Shadee Elmasry – Human Knowledge is Limited

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of belief in oneself and not acting based on actions. They mention the use of words like "has" and "hasn't" to remind people of actions taken. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of true worship and not acting based on actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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is not a weak statement. It's not a light statement that

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even our bass says, And if let me, Anna Allahu Allah, and this, this,

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this sentiment, or this meaning is not alone in LA for me, because we

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go to later in the sutra and there's a very, very critical

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verse. Very critical verse, we're actually studying it next term

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with the same meaning. And it's such a critical verse it says, is

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integral crochet and Walker was sent to hip boo che and horse

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shadow loco. Wallah Alamo Antonietta Alamo. This is such a

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critical verse it says, You might love a thing I sent to hippo che

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and roll shadow look, you might love a thing. It's bad for you.

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You might hate a thing. It's good for you. Allah knows, and you

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don't know. So ha Allah Our Lord, he cuts it straight from the

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beginning. I know you don't know. Maybe this is what if not better

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saying Elif, let me enter Allahu Allah, I, Allah knows best, I know

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better than you. And this is what we're upon. This is why I sort of

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said Bacara. Besides that, it's constantly reminding us Allah

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knows, and we don't know why. Because the human being if he

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thinks his head is big, right, and he thinks he knows he's not going

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to listen to advice, he needs to be reminded that he doesn't know

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and how gently Allah does it by reminding us through other than us

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ourselves. Allah did not take the Sahaba and make examples of

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Sahaba. You see all the Sahaba are in utmost respect. You don't see

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in the Sierra, except, like outsiders amongst the Muslims,

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like guests coming from the Bedouin, or something. The Sahaba

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always respected. Allah doesn't use them as examples. No, he

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doesn't make an example out of out of a Sahaba a bad example. He

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takes the old nations and makes them the example. This is an honor

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for us. This is imagine if the Sahaba were made examples, bad

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examples. How would we respect them? We would say well, then the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he didn't teach them? Well,

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if they're behaving like that. No. So this is an honor for us. So

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this sort of said, Bacara is always reminding us Allah knows,

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you don't know. And then, as we're going to get to later on, after

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the next app, all of the rules and the laws and true belief, as we're

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going to cover here, very soon. true belief is that which dictates

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your actions. If your actions are dictated because of your

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intellect, then you believe in yourself. That's your source of

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belief. If your actions are dictated by a verse and Hadith,

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then your Lord has Allah, whoever, whoever dictates your action,

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that's true worship. Because as we're gonna see, the hypocrites

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talk a lot. They talk a very good game about their belief. They

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don't act on it. Right? They act on their own wins. So this is some

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of the, again, very important theme of students of Bukhara,

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Allah knows, we don't know. And he's about to tell us what to do

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True worship is that we accept someone to come and tell us do

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this, and don't do this. And this is why if you look at the Moses,

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what are the 10 commandments? I mean, what the central piece of

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Moses, peace be upon him is commandments, not stories not know

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you shall not do this. You should not do this. You shall do this.

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Whoever does it. He's a true believer. Whoever doesn't do it.

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His Eman is weak or is a monastic or is a Catholic. All right.

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