Shadee Elmasry – Israels Downfall is INEVITABLE and Heres Why
![Shadee Elmasry](
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The global audience and the lack of Native American culture among major countries is causing the collapse of the world and the fall of the industrial revolution leading to the collapse of the world. The conflict is a vicious and merciless war, which cannot end until everyone refuses to admit it. The conflict is a war that cannot end until everyone refuses to admit it. The war is a war that cannot end until everyone refuses to admit it.
AI: Summary ©
Israel has now painted itself as the antagonist
in a new chapter of history.
That's how we can see things.
No matter what it succeeds to do in
terms of taking land, taking all of Gaza,
transforming, whatever it is, it is now the
evil empire.
And it's the antagonist in a new chapter
of history.
That chapter cannot ever be closed until a
resolution occurs, as in any story.
And that resolution must entail justice.
And it must entail the downfall of the
And it must entail the success and the
triumph of the protagonist, the victims here, the
Palestinian people.
And if it's not going to be one
generation, it'll be the next generation.
It doesn't have to happen in one set
of ten years or five years.
But no different than how the Nazis became
the antagonist of that chapter of history.
Going in and doing things, I think universally
we can agree, had to be stopped.
That chapter in history could not come to
an end unless the Nazis suffered and collapsed
and were brought to their knees and were
Nazism and Zionism essentially are a form of
racism and superiority, ethnic superiority.
What is the difference between the two?
One group is telling us this is their
land because of their racial superiority and because
they are who they are and God gave
them the land, etc.
The other group was saying we're blonde hair
and blue eyes, we're superior race.
Do you see a difference?
One group said, do you get causing all
of our problems?
Let's remove you from the country with a
final solution.
And these guys are saying no different, except
they just haven't worded it as a final
Although that's what it is.
And that's what they're doing.
So New York Times today saying why we
should root for Israel to win and why
we want Israel to win, you have already
You may gain land, you may succeed in
advancing yourself as the evil empire.
But make no mistake, the world is the
audience and the world has determined that you
are the antagonist of this new chapter in
A story cannot end without a resolution.
The human being just doesn't live like this.
You do an oppression and it just continues.
The only way it continues is if you
were to wipe away everybody altogether.
The way the Australians, the Canadians and the
Americans did.
But at that time there wasn't a global
So you could actually get away with it
and by the time the world figured out
what you're doing, there are no Native Americans
left except for a handful and you give
them a day.
You start putting them on coins, you start
giving them statues and you start honoring them
before public speeches because it's all over now.
They're not bothering you anymore.
But this is not the case.
This is not the case because by making
as Elon Musk when he was sane before
he went and got spanked by Netanyahu in
Israel and was made to go to detention
which is a tour of Auschwitz with Ben
He was talking common sense and he was
saying let's just look at this logically.
For every time you go after Hamas, for
every one person you kill, you create two
people who hate you when the ratio is
probably more like one to a thousand.
The Palestinians are not one small group of
All the Arabs are watching and now the
whole world is watching.
The whole world is watching this.
I go and I see British soccer guys
who all they post about is British football.
They're like the most outspoken people on Twitter.
Like they can't stand what they're seeing.
I'm seeing Irish people, Korean people have no
business, ethnically at least or religiously with Palestinians
or Muslims.
They're just as humans.
So unlike Australia, unlike what Americans did to
Native Americans and unlike what the Canadians did,
there's no going back from this.
Whereas those three countries, there was not a
global audience to say, hey, what about this?
How does this end?
That's number one.
Number two, they were able to completely erase
those people until they're only a handful of
insignificant minority that can't do anything.
You're not doing this in Palestine.
You're not eliminating all the Arabs.
You're not eliminating all the Muslims.
So where are you going with this war?
The hatred that exists in people for you
has multiplied beyond what they say, what is
the mathematical term they say, whatever it is.
It's not going like this.
It's going like this.
You're not going to last on the earth
when billions of people hate you.
You may have power over them now.
And why do I say it like this?
Because in our understanding of At-Tamkeen Fil
-Ard, Sayyidina Yusuf was Mumakkan Fil-Ard.
We establish him.
What does it mean when Allah says he
establishes a people on the earth?
It means the people of the earth love
And whatever institutions they run, they establish them
in that institution.
They give them positions.
They protect them.
Establishment on the earth has nothing to do
with money and buildings and armies.
It has to do with the hearts of
the people of the earth.
Eventually that money, those armies, those countries, those
buildings will be inherited by people who hate
That's exactly the meaning of being established on
the earth.
So Elon Musk in that quote was probably
the most sensible thing he was saying.
Have you succeeded if all you're doing is
creating more people who hate you?
I don't know where they're going with this.
No matter how much land they take and
who they kill, they have lost because they're
now the antagonists on the global stage.
And the story cannot, humanity, human beings, their
hearts will not allow for this to end
until we see the downfall of the antagonists.
That's the nature of all stories.
Somebody said Arab leaders, they're inactive.
They're not just inactive and passive, as I
commented on them.
They're complicit.
So we have to ask the question, what
have we done as an Ummah that Allah
Ta'ala has elevated over us and given
absolute control to do whatever they want with
Such a vicious and merciless and nasty, cowardly
Well, I'll tell you what.
Here's another way to look at it.
If a Muslim dies having never repented from
his sins, this person will be purified in
the next life.
In what?
In *.
And Allah Ta'ala has established angels called
Zabaniyya that punish.
So we even hold something far worse than
the Israelis.
The Zabaniyya will apply far worse punishment.
Except the Zabaniyya themselves are not bad, they're
But what they're doing to people who go
to Jahannam, of the Muslims, of the believers,
and the believers of all past nations included,
the levels of heaven are seven.
The top one is for people who are
Their core essence belief, they did the most
important thing.
They submitted to God and his prophet.
After that though, they live terrible lives.
So they can't enter paradise with that.
They won't enjoy it if they did.
Now they need to be purified.
So they get put into this level of
* called Jahannam.
It's the least of all punishment, and it's
the worst punishment, such that if a person
was to stick a finger in it, they
would not remember any pleasure in this life.
And so it shouldn't surprise us that Allah
has elevated over us such an enemy, as
Israel, as the Zionists, as the Americans, who
are now sending troops by the way, and
our congressmen, and all of our pundits, and
all of the British, and every newspaper run
by Rupert Murdoch, and all of these terrible
human beings.
The only difference is that these torturers of
ours, and I say ours not because we've
been tortured, personally, anyone here, or even the
viewers, but we are of one ummah.
These torturers of ours, they themselves will go
to *.
Unlike the Zabaniyya that are working for Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala as angels of *.
But the result is the same.
So this is how we view our pain
All of our suffering here.
The Prophet ﷺ said, My ummah is purification
occurs in this life before the next.