Shadee Elmasry – Is plague a punishment for our ummah

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses aantedith about a person possibly receiving plague, which the speaker believes is a huh. The speaker also mentions a woman named Sallam who talks about a woman named Virginia who was killed by a partner. The speaker questions whether these examples are accurate, and the conversation ends with the speaker expressing confusion and frustration.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now here's the question

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is this

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person who gets this plague? Is it a punishment for him? The answer

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for sure is in this hadith. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam talked about plagues. He said plague used to be used to be

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a torture, a punishment that Allah sent on people and it for the for

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my Allah. Allah has lifted this past precedent and made it a mercy

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for the believers. So this hadith says this is in Sahih Bukhari is a

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Bukhari Hadith. He said, there's nobody who hears about a play and

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stays in his place, not leaving, relying solely on Allah, knowing

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that nothing will affect him except what Allah subhanaw taala

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wills except that he has the reward of a Shaheed he has the

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reward of a murder

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