Shadee Elmasry – How to pray Eid at home ( Tariq Ameer)

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a YouTube video about a church's practice for the upcoming month. The practice involves praying after the sun and taking a sandwich after the slot, followed by a series of tech drops and a tour of a church's home. The practice is emphasized, and participants are encouraged to use their own clothing and attend church services.
AI: Transcript ©
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spinodal handle him and hamdulillah hairpin Alameen wa

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salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad what early he was a dream to plan

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of going out in midnight in the mountain him to enter in Antonia

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came with a how to work what to in Avila, honey Nadeem. So inshallah

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we just wanted to quickly go over some of the rulings in regards to

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the slotzo aid given the context that we're going to be and where

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many if not all of us are not going to be able to go to the

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massage it for the Eid slots, and this is going to be going

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according to the Shafi School of Law. So in the Shafi School of

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Law, the actual ruling for the eater that itself was considered

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to be a sunnah it's a very emphasized sunnah, sunnah, maca,

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however, it is a sunnah. And so because it's deemed to be a sunnah

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Surat, the, there is no obligation for it to be prayed in the masjid.

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So that it is permissible for one to pray that each slot at their

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home. Now, if one is able to pray with the group, meaning that you

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know, if one is praying with one's family, then they can take in

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consideration all of the Sooners associated with the slots in terms

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of the actual performance itself. So that is taking into

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consideration the prayer itself and also the hubbub that is

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delivered afterwards. Because for the Eid slots, the order is

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switched because the slot is similar to Joomla. And that's

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there's a hook but as well as the prayer. However, for the each

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slot, the prayer comes first, and then come second. Now, in terms of

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the actual prayer itself, the prayer itself consists of seven

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and five additional tech beers, the saying of Allahu Akbar. So in

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the Shafi school, the way that one would begin it is that they would

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have initially the intention for the Eid slots, and the timing for

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the slot needs to be sometime after the sun has risen. So in the

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permissible time of praying after Salto Fajr, and before the coming

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of noon, the more or less become before the coming of Serato. And

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the timing is going to be somewhere in between this time.

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And the Imam whoever is going to be leading the slot, whether it's

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an individual at home, or if,

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if you're going to have someone else lead you who's going to be in

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your home, then initially you start out with the opening tag via

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the opening Allahu Akbar. And then after that, there'll be seven

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additional tech drops. So you say Allahu Akbar seven additional

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times. And

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and it's soon another in between the tech barotz That you actually

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glorify last month Allah by saying Subhanallah what hamdulillah

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Allah, Allah and Allah Allahu Akbar. And so between the seven

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tech bots that you say this, and then after that, you begin with

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the Fatiha and then the Surah, after that, and then when you

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stand up, to do the second, aka, you will say the Allahu Akbar, for

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the standing to start the second Raka. And then you do five

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additional tech barotz. So the five additional tech videos after

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that, so there'll be a total of 12 Additional tech props

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that are in addition to it, and then after the slot itself, then

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you would have the clip, but that'd be given. And so the hook

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bar is going to be similar to that of Joomla. But again, this is in

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the case that there is more than one person that is there, if

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there's not more than one person, then you would just pray the slot

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itself and that will be sufficient. And so these are just

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some of the things that we can mention. But the thing is, is that

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as much as one is able to, if you can do all the different cylinders

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of the salads, you know, that will be ideal. So, you know, even

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still, even if you're not going to be going outside of your home, you

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know, still you know, making the gospel for so that so eat which

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the sofa to eat takes place anytime after maghrib the night

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before. So anytime after Margaret the night before you can make the

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muscle with the intention for the saliva eat. And then you know,

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also the wearing of either new clothing or one's best clothing

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for the men to put on some type of outside or some type of perfume,

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something that you know, smells nice.

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And so on and so forth. And then also, you know, doing the doing

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the vicar of the day of eight, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu

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Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah hunt. And you know, if you

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want to do more, you know, Allahu Akbar Kabira what hamdulillah

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cathedra you know, that can be done as well. You know, so as much

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as you can, you know, to fulfill the you know, the

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Normal Sooners that we will be doing if you are not under this

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particular circumstance, you know that you know is ideal, even if

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we're only going to be able to do it within our homes and then also,

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you know, the Sooners of you know, reaching out to family and,

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and trying to, even if that's just with a phone call and so on and so

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forth. So in sha Allah, hopefully this will be

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some means of benefits. And in Schutz Allah, Allah subhanaw taala

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will accept all of our worship during this month, and males went

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out and make this a blessing for all of us and Dean will dunya

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Africa. Also not under sending them a hummingbird out he was

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saying you send them Allah Samantha Adams went and it was

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good. I sat down with econ rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

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