Shadee Elmasry – Injil The Real Gospel of Jesus

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how the Bible is not a directly stated word, but rather a collection of amortized or infamous stories. They also mention the importance of the Bible's use of Jesus as a label, and how it is often portrayed as the god who cares. The speaker notes that Jesus is the god who cares and that his story is a reference to the Bible's use of Jesus as a label.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Bible is not exactly the word is given to Jesus directly. These

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gospels are essentially biographies biographical accounts

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of Jesus, exactly the injeel. The Gospel as the crown calls it, is

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the gospel given to Jesus. And actually, the Bible says this too,

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if you look at the same mark, you have, and Jesus went around

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Galilee, preaching the gospel, the gospel wasn't the message about

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Jesus or wasn't Christianity. It was the gospel and the four

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gospels don't even pretend to be revelation. They don't pretend to

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be inspired, and he later gospel just correct, alter and amend and

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embellish earlier gospels, but they've also given to Jesus what

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he preached is what Muslims believe in. And scholars are made

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this lovely distinction, which is so important that there's the

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gospel of Jesus, and then there's a gospel about Jesus

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