Shadee Elmasry – Is Disability a Curse

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how actions can be testified by a source, potentially a family member, or even a person. They explain that actions can be revealed through a test, and that it is important to react to actions by actions, causing harm. The speaker also mentions how people react to punishment when they commit a crime.
AI: Transcript ©
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Disability is a test from Allah, a fitna from Allah. Could it have a

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source in our actions? Yes, it could be that we married too much

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in the same family. Of course, it couldn't be the chemicals in the

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world. It could be. And it could be not from anything like that. It

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could just be a test from Allah. So we have to take the means of

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mixing our gene pool because that's good. But we never say it's

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a curse. How does a person React is different if you react with

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depression and sadness, but you still do your duties in life as a

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Muslim, that your sins are being washed away. If you react by

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improving your religion, then this disabled child has been an

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elevation for you. And if you're somebody that says, You know what

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the heck with all this, I'm so miserable. And I'm just going to

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sit, watch TV and eat chips all night long, and skip fish. And

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that's how now you live every day like this. Then you now responded

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to the tribulation by sins. When you respond to the tribulation by

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committing sins, then it's a punishment.

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