Shadee Elmasry – Is Cosmetic Surgery Haram
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The speaker discusses how Congress has allowed cosmetic surgeries to repair damaged braces, but disclaims that they are allowed to do so. The speaker also talks about how the Prophet permitted people to put a golden "brane" on their nose to make them look better, but it did not work. The speaker suggests that the Congress is creating people with straight teeth and eyes to change the appearance of Islam.
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We're allowed to do these cosmetic surgeries to repair damage to
repair something that has been lost braces. It's to repair the
incorrect growth of the teeth and we don't sell this is called the
alarm cutter. No, we ruined it with sugars. We ruined our teeth
like this. Allah creates people with straight teeth and eyes that
see and ears that hear if you now have teeth are crooked or you
can't see we're allowed to correct these things if you broke your
nose and Hobbie broke his nose, and he used to put a fake nose on
and then that didn't work and then the Prophet permitted him to put a
golden nose on. So he ended up looking better than he was before.
No problem with that repairs but of cosmetics for the sake of
cosmetics is forbidden. That would be changing the creation of Allah