Shadee Elmasry – Honoring Parents A Direct Route to Jannah
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The speaker discusses the importance of parents in society and their rights to their children. They use the example of Facebook and Twitter to illustrate the need for parents to be kind and consider their children. The speaker also emphasizes the need for parents to be aware of the consequences of their actions and to behave in a calm and calm manner.
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Now goes on to a different subject, family, society and
politics are in Paris and care for them and senior and CRT in their
Your Lord has decreed that you worship numbered him, and that you
be kind to your parents, whether one or both of them attains the
old age, you say not to them a word of content of as long as
Portela mentions, nor repel them, but address them in terms of
honor. So when it comes to the parents almost $4 plus a month, a
very special rank. And the other mom mentioned about this last
month, Allah in order to show us the high rank that last month
Allah has placed the parents in, he first says about him. Welcome,
Rob Booker, Madhu Illa yah hoo, who the he says in the very
beginning, that we have decreed that you worship none but Him
meaning Allah subhanaw taala.
And then right after that, he tells us about being good to our
And so Allah subhanaw taala, showing us the seriousness that
he's put with the parents. And so this is why you always have to be
in a state of kindness to your parents, Allah Swatara has put
this in the Quran for a reason. And Allah subhanaw taala has also
said, to not even say a word of off. So for example, in the
translation, they say a word of content, but this guy was
mentioned, that's what I thought I'd say off, he used pretty much
the lightest way of showing dissatisfaction to your parents,
you know, the Arabic language to say off is akin to, you know,
showing some type of displeasure to your parents. So for your, for
example, here in America, you know, it might be something like,
you know, saying sucking your teeth or rolling your eyes, or
something of that to show that you're not pleased with what your
parents have asked you for. And last month, I'll say don't even do
that. Meaning that that is something minor, so don't even go
above that. And for example, Sheikh Mohammed mo Lu Rahim, Allah
Tala the Great's Mauritania scholar, he has a poem that he
compiled on the very day, who's called a wonderful Marathi
feed very bit of valuable knowledge that the rights of
are referred to refer to Murata, you know the, the rights of the
rights of the parents and the grandparents.
When ended he says that's when it he has a certain chapter, the
chapter of beer, where he actually talks about what it means to be
righteous to parents, and he talks about certain concepts so he says
that hockey cutter Votto the Akiko burrowed even Macaulay wakatobi
we'll just see what I'm wildly for Coca Cola cola and Lena has Murphy
decretive Jarmo Bayona the colon Abdon degenerate and Anil Benny
they say he said he fugly Julian. So, Sheikh Mohammed Mahmoud, he
says in this particular beginning He says that you know, the
realities of the RT Haqiqa to borrow the bid Macaulay the
realities of having righteousness to your parents are having
kindness your parents is in your speech, the Macaulay Albee will
just do what I'm wearing, and also with the hearts and the body and
with your wealth.
And then he goes on to say welcome to undergo lockdown. And Lena has
Murphy decree Zhao, Zhao, Jamel Benina. And it says at first
speech it is to speak to them a kind word
for Coca Cola count. And Lena has Murphy degree Jamel Bayona. And
this is what has come down to us in a clear proof.
Customer Murphy degree jam Oba Jana
COVID Abdon de janai. It's in the LIN Benny, they say differently,
Julian, the way that a slave will be in front of a king in front of
his master who was a harsh and cruel master. So this is the way
that Sheikh Mohammed Mahmoud is, you know, telling us that how
we're supposed to act upon this verse that were supposed to be in
such a state that we will be as if, for example, just imagine that
you are a slave, and you did something wrong. And you had a
harsh and cruel master. How would you talk in front of that harsh
and cruel master? If you are a slave and you did something wrong?
So this is a way that Sheikh Mohammed Mahmoud is saying that we
should be with our parents. And later on in that same chapter he
says you know, backpack for all sorts. Latifah Soto Allah Hema,
Allah, that Ohama was making my village Allah McKenna who Yahweh
Allah de Well yeah. When that million dollar tomato Juba, he
says later on in that chapter that do not even raise your voice to
them that are also Talia Hema, Willa.
automap is Mahima
measure other adults call them by their names except in their place.
Yeah Why did you?
Locanda who? Yeah, why did the Well yeah, but except in their
place, say something like Oh my father or Oh my dear parents Yeah.
Why did he Well, yeah, but
when that woman dad or when that will Tamala G bar or other or
other callings, like that that are of respectful manner.
And so this has to do with their parents. Now, when we're talking
about kindness to the parents, this does not necessarily mean
that you're going to obey your parents and everything that they
tell you, for example,
and again, God quoting from Sheikh Mohammed mo Lutz poem, he says
later on in his in his, in his poem, he says that, you know, I'll
see him feature me and maybe hear
how their element thereof, that you obey them and everything that
they command you as long as it is free from harm or death or
And so, in general may the scholars will put kindness akin to
obedience. And as long as your parents are not calling you to do
something that's going to harm you or or something that is haram.
Then inshallah you should obey them. But it is not an absolute
obedience. However, even if this thing will you not want to obey
them, for example, if they're calling you to do something haram,
even in that particular case, you still have to deal with him a
kindness. And this is what's this verses alluding to that even in
such a state, you still have to approach your parents in a calm
manner even if they're calling you to do something that is haram.
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