Shadee Elmasry – Hadiths lead people astray How
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That's why you need context. And this is why thematic scholars
always say, and I've said it, I've heard it directly. Al Hadith
Humala, right they didn't say Matera they said Muhammad Allah.
And I thought that's a strange, that's a harsh thing to say. And
Hadith medulla means hadith is a source of people going astray.
Okay. And I thought that was really hard. So why don't you say
metabo that getting lost, like confused or lost? There's a big
difference being confused and lost, could be confused is one
thing to go astray. Okay, big difference between just being
confused or lost and astray. No, they say it is a cause for people
to go astray. Why? Because none contextualized and unexplained
Hadith could create for you an image which is so untrue. And I'm
going to prepare actually a couple of videos on Hadith that are found
in Rio de Sala Hain very popular Hadith, that if you read them
isolated without an explanation, you would take away a very harsh
image of the Prophet peace be upon him and untrue. image of the
messenger of allah sallallahu sunnah, right? And that's why
Hadith require a need and necessitate contextualization. We
have great Tebow, ain and Tibet Sebin. Like Webb, good. He went to
medic Ibn NS and Latham and Sam sat. And he said that if it wasn't
for lathe and Malik, I would have went astray. Right in my Eman
because of Hadith. Not because of because of on contextualized and
unexplained Hadith, so many a hadith, that out of context with
just a Muslim be like, how, right, and there are also so many Hadith
that are so here, okay, that we don't know the context. And we
don't really know the meaning, but scholars have suspended their
meaning. So we don't we don't say that anyone here is a liar. We
don't say the Prophet didn't say it. But the meaning to us, we
don't know how to fit it. We don't know what to make sense of it. And
it is a solitary chain Hadith. And as a result of that, we don't have
to obligate belief in it. The mimetic does this with the Hadith,
which is found in body of that said that Adam was 60 yards tall?
Could it be Yes, right? Could it?
Are there challenges to that? Possibly, right? So mimetic
himself did not obligate, he said, We don't reject that it's a
hadith. We don't say that they're liars. But because it's a single
solitary chain, meaning one or two Sahaba narrated it, not a lot of
Sahaba narrated it, right. So we don't have the context, we don't
have the full meaning behind that. Good. So we cannot rule by this
hadith, we cannot make a judgment, we cannot obligate belief in it.
That's the meaning behind. That's the way in which the scholars
interact with those such heavy so when you don't, when it's not
flushed out, and we don't really know the meaning you leave it
suspended. That's the right way to handle those heavies. The wrong
way to handle it is to force a belief on a statement where you
don't know much around left or right. Okay, so this is also how
why Hanafi and matagi FIP in terms of their ritual law and their
other law, that they quote, unquote, contradict certain Hadith
their rulings contradict certain Hadith so many people get wonder,
Oh my god, the Prophet said something but the Imam said
something else. No, because the Imam has other evidences such as
multiple actions by many, many, many Sahaba. Okay, upon a matter,
so therefore, that hadith must be an exception, or it must have some
context, it must be limited, and it's not the norm. So in that
respect, people have to understand how single change and solitary
Hadith that come from just one or two sources that don't have any
context, how we accept them, we believe that they're from the
prophet but we don't have the context to apply them. Okay. And
that's lit literally limited to just the solitary narrations.
Now we go to the next section here, it says welcome agile hockey
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