Shadee Elmasry – Ibn Taymiyya on Talaq
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The speaker discusses the issue of divorce in the Middle East and the need for clarification on the number of divorced individuals. They also mention a ruling on the topic and the need for clarification on the number of divorced individuals.
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It does three Talaq in one sitting, equal one divorce. Well,
according to ijma o Sahaba upon the the ruling of Sayyidina, it
equals three divorces.
Don't do it. Don't do it. Ibn Taymiyyah is the one who, I don't
know if others did, but he said, No, I disagree with that. That was
just for that time, and it's just one. So that's a fatwa. But when
we look at fiqh, when you have ijma, it's not negated afterwards.
We did have ijma, Sahaba. That's why the three other, the four
methods, I think, how many school too, does not go by that fatwa.