Shadee Elmasry – He loved himself more than he loved his Creator.

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a person who was given a mix of pleasure and love for Allah's sake, as they were given a boost to their ego. The person is identified as someone who worships Allah for personal reasons and believes that they are elevating others because of their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Use and we said this earlier is that IBLEES His love was not for

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Allah to Allah. They're only he loved Allah

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for his think of himself because Allah was giving him Allah was

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pumping him up. So he loved Allah for the sake of truly for the sake

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of him his own self. Okay. So this is someone who

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has worship was intermingled and mixed between loving Allah for

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Allah sake and loving Allah because Allah keeps giving him and

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elevating him so that's truly why he loves Allah to Allah

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