa. And it it's
it's a Hanukkah, I'm going to explain all these words, it's
aquatica with a claim of Prophethood
it's something that
it is against the norms of things with the claim of Prophethood
that's what we call a margin. We shouldn't call it a miracle.
Because once you say miracle, you're accepting a Christian
framework in which the way things are is absolute. We don't say it's
absolute. It's just because Allah wants it to be good. It's what is
what's the what's the word for this?
Somehow Subhanallah anyone skips give my mind it's just it's not
absolute. It's just gets contingent just because Allah
wants it to be that way. Yeah, contingent is the word I was
looking for had. So
for the other word that you should know is cut off.
Kurama is a Hanukkah which is a change of the norms without the
claim of prophethood.
The Kurama comes to anybody who was a pious Muslim, the marches
are only comes to prophets. Okay.
The Kurama comes to regular to pious Muslims. Without the it's a
change of the norm, without the claim of prophethood. In contrast,
the module is a is the same thing.
But with the claim of prophethood. That's the only difference. Now
there are high percentages, the high percentage, and there are add
up the high percentages in depth. Now, before I get to that, I'm
gonna explain to you what ohada means. A Clodagh simply means a
change of the norm. So what's the norm the sunrises from the east?
Alright, Gattaca would be the sun rising from anywhere besides the
east. What is the norm regarding the phone? If I drop it, it falls
down to the ground.
The karaka would be that gravity stops. Right? That's the kind of
the norm is waterfalls down. The karaka is Moses split the sea? So
the Caracalla Elijah what is the word cortical ad? What is the
ladder dad is the norm by which we live the normal way we live the
normal laws that we expect to be in place gravity, right fire, we
expect that if I throw something in the fire, it's gonna burn.
That's a norm. But Prophet Ibrahim was in the fire and didn't burn.
Okay. So in our perspective, we don't have this concept of
miracles. That has a premise that it's an unexplained you know, way
things are. No, it's a very simple explanation. Both the gravity
and levitation are both simply because Allah said b and it is
except one
On, he has established it as the law for our world, the norm I
should say, the norm for our world and the other it happens only a
few times in history. Okay? How many times has a man been born to
a woman without a father one time and oh never happen again?
Why do we say it never happened again? Whenever a miracle a
Marchesa, a Kurama, something is specified to a specific person and
Allah names the person the scholars take from that, that its
uniqueness now rationally, could it happen? Yes, Rationally
speaking, but by the Quran, it won't happen. Right? It could
happen Allah, there's nothing that stops Allah from doing this.
There's nothing inconsistent with Allah creating another man from a
woman without a father. It's rationally possible. But
scripturally, Allah has told us he will not do it again.
Okay, by that sort of method of naming, Merriam And Asa, we gives
the scholars of a belief that it's restricted to them.
You understand what rational versus scriptural means? There's a
difference in rational and scriptural rational means it's not
contradicting anything in our religion. But scriptural means
he's he will, he will not do it, because he chose not to do it.
Okay. So what's an example of a rational impossibility? It's
rationally inconceivable for God not to exist, right? Rationally
For Allah not to exist.
It's rationally conceivable, it is possible for Allah subhanaw taala.
put bliss, in paradise, like there's nothing inconsistent with
the nature of God to do that. However, in the Quran, he's told
us he has informed us He will not do so. He's informed us that bliss
is cursed forever. But Rationally speaking, there's nothing
inconsistent with God in the concept of putting in bliss in the
parent imperatives. But he's told us he won't do it. So that's the
difference between rational and scriptural. When it comes to us as
human beings, when somebody says, for example, are you coming to the
to my wedding? All right, I'm gonna say no.
I can come to the wedding, but I choose not to. Okay, is there
anything stopping? You know, I can come. But I just don't feel like
coming. Right? So that's an example of the difference between
ability to do something. Is it conceivable for me to come to the
wedding? Yes, it's conceivable. but I choose not to. That's the
difference when we say rationally conceivable, or inconceivable and
scripturally, conceivable and inconceivable, you understand?
Marches is only for profits. Cut Alma is for regular people.
Neither of both of them fall under the umbrella umbrella of Hatha
colada. That which goes against the norms of living
the norms of life, to the point that it surprises you. Okay?
That's what it is. So for us, none of this is actually a big deal.
In sense that if you were to walk and see, the reason the cut off is
loved, though. It's not when I say it's not a big deal. That's don't
get I have to specify that it's not a big deal. In the respect of
understanding how it happens, it happens because Allah says,
configure, that's it. But it is a big deal, in the sense that it
also displays God's care for us.
A margin is a is a gift. A karama is a gift.
There are a couple things attributes to each, but they're
not different definitions. The attribute of a margin is a is that
a prophet? can do it by himself.
He can willfully do it, just like Jesus willfully cures the blind.
In most cases, karama is that's not the case. In most cases, in
most cases or in all cases, a mortgage is a should be
okay, we talked about because it should point the people to believe
in him as a prophet. And in most cases a cut off should not be
talked about.
Because humility is preferable for the wealthy. Okay. And it is not
in our Arcada to believe that so and so is a Willie we have in our
updated updated means beliefs, to, to to believe in the concept of,
of a rally. The word rally means someone who is extremely pious
that he is now afforded certain gifts from Allah, what are those
gifts? He's protected, his prayers are answered. If you go against
him, you're then Allah is gonna punish you.
Right so that if you go against him
for purposes of belief, right, not good.
All against him for a valid reason. Like what's a valid
reason? A valid reason? A guy I can believe someone is aware Lee.
if for example,
we have a dispute a business dispute that I'm not going against
him, that's a business dispute, I can take them to court. Right? If
I have a genuine reason to, not personally attacking him, that's
what I mean by going against him. Oh, well, Lee, the attribute of a
Willie is he is extremely pious, knowledgeable, has gone above and
beyond until he's attained God's love. That does not mean he's
Okay. And that's the concept. Now, you may see the signs of that in
somebody, but it's never an obligation to say he's a Willie.
And I believe he's already that's not your obligation. We don't have
to do that. Right.
But we have signed so that we could follow them keep their
company and benefit from them. So the Kurama goes to the Willie and
the marches that goes to the Prophet, both of them
are codify that, which is, this is not the norm. It's, it's something
that is not the norm of life. That's the attribute, okay?
Now, listen to this.
Listen to this to Hadith. And this hadith, you have to be educated.
This to Hadith will alter a person's mentality towards God,
towards the law, towards authority and towards reality.
Okay, because if you whatever your attitude is towards God, he's the
ultimate authority. If you are willing to go against that
authority, then you will easily go against any other authority. And
that's why if you notice in Roman history, every other Caesar an
emperor is going insane. Right? From the rebellions of the Jews.
Right? We Yeah, they're gonna rebel against you. You think they
respect you? They don't even respect God.
Right? Why would they respect you? Secondly, what does it mean to
rebell it but the topic today should have done the Misra. He
couldn't make it
meant another time we'll have him on.
But the topic is now the concept of Jacob wrestling with God and
the psychological, the cultural, spiritual implications of that
belief. If you're first generation believes that, okay, and it
trickles down.
And of course, we have to say that we have none of these beliefs.
In fact,
insula is for an Our understanding is the submitted servant of Allah,
they have altered it to be the one who wrestles with God. Jacob
wouldn't receive God's blessing. He refused it. God bless him with
something he refused it.
What kind of warped thing is this? Right?
God therefore wounds him, okay.
In the place that allowed him to generate his own blessing.
So what like a farm or something? Jacob then
he wants a blessing now. So Jacob used to make his money somewhere,
or something. I don't know what they mean by that. We're gonna go
into the whole thing. I'm just reading the summary first. So he
says then God, then route takes away Jacobs own source of getting
So warped, okay.
Yeah. And then, Jacob, therefore, wrestles God, so he could take the
blessing away from him.
Like, what if a child would not would laugh at this? You can't
wrestle God. As I said earlier, when you're dealing with Allah
subhanaw taala, you want to go against Allah. That means you have
to beat me in chess. In order for me to win, I just have to hit a
big red button.
Why would you play against someone with those rules? Those are the
rules of engagement when you deal with God. Right? You can hit your
head on the wall, you are never ever going to defeat him. So why
are you doing this? They have it as a mystical way in which God
took a form and they in Jacob wrestled him, that's their thing.
Yeah, anthropomorphize. I got actually physically wrestled him
against him. But when it comes down to actual reality of life,
the concept of wrestling God ends up being.
Every time God speaks, let's find a way around it.
All right. And every time God creates let's find a way to alter
it. So God creates man and woman to be married. Let's find a way
men and men
and couldn't be married. Right? Let's alter every creation. Let's
interpret away every law. Like there's some simple basic laws in
the Bible that are interpreted away that we see every day in
Jewish life. For example, God said, a very averse that they
didn't understand why we understand today why the verse is
very simple. It says, like, you should not, you should you must
leave, every farmer must leave a piece of land without farming it.
Right, leave a sliver of your land, oh, farmer, leave it empty.
Okay, every year, after you harvest, you should leave a piece
of land empty. Now, maybe they took it as for example, a test
from God, because every farmer would want to farm the whole farm,
And benefit from the whole farm, sustain, like don't use some of
the farm. So it's a test of God. It's a way to
just a test of obedience.
But fast forward in the world and the world that we know now. That's
actually the way to save your farm. Because if you over farm,
what happens, you can kill soil, the soil could become essentially
depleted of nutrients. So every year there is let's say you have
seven plots. Every year, you use six.
And the next year, you rotate, what are they call it? Crop
All right, crop rotation. So we now know that right? But God is
not bound, he contest you. He doesn't have to tell you the
wisdom for everything. You have to believe there's a great wisdom in
this. Okay, so we're doing an action than me doing it for 1000
years not knowing why, just because God said, right.
So what do they do?
Listen to this, just listen to this Talmudic way out around the
I'm also made of clay. Right? The human being is made of soil.
So therefore, me as a farmer, I'm going to leave some of my soil
untouched. What does that mean?
My hair,
these parts of my hair, I won't touch them. And they're I
fulfilled the law. And I'll farm my whole farm. But I'm creative
soil to write is an atom made of soil. Right? Made of made of made
of the clay of the Earth, the dirt of the Earth, right to use dirt in
you know, it's it's technical sense, right? So therefore, I'm
that to therefore all farm with my whole farm, I'll farm out my whole
farm. And I'll just grow out my locks my hair, right? And that
will replace leaving a piece of soil. Who are you fooling with
this stuff? So wrestling against God means everything God commands
everything God creates, let's alter it, change it, let's get
around it. Okay.
And that's where every single odd and bizarre law
and XP expiation, and it comes from this concept.
for the rest of his life. Jacob walked with a limp because God
wounded him. Alright.
That's how that's God's treatment of a prophet.
You got a very mean God. I'm sorry. That's why you're meeting.
Right? You have a very now today for example, a sister asked me a
very good question.
She said if I have extremely extreme pain, like a migraine, and
when I make sujood I'm in extreme pain.
I can sit down yes, you can sit down but do I get more reward for
doing it and we say no in our religion. We don't hold that Allah
Tala rewards you for pain. When there's
a when there is a dispensation or rasa there's not a religion. You
read to Allah who become will use Well, you did you become a loss.
Right? So we're not that kind of religion where God is looking and
seeing that somebody put himself through pain. Now if pain came to
you, that's different. That is from Allah. Like someone in battle
and he gets injured in a certain way. That's totally different. All
Here let's take a look what Tristan says how can you say we
are wise and we have the law of the Lord when actually lying. The
Lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsi totally true.
The Jacob story, listen to this Bible Jewish website
and it was how they speak about their profit to Jacob story is all
about a guy
a guy, that's a career ender, if you're sick.
I mentioned to him have a shake so and so as a website. Like he
better make an excuse. He better say something like, oh my my
your autocorrect or admin or comm will come to tech brother like
you, Hey, get me out of this. This is a career ender.
Right? It was Chad GPT. A guy who doesn't believe he's going to get
God's blessing. So he spends his life hurting everyone around him.
What is wrong with you?
He tries to scheme and seal the blessing and abundance for himself
instead of trusting that God is going to give it to him.
Okay. Now, if that's your exemplar, that's your father.
Distrust of God injuring people and doing some brainless activity
of fighting against reality.
Reality in front of us is God's will. Wrestling God equals
fighting reality. Wrestling, God equals fighting God's law. If God
has a lot, let's find a way around it. And still be clever. Okay. The
plot conflict of Jacob's story seems to stem from his disbelief
in God's ability and willingness to give him the blessing he is
promised before birth. So he spends his life hurting everyone
around him. Instead of trusting God he schemes and tries to steal
the blessing himself. Okay, Jacob is the Son God chooses a direct
contradiction to the ancient Near Eastern cultural practice of
firstborn sons inheriting the father's wealth because Jacob was
not the firstborn son. Jacob's name Yaqoob means the one who
grabbed the heel. Okay.
Why because like his I think it's something I don't know he has a
twin brother name room or something and he grabbed his heel
or something like that. Okay, Jacob is constantly trying to
usurp his brother.
You are usurpers. That's why. All right. Jacob, then wrestles God
for the blessing God intended for him all along a summarizing
picture of Jacob's life. Because Jacob won't receive God's blessing
God therefore wounds him in the place where he generated his own
blessing, I guess his legs because it said he walked with a limp.
And here a Tim and John discuss this biblical narrative and you
believe this is a religion. That's why you behave this way.
If that's your profit, and that's what he did. Okay?
And they go back and they said, Oh, it's not the beginning. This
is a pattern repeated through the Bible. Okay.
Abraham fails to trust God's promise. blessing him a son. Okay,
so they abused their servant Hager
wat Hager and her son Ismail. They don't teach this in comparative
religion. I guarantee you that they teach the sterilized version.
Hager and her son Ismail are sent away because Sarah gets jealous.
Warp warped, I said warped. Yes, monotheistic. Yes, that's they're
good at monotheistic, no idols.
But anthropomorphism and an absolute warping of the stories of
Prophets. We got to say this because this is what's been taught
in every home for 5000 years. And then you wonder why people behave
a certain way. No respect for God. Why would you respect any other
authority? Find a way around God find a way around every other
authority. You SERP God's blessing, Jacob? You serpent gods
must steal anything you want them.
Instead of acting like God's Chosen One, Abraham begins to
curse people
so the pattern here, Abraham, Isaac what they sing Isaac did
this too. They're saying that Isaac did this to
you? serped. Yes. Oh, sorry. Jacob is not the twin of room. Isaac is
the twin of room. What do they say about Isaac?
They're twins.
Okay, wait a second. Did I get it wrong? Yeah, I got her. I got it
wrong. Jacob is the twin of room.
Siblings, but then Isaac then has two kids. Twins are younger
yeah, that's what they said. That's a topic for another day. So
Esau and Jacob are twins in the Islamic one version of the story,
the Muslim version of the story. I guess they got different
narrations from the Jews because they all come back to the Jews.
But there is one version that the Muslims have accepted regarding
Jacob, and that he had a twin brother named room. Let me just
tell you one of the stories that we don't say this as sacred story,
but we say this is what the Muslims have accepted of the
Hebrew stories is that Jacob and Esau, they were twins.
Isaac was going to give the prophethood to Esau.
Room, the Arabs called him room.
The mom preferred. She loves Yaqoob the father loved her room.
Is Hawk loved the room.
Isaac had gone blind at that time. And she says she feels that Isaac
is not giving Yaqoob his heart does not give him a fair chance.
Okay, again, I'm telling you the story that's told in Muslim books
that's accepted. It's acceptable. It's not saying it's true, but
it's acceptable story. And so as Hulk asks for a grilled sheep, to
be brought to him, and he tells this to room, not Jaco.
The room then the mother, he overhears this, she goes and she
tells Yaqoob Hurry up, get a sheep, slaughter it, cook it
really well. Present it to your father is hot, maybe he'll make
dua for you. So he does it quickly. And this is the lesson of
somebody who does the good deed quickly, rather than delays the
good deed. So room goes takes his sweet old time, right. And in the
meantime, Yaqoob come does it quickly because he wants his dad's
He puts it in front of him without saying anything.
Again, I'm telling you a story that there is no authenticity to
any of the Hebrew stories. But it's one of the Hebrew stories
that has trickled into the books of Muslims. And they've accepted
it in the sense that there's nothing
scripturally inconceivable about it. That's it. Just a story do not
take it as belief or not belief. But there are good lessons in it.
Okay, and there are the result is something that is you'll see the
result in a second.
He then makes jaw and he puts his hand on his head and he says Allah
bless him with the prophet hood.
Yaqoob receives the prophethood. He leaves some period of time
later. A room comes with
a sheep a roasted sheep.
Yeah, yeah. Coop member is talking about this. I mean, Remy he's
blind. He's what is this? He says, You asked for the sheet father. He
said, didn't you bring the sheet before. And I made dua for you.
And I bestowed the Naboo on you.
Remember, every dollar of profit is accepted. There's no going
He realizes what happened Yaqoob found out about it.
And did it before him.
And he stole the prophethood that's how room sees it. So room
goes mad.
He starts yelling, he starts shouting. Yaqoob hears this he
runs for his life.
And he goes and he seeks refuge in the next town over and the next
town over he lives with them and he stays with them. Okay for a
while. Then the family and the tribes say okay, well, let's calm
this down. Because now for a period of time is Hawk, sorry,
your room is chasing Iacob and trying to kill him is his inner
rage for what he did.
Finally, the tribe says let's bring these two together and make
peace. They bring those two people together the two brothers
together. And Yaqoob says
I'm going to give your brother the room he says I will give you
of course and a saying you can't steal profited. Of course this is
why you know a lot of this stuff is he perceived it that it was
stolen from him. So he says so the story goes like this. The story
says that room
you will receive three prayers from me
in compensation,
of missing out on what you expect it to come to you which is the
number one what are these three prayers. The first prayer is we
will give you milk your lineage they will be kings on Earth.
Number two
you all have your land
You will have beautiful fair faces, like you will have
wonderful skin and good faces, you will be handsome essentially, and
your women will be beautiful.
Number three, you will outnumber you will be of great numbers.
Okay, and you will be the Lords of your brother's progeny.
Right you will be in charge.
Meanwhile, your brother will have prophethood. But he will have
small numbers, and he will be subservient. So they will be
subjugated to the monarchies of your room,
and you have to leave and he stays.
So room, packed his bag and he leaves.
And he goes and he settles in a new land past the Mediterranean
And there he lives and he becomes a soldier and he works in his
progeny become soldiers of the King there. Until one day, the
many generations later, the king's son rapes the wife of a general of
a general from the lineage of a room.
And they have had enough with this, this king, and these people,
and because they're the army now,
this tribe has become influential in the army, they conquer, and
that's the beginning of the Roman Empire.
So the Roman Empire is the dua of his hop, for monarchy, numbers,
fair faces, and the dominion over
yet Jacob and his progeny. So that's the explanation of the
reality of the Roman Empire constantly being what it is, and
then dominating over the Jews. That is one of the stories that
that they tell about Jake. Okay, but what are we reading here?
We're reading different Jewish websites, on the content of Jewish
concepts of wrestling with God. Recently on my social media, I've
been sharing
my man.
If I was ever choose a rabbi, it's this guy. usif Mizrachi, probably
Misaki Mizrahi, Yusuf Mizrahi. And why do I bring him up right now
use it from Israel. He is. He's famous for a couple speeches that
he gave. And he's probably given a data set in front of like, 50
people, in which he says, this is the law of God, whether we like it
or not, we can't change God's law.
Now, I'm looking at this and I'm like, and it's stuff that's all
politically incorrect. Right? He says, If Obama comes in and gives
us a billion dollars, and he says, Don't touch the churches, we have
to descend. We cannot accept it. We have to tear down the churches.
Don't say, is this good for us or bad for us? It's God's law, we
have to do it. Now, you know what I'm thinking to myself. That's not
the Jewish ethic. Right. That's the Islamic ethic. Forget the law.
His attitude is one of submission. Right? That's not the Jewish
ethic, the Jewish ethic is, that's the law. Let's find a way around
it. And that's why I felt I relate to this guy. This guy is an
anomaly. Okay. And get, and he gives all these speeches. I don't
know where he is. But let me just play one for Hey, can I send it to
you? And you could put it up?
What if it's not from YouTube?
Yeah, all right. Let me send you
one of His, okay. I'm just gonna send you one of them. It's, it's
not from YouTube. So and Omar will put it up. But
this is what we're talking about here. Okay. His attitude to me, it
is not an Islam is not a Jewish attitude at all. Okay, this
attitude of just pure submission, this is God's law discussion over.
Right. Because at the end of it, he says, I don't care if it's good
for me or not. For me, it's God's law. That's the torah, the torah,
right? And so, I'm thinking like, I respect it. I don't believe in
the law that you're saying. I don't believe in that. Right. But
if that's your law, your attitude is the correct attitude to the
law. Right? Has and that's why I tell people all the time Listen,
before when I when people start teaching me asking questions and
fixing stuff, right? And it starts studying FIP.
I said, Listen, before we even start studying, what's our
attitude going to be here? Number one, you assess the teacher and
the school of thought that you plan on studying, right?
And you you obey it, you follow it? Because you have accepted it.
assess it, quickly assess it. Take your time, assess it firmly. That
means this book Yes, it's a reliable book.
This teacher is a reliable teacher. This school of thought is
acceptable to me and not only acceptable is worthy of following
not only worthy, the most worthy of following okay?
Once you make that exception then no don't come in and be all
lawyering with me and and, and conniving don't ask questions if
it's you can ask why but do not have a rebellious attitude you
chose the doctor right? You chose the meth hub I chose the Hanafi
madhhab the Hanafi madhhab does not allow you to combine your
Salah for traveling right or wrong don't ask colorless accepted you
can ask what is the evidence why accept it, you chose the method
accept it, okay. Otherwise you are lawyer yourself out of this
And your methodology will resemble Judaism and not Islam. Okay,
that's how we operate that's the way to be
that's the methodology which is in complete contradiction to this
Jewish concept here of wrestling with God
All right, let's get our let's get our man our Rabbi And what are
these the reason I love this is because the evangelical Christians
cannot accept this right? Why you evangelical Christians waving the
flag of Israel when the Torah wants your churches burned
hit it and if the United States government who say okay okay you
becoming too fanatic the government or religious will give
you a billion dollar extra every year to the aid don't touch the
churches. Now let's listen to them God comes before Obama and his
friends you understand I'm telling you what the laws are. If we are
strong enough to do it one day I doubt it all place in the world
that we will occupy in a wall we will have it mitzvah we go to a
wall we occupy let's say we occupy Lebanon and over them as either
worshipping places we have the same obligation to destroy it. Why
because now we live there we occupy the place we occupy the
place that always say we are Nickelback ha don't leave anything
any idols among you. So every place that you live in and now you
do original owner of the place now new the new owner I should say
from now on you have the same obligation to purify the place
from all the idols
do not even
listen. Go again to WhatsApp go again. Another one another one
I'm salaam I'm a Z. What's happenin Ryan give out a full
house here. All right, let's hear this one.
Listen to this.
Israel is fighting this war for you and me.
One Piece appealed to Israel. These are Hindus saying we're with
Israel. Now let's see what our man is gonna
fix billion idol worshippers who makes God angry every second of
their life Indian Chinese, Japanese. Tibet, Nepal,
Thailand. So many India alone is 500 Millions, India, Hindus,
Buddhists, and Christian at least six six and a half billion people
are either well she feels that holding to the Torah. Do not have
the right to leave the world she felt goy that penalty. Not only
Jews even going down tonight or who believe who believe in JC
deserve death penalty. All right, so there you go. Evangelicals,
Hindus, BJP, Modi, all of you. You don't deserve to live according to
the toga. Okay.
There you go.
That's your boy. I want more Isaac Mizrahi. Our more our more of him
use of his right. Our more abusive was right. Okay.
But I'm telling you that this is not the Jewish ethic. He is
submitted to the law of his religion. You're not a real Jew.
The right way to do it is to wrestle with God find a way around
He's, he's influenced by Muslims. Yeah.
All right. Look at this Bible. Abraham is bad, and
occasionally acts like a snake.
Okay, but the grandson of Abraham doesn't occasionally act like a
snake. He's born truck.
Okay, lying he is a liar. What if lying is his language from the
womb? That's exactly what the story of Jacob is all about lying
lying lying, his language is lying. So
there are weight reason people behave a certain way is because
there's an ethic, there is a culture, there is a belief from
the top that has trickled down for hundreds of years. Okay.
All right.
Jacob is known as the heel grabber.
From the beginning, he tries to grab his brother's heel when he
was coming out of the womb. He grabbed his heel. Okay.
And that is a symbolism for the reality that he repeatedly tries
to usurp his brother Esau from the beginning Genesis 25. Okay.
And then they cite the story that he brought the lamb to his father
and took the prophethood nabbed the prophet hood and so in your
religion that's something you could steal. So you stole
everything from day one.
It goes to the profit it's still the lens no problem. Well, lens is
much less than to Booyah. In your religion, your guy your guy stole
prophethood or you steal anything at this point.
Later Jacob and Rebecca scheme
okay to deceive Isaac,
and prophets, and Allah doesn't protect his profits from being
schemed against.
God doesn't protect his profits.
I'm telling you, this is let's get to Jacob wrestling and then we're
going to wrap up for today enough
of this this trash.
Okay, but it does, it is a very, very, very useful explanation of
the behavior of a people the mentality of a people. We are at
wrestling with God. Okay, we're wrestling with God. If you believe
that you can wrestle with God, you will wrestle with any authority,
and what is the meaning of wrestling with God? It is to go
against his law in every way, shape and form.
And it is to go against reality
to constantly warp reality, okay.
All right. So now let's let's read this are ironically, the blessing
that Jacob seals is one God destined for him all along.
Jacob is either unaware of what God's said about him, or he can't
believe it. So he spends all his gender energy to scheme. Hey, you
use that word, not me. They used it Bible To scheme
and cease scheming and stealing.
This what you are saying about Jacob, and you get upset when
people say it about you.
Hold on a second. You get upset? The Jews gets upset when people
call you schemers who stole land. But why is all your website and
your Bible saying it about Jacob your forefather your progenitor
Jacob schemes and steals the very thing God had promised him because
he did not trust God.
In part four, they study the conclusion. What is the end
result? This is where we get to Jacob wrestling god.
Okay. Again and again. Jacob acts like a snake. After he deceives
Isaac with Rebecca, his wife. We never hear about Rebecca again.
She doesn't receive much mentioned because she dies young. It says if
she has brought a curse upon herself, because she set this plan
in motion or when you're going to blame Rebecca
when what she thought was good in her eyes brings not blessing but
death. Well, maybe this is where Shakespeare got Macbeth from, you
know Macbeth.
Macbeth, the king. He gets old and Macbeth is a soldier. Okay. And it
seems and and the kings the witches said one day you'll be
king. Okay. And the king loves Macbeth. And he's going to make
him think so Macbeth's wife. Shakespeare stole this. He
completely loved it. He just changed the characters.
Macbeth, then he says, Well, I'm going to be king anyway. So his
wife says, you're going to be king anyway. Go kill the king. It's
written you're destined to be the king anyway. Right? So go kill the
king and become become King yourself.
Just like they're saying here.
Rebecca is the one who instigated this. I don't Well, not so much
respect for Shakespeare anymore. He nabbed it.
He sold it, this the same exact concept. Okay. And then he goes
and he kills the king, and then he feels so guilty because he killed
the king. Why is our TV keep going on and off for some reason? Yeah.
All right. So Jacob and Rebecca,
she brings a curse upon himself herself, because she's the one who
brought this all in motion. She thought it was good, because it
would bring the blessing but in fact, it brings death. Okay.
Okay. After this, Jacob enters a 20 year period of exile, leaving
home to stay with his uncle. Let Ben
I'm sorry, Rebecca seems to be the mom. Not that's not the wife.
Okay. Jacob then enters a 20 year period of exile. And he lives with
Lebron, his uncle,
Jacob and Lebanon take turns deceiving each other.
Jacobs, see these things. The reason is that, while the scribes
are writing, because they were deceivers, they painted their
profits as deceivers. That's probably the reality of what
happened on the ground. Good.
Jacob's flock continues to multiply, and he ends up with four
wives and 12 sons. All of this has got evidence of God's blessing.
But his wives all hate each other. And so to his children.
This is like
what's his name? Mark?
Is it not Mark Twain? Yeah, it's like not Mark Twain. Who's the guy
who wrote The Raven.
The guy who wrote the rate, Edgar Allan Poe, and he wrote the
ushers, the fall the ushers, all the kids hate each other guy with
like multiple kids and wives, and they all hate each other. All
right. And he's like, this rich millionaire guy, but his curse is
that all his kids Subhanallah you come here and all these authors,
it turns out ripping off the Bible, right? And these are the
original fiction writers. This is all a bunch of fiction.
His family is divided and constantly hurts each other. And
it all stems from Jacobs own failure to trust God, he remains
determined to seize God's gift by force at the expense of others
when God would have given it to him. Okay? Now, if Allah
guarantees you something, he guarantees you something.
Okay? And there's a chance to just take it and you're rushing and you
want it so badly. Just follow Allah's law, and trust that he's
gonna give it to you in the right way. Okay, because like some
people, they always say I had a dream I'm gonna marry so and so.
And then all of a sudden, now he's dating her and stuff. Oh, I have a
dream is from Allah. Okay, fine. It could be. First of all, the
concept is not inconceivable. But the method you have to follow
God's law. And then you'll see if your dream is true or false, but
to now go and break God's law, because you believe that he's
going to give it to you anyway. This is it that yes, you'll get it
and it'll be cursed. Just because you get something. Just because
you get just because Allah gives you something and promises you
something doesn't mean it's he's promising you a blessing. Right?
He gives you a gift. It doesn't mean you're going to enjoy it. It
could be a curse against you, like Edgar Allan Poe's The Usher, which
seems to be inspired from this.
It seems to be
at the end of this exile, Jacob prepares to encounter his brother
Esau again he stays up all night scheming. How many times is this
Jewish website can use? I don't know if Christian or Jewish but
you guys keep saying scheming. If someone said the Jew schemes you
get upset, right? Just like a Hindu. If a girl is born with six
fingers, oh, Hindus. What do you do if a girl is born with six
fingers? What do you do with that? extra fingers fingers sticking out
from your what do you do with that extra finger?
Why didn't you get it surgically removed? Right? Why do you believe
in a God with a woman with nine arms? You wouldn't like it for
yourself? Right? I had extra finger I'm not set you know that
they're they have a goddess who has nine arms.
Eight arms. four on each side. Good. You wouldn't accept your own
daughter to have an extra finger let alone arm so why do you
believe that about your gut? Now if you wouldn't like something to
be said about you? And you say it about your God, probably CIT or
your profit. Chances Are? That's the curse. Right? You said it
about your profit. Now you are cursed, that people say about you
know, good. God we are doula Hema Lulu. They said God's hand is
constrained. He's cheap. They said God is stingy. all He's given us
is men and salsa, which is the manner in English and the birds
that they used to eat. Is it what is this to want the same meal
every day got stingy. Where's the onions? where's the where's all
spices were all where's the garlic? Where are the legumes? To
make this a well rounded meal? Right?
So you said God is stingy. Well guess what? What did that add him?
Well I know be Mercado, you will be made to be stingy. You call God
stingy, you will be made to be stingy. And you will be cursed in
the land because of what you said. Now, what does everyone say about
you and you don't like it? I'm not saying that. I'm just saying
people say it, which is a fact. People say have all throughout
time you're stingy. And you love money, right? Oh, that you said
that about God, didn't you? God is stingy. So Whoa, what a surprise
the Boomerang has come back and people say it about us. You don't
like your say about you don't say it about God. Good.
My friends said hold on a second in the Quran. The Benyus RAII.
They wanted the onions. They wanted the garlic. They wanted to
legumes, right. But then when I go to the kosher aisle, food has no
taste. Where's all the onions? Where's all the salt? Right? What
Oh, my gosh.
All right. Now listen to this. Here we go. He's scheming to meet
his brother. And he sends his wives and his children ahead of
Okay, in reverse order of importance. So they like least
important to the most important, then.
God is not approving of this behavior of Jacob. What does he
do? He shows up. God takes a form and he shows up. And what does he
He punches Jacob between the legs. So not only is God
He's a cheap shot or he isn't a cheap shot, he punches him in
between the legs. And as and that is the source of his fruitfulness.
I have 12 sons. Now he can't have any more kids.
Okay, oh, yeah, cheap shot between the legs.
punches in between the legs, no more kids can't have kids anymore.
All right.
Because Jacob wouldn't wait for God to give him the blessing and
he stole it. God therefore wounds him in the place that had allowed
him to generate all of his beloved children. Therefore, Jacob becomes
angry at God and wrestles god.
This is worse than the Greek stuff.
that stuff this is worse. Okay, because that stuff, you know, it's
fiction. This people actually hold it to be true. And it was the
truth that become warped.
For the rest of his life, Jacob walks with a limp as a result of
God punching him in the private parts.
Why would God need to punch in the first place?
It's a b into this.
He's a wounded chosen one. Not unlike other wounded who don't
make him a victim. He's wounded Chosen One. He did it himself.
According to this, this if we accepted this, you know, fake
character, not unlike other wounded, chosen ones. We will meet
later in the story of the Bible, notably the suffering servant of
Isaiah, wait, wait a second, at the end of all this we're supposed
to have sympathy for Jacob because he got punished.
Okay, the suffering servant is righteous, and his wounds are
received on behalf of the sins of others. But the message of Jacob's
story is clear. God never forsakes His Chosen One. Even those who are
less than righteous.
All right, there is this is all the Tafseer soda summary of
All right, up to chapter 27. And I would like to just summarize
again, I can't stop saying
the word warped. You are absolutely warped. And this belief
is warped. And if you believe in this stuff, you are warped.
Everything about you is warped. Okay.
Okay. Hey, I'm just reading from a website. I never said anything to
myself. Okay.
Change the title, put Jacob wrestles God, just so that we
don't get flagged and schemed, and whatever.
Why would you shut us up? I'm just reading from a website. Right? I'm
reading from a website that is it seems the you know it's
authoritative. Right? But it's not even I don't even have to be
authoritative because this story is well known if you know anything
about the Bible. I have to go it's pictured for the soccer team.
Who won who has won
Their last playoff game okay
all right Christians believe this too
I mean
wrestling with God as a result of wrestling with God it's constantly
How come this why this why not this you're gonna die let's not
submit to anything of the Bible of the Torah or of reality let's not
submit to anything because it's wrestling God so it okay you're
gonna die soon no no let's find a way around it this is going to
happen let's find a way around it
the kibin is so apparent because then the equal themselves with God
so the ego is just like yeah, you don't there's no submission and
I've got to say it's a type of mental weakness because it's like
I said earlier on this episode if I play you in a game where you
hear earlier in this episode, that I am going to give you an example
I want to play a game of chess you have to play chess you know how to
play chess right? In order for me to win there's a big button
if I want to win I just press that button at any time in the other
means in the meantime we play chess
would you play a game like that? Would you enter in a competition
like that?
I gotta leave because this is
beyond ridiculous
this is beyond cool for like you know beyond beef.
Beyond cover this is not just a bliss it bliss is turning red when
you eat this stuff shaped he's ashamed when he reads this stuff.
once they draw I don't I don't have time to do it. You all do it
yourselves after run.
Everyone do the Wednesday draw because Wednesday between thought
and hostages time of each other to draw and let us just say one dua
for ourselves and I've been allowed to zip Kulu bene about in
her data no habla and amla don't Kurama in neck and tell her May
Allah not deviate us
after he has guided us and we ask Allah to guide us to the path of
His Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam let us live and
die upon it in love of the OMA and an enmity to their enemies and
anyone who opposes Allah and His messenger and disrespects them and
sought seeks to fight the Oba Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
salam let us live and die upon animosity against them and
fighting them and guiding them to May Allah make us guides for those
people as everyone deserves a second chance, and a third and a
fourth and a fifth May Allah subhanho wa Taala put Rama in our
hearts and guide our hearts and make us humble followers of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam followed by his Sahaba and
followed by the great Imams who are known and trusted in their HG
head and their federal and their mother had MA for everyone here
who has a need May Allah fulfill it. Everyone who has a sickness,
may Allah cure it. Anyone who needs wealth, may Allah grant it
to them. Anyone who was having a desire from their Lord may Lugg
fulfill it for you today. And may Allah subhana wa Tada give us a
sign of E Java. We ask Allah to protect our eyes, our ears, our
tongues, our stomach, our hands, our feet and our loins from the
Haram we ask lots of preservers, the John Newman and my full de
la omocha Yama to we be preserved from committing cabeza, with these
limbs. And if we commit any stuff, that may Allah forgive us and
overlook our minor sins. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada for the OMA
of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he gives a nostra and
success to Allah Philistine and to eleganza and we ask Allah to give
defeat and destruction to every oppressor on the earth, whoever
they may be. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept this Dawa and
let us always be in the mercy of the Muslims and let us always be
students of knowledge will sell Allahumma barik ala Sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam were African Rajat Awana
and Al Hamdulillah. hirable Allah Muna was Sarah Molly Kuma