Shadee Elmasry – HOW To Make Dua EP. 16 Ramadan 2024

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of being onward to offer one's name and finding one's lost letter. They stress the benefits of being humble and praising someone in a way that is met with pride. The importance of remembering to be strong and proud of one's past accomplishments, as well as staying true to one's values. The speakers encourage viewers to subscribe to their channel and support for more information.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right my brothers and sisters we continue this series on da we

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have a very logical order here we covered the Shippo het

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misconstrued ideas surrounding drug we covered total heap, the

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things that would make us want to always be making dua, we then

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covered the two preconditions of Da we then cover the prohibitions

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and discourage things into ah, and now we get to how one actually

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physically makes draw. Right? So, physically what do I do? Now the

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answer to this is some people they confuse dua with salah, especially

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if they're just learning the religion, dua is far broader than

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Salah. So dua insula is the best but dua can happen at any time. In

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any state. You can be onward to offer Do you could be in Geneva

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you can be inhaled which is ritual impurity, our menstruation, you

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can be in any state and call upon Allah Sedna, Musa de Sena said, Oh

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Allah, when can we call on you? He Yeah, he had an idea in his mind

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but he was embarrassed to say it. He said remember me all the time

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say no Musa said but Oh ALLAH but sometimes we're in a certain

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state. Allah subhana wa Tada said, even in that state, he met Janab

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right after sexual *. And he's Jonah means he didn't

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take a full wash yet. Even that state you can make dua, you can

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make cannot recite Quran. But there are ways that you can make

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your DUA better in the way you do it and the way you sit down and do

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it number one is to be upon with number two is to sit and face the

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Qibla. Number three is to have on you the signs of neediness. So

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there used to be an en de Luci King, for example, he had in his

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palace and he ran a wonderful Kingdom is one of these city

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states that was so perfect, everyone. Everything was peaceful.

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The judges were good. The people were good. And he came upon him a

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very bad fitna of an enemy coming and they looked around, can't find

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the kink. Finally, they found in the palace, a little door. They

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opened the door and they found like a sativa which is like an

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abandoned little like a yard, a little abandoned yard. If no one

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took care of it. It had a little shed in it. And they found the

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king sitting right there in the dirt, wearing a crumpled up old

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thobe cut disheveled in his appearance. So the appearance of

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humility is good into our even hedge. We don't shave we don't

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clip our nails. We just were a haram. Why? Physically when you

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when you look like that. And when you sit like that you feel like

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that. And when your state is humble, what does Allah say about

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in the Battle of better, he were so meek and humble, that Allah

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gave you victory. And Allah loves the meek and I and element Cassie

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ROTC Kulu menagerie Allah says in Hadith, Cozzi, I am with the

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brokenhearted once for my sake so you don't come and draw with your

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best clothes and you sit there like a kink, you're actually a

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miskeen. So to do this is to put our hands out like a beggar.

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Beggar puts one hand out you put two hands up, add is to put your

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head down, not to put your head up in a haughty manner. Everyone

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knows in culture, you put your head up this hottie. So you put

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your head down, and you begin First of all, by praising Allah,

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you don't come to somebody and ask you request right away, right? You

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make small talk, you talk about how good your company is, how good

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you been to me, right? We have a past together you stir up those

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memories for that human being for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada nobody needs

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this. You need it. So you talk about the beautiful qualities of

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Allah. Like Satan as a Korea says what a combi dua Ikara Bishop a

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year. I never failed. When I prayed to you, you bring up all

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the past this is called thinner, you praise Allah for what he gave

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you. It's called hemtt So hummed praise was praising Allah Tada and

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center all the things that you've given us and then you make is to

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fuck you have to mention your own shortcomings. I'm coming to you

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for help. I also have shortcomings I apologize for all the

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shortcomings you go to a human being you do this being up small

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talk especially you got an amazing company you know maybe we had a

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past together I didn't do so well. Then you bring up your your your

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request so you must do or is recommended to do is to far seek

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forgiveness for all the past sense what happens if I can't remember

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any since I was good seek is to fought for shortcomings seek is to

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FOD for anything else that you could have done that's good that

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you didn't do. Whereas the Prophet said the sins I know and the sins

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I don't know. Several commit sins they don't even realize they can

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then Salah on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would

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we be sitting here talking about Allah talking about dua without

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the Prophet

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It many of them yes goodness, let me escuela you have not fulfilled

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your gratitude to Allah until you think the people who got you here.

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So you have to thank the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam by

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making Salah and salam upon him bestowing Allah's blessings and

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peace upon him you have to ask for that, Oh Allah bestow more

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blessings and more peace upon the Prophet sallallahu sudden, when

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Allah does this, it increases the state of the prophets of Allah it

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was sudden them without us ever imagining that we're benefiting

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him? No, we're benefiting ourselves. Because when we make

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Salah and said, I'm on the Prophet, we are taking from that

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blessing and that guidance, so we're the ones receiving reward

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and benefit when we make Salah on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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salam, then you may begin to do your doc you close your door as

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you opened with hunt gratitude to Allah Tada for making you sit here

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is too far. Again for any mistakes and lack of kashua and lack of

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edit manners that you may have had in that dot and then Salah on the

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Prophet again say normative etiquette dub said the DUA does

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not go up to the heavens, unless you've opened and closed with

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Salah on the Prophet. Other automat say, because of Allah's

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love for His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam, he will always

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accept any Salah on the Prophet. So if he accepts the first one,

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and he accepts the last one, and he will accept what's in between

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because he's generous. It's our belief that Allah doesn't say this

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dua is accepted. This is not he either accepts it all or rejects

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at all. Same thing with gatherings is why we should strong

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recommended to attend any gathering of data because if one

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person's prayer is answered, the whole group's prayer gets

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answered. If you liked the video that you just watched, subscribe

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to our YouTube channel, click the bell for notifications and if you

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really liked what you just saw, support us at

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