Shadee Elmasry – If God created the world then who created God The answer in 60 seconds

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the concept of cause and effect in physics, and how it relates to the concept of zero point the birth of the universe. They mention that physics is the source of these concepts and that anyone who is outside of time and space is considered to have a zero point birth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, you say that there was God? Well, what caused God? You totally

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missed the point. You missed the point that causation itself, the

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the concept of cause and effect is a thing that thing has a

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beginning. Right? Where did that beginning come from? In other

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words, the scientific constants, time, space matter, cause and

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effect. All right, we're going to keep going all the way back until

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we reach a zero point where there was no time, no space, no matter

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no cause, and no effect. What do we call that? That was physics.

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physicists call it the big bank,

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which is the zero point the birth of the universe as we know it with

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its laws and its constants. So, before you cannot explain the

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origin of constants through constants, so you cannot explain,

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okay, the origin of cause and effect through cause and effect.

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That's the whole concept what the Creator is, he is the one who is

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not subjected to cause and effect he's outside of time outside of

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