Shadee Elmasry – Iman is guarded knowledge
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The speaker discusses the importance of learning Arabic and the importance of being knowledgeable to avoid being poisoned by any type of knowledge. They also mention the upcoming Surah and the need to learn and practice Islam to avoid going against Islam.
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There's a hadith attributed to this surah in which the Prophet
peace be upon him said people will enter this religion in droves and
likewise they will exit in droves. As soon as the worldly situation
of the religion of Islam and Muslims changes and AI different
ideas spread and become attractive, you see people exiting
in droves, and it's really weighs down on me sometimes when
I see a lot of people, literally, their comments that I hear from
them that they write is absolute apostasy and, and COFA disbelief,
and yet their names are Mohammed or Osman or Aisha, right. And I'm
just wondering exactly how exact what exactly to this degree is the
ignorance. And this is exactly why we're studying Arabic. Because if
there's anything that made me study, it's having a relative who
was an apostate. Okay, maybe our guests, our family was ahead of
the curve in that respect. We had a relative who was an apostate.
And I thought to myself, Oh, well, not only do we have relatives in
Boston, we had two generations in a row in which we had an apostate
in the family, someone who left Islam. So I thought it was a well,
I mean, I'm actually the next in line, because it was the boys in
the family. Right? And I thought, well, I'm, that's my, that's also
my origin. So how do I how do I know that I'm not going to follow
in their footsteps. So I started to delve into Dean and really get
in get involved at a fear of that happening. And we should all have
that. Because nowadays, unfortunately, it's not really,
I'm afraid my daughter is going to have a boyfriend. Yeah, that's
bad. I'm afraid my son's gonna smoke marijuana. Yeah, that's bad.
But you really should also be on the radar. And if it's not in your
radar, get it on your radar, that simply leaving Islam, right, and
exposure to certain exposure to certain
certain ideas, certain thinkers, without being armed with knowledge
is a poison that will poison a person's event. Okay, it will, it
will spoil and it will
eat away at a person's event if they don't have knowledge. So this
is why I want you, the reader never to imagine that you could
keep going without knowing Arabic and knowing the sources directly.
Okay, because the greatest aid for Russia for fear of Allah azza wa
jal, and the having all of Allah is knowledge. Allah says in the
max, Allah has been a bad deal or lemma. Verily, people of knowledge
are the ones who truly fear Allah. Alright, have all forgot. So don't
if you're sitting there and your sister and you're not wearing
hijab, and you just work and but you love Islam, and here you are
taking this little Arabic course. Don't imagine that there's a gulf
between you and knowledge, Bridget, and don't say, Oh, well,
I'm not doing this or that. Okay, fine. Don't write the knowledge
will change you. If over time, you don't have to change yourself. The
knowledge will change. You don't think oh, I have to do this before
I can learn. It's not how it works, right? Just learn and save
your Islam by learning because these days you have to save your
Islam solely by learning. Alright, so we'll stop here and we'll pick
up the next next Surah which is sudut l care if you don't
ironically, right. We were just talking about disbelief and the
fear of disbelief. So that'll be the next suit in the next video.