Shadee Elmasry – How is Salvation Achieved

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of Islam as a means of salvation and the need for individuals to practice it daily. They also mention the struggles faced by Muslims during the pandemic and the need for individuals to practice Islam in a meaningful way.
AI: Transcript ©
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And our business as usual at Safina society is that we believe

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firmly and wholeheartedly that every Muslim should have a daily

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dosage of alien because the salvation of a Muslim is not

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necessarily through devotion while devotion is extremely important,

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but the salvation of a Muslim after the tofi from Allah subhanho

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wa Taala is by knowledge, okay, you want to attain the ram of

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Allah subhanaw taala that's the only salvation but look what Allah

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subhanaw taala says Al Rahman Al Quran so how are we going to get

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access to Allah subhanaw taala as Rama and as Allah says, Prophesy

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centum said no lead Hello Jana. I hadn't be Amelie no one enters

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Jana by his action, except that ALLAH covers me with his Rama,

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which part of heaven a person attains has to do with their deeds

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okay, but entrance into paradise merely has to do with Allah's

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