Shadee Elmasry – Group Dhikr A Recommended Sunnah

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a group of people gathered in a gathering of rememb conversions and seeking protection from punishment. The speakers discuss the importance of gathering in a group to remember and share experiences, but note that the focus is on the general meaning of the concept of " gathered."
AI: Transcript ©
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Imam asuci says, What is the ruling on some group of people? He

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says that gathering the massages, and they have gatherings of

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remembrance. And he says, Forget Cara, it's most to have. It is

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recommended, and I use it. And it is a son. And it's very

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interesting when people say, Hold on a second, yes, they had

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gatherings that they could but we don't know how. Let's also look at

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it another way. Do you know exactly what was said in the

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gatherings of knowledge of the sahaba? And the prophets? I said,

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Well, I'll tell you what definitely wasn't there. What

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definitely wasn't there was any mention of court of judges and

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courts of Dalton, when they started the Quran hydrophilicity

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Allah was never mentioned, I can guarantee you that your MeLuna was

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never mentioned at Gam and Noona. Second, I would tend Wien was

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never mentioned, I guarantee you that I guarantee you everything

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that's found in any allsole book, just the basics of ozone was not

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found, I guarantee you that so we know that they studied but the

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specific manner in which they studied, we know for sure our

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classes today are very different. So the answer is that well then

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why do we accept them, we do accept them. Because there are

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descriptions of things that are either are new matters, or they

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existed before this, they existed before this without a name, and we

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just gave them a name. If someone is going to argue that the

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gathering has to be exactly the way they gathered, well then you

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don't do that in knowledge. That's the whole argument. But in

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general, it's the same thing. The study of the Quran the study of

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the Sunnah, the solution to problems that exist in matters of

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FIP or off the the challenges that are posed, or tafseer of Quran

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etc. He says the Hadith that shows how recommended it is our immense

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there are many benefits in gathering together to do it out

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loud. Mm hmm. No, we gathered all of this and he specified Quran to

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the Quran. In one voice in one gathering, Allah says I am in the

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opinion of my slave and I'm with him when he remembers me if he

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remembers Me and himself, I remember him and myself and if he

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remembers him in a group I remember him in a group better

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than that. He says here remembering Allah in a group so

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you'll see says there is never a group that sits together all

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silently now nobody will sit and listen to one person making tests

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via and everyone listening to the test via so how is it that we're

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going to have a hadith later on saying what are they doing?

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They're saying Subhanallah is everyone just saying Subhan? Allah

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silently then what's the point of coming together? The second Hadith

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oh people Allah has traveling angels. They gather around seeking

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gatherings of vicar so graze in the gardens of Paradise, oh

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Messenger of Allah, what are the gardens of Paradise? The

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gatherings of remembrance, so they could Allah has a specific meaning

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and a general meaning, right? What's the general meaning here?

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Any remembrance of a class of FIP is a class of counts is a class

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that can no doubt about a class of sera stories of the sleight of

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hand stories of the MBAs. So are we going to know hypothesize and

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say that the store the general meaning applies, but the specific

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meaning doesn't apply for the general meaning applies and the

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specific meaning, of course, definitely applies. Majelis means

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gatherings, your people all sitting together, are they going

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to do it silently? Oh, it doesn't say silent or out loud. Okay, then

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both of them are valid, then they left it open. Next Hadith. Now

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this one mentions what they do when the angels the traveling

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angels come upon a gathering of remembrance. They all come

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together to the point that are overlapping. They're all like

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overlapping one another, with their wings, all the way to the

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heavens. What are they doing? They're praising you, thanking you

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grand dicing you mentioning your oneness. They're asking for from

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you. And they're seeking your protection. Allah says what do

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they ask of me? While he knows best? They say, they asked you for

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Paradise. Allah says, Did they see my paradise? Did they say no? What

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if they saw it? If they saw my paradise? They would ask you for

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even more, then what do they seek refuge from your punishment? Did

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they see my punishment? No. What if they saw my punishment ALLAH

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SubhanA wa Tada said, be witnesses that I have forgiven them and I've

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granted them what they've asked and I have protected them from

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what they're seeking protection for. However, the angels said they

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have a very bad sinner amongst them. Normally, they always say

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all these gatherings they have all these centers, right? And all

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these people who are weak and chatty, and they always come they

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only come to the masjid. Right. Isn't that what people say? They

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say all they that yeah, you go to these gatherings and all sorts of

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uncouth people there that are loose and there are weak in the

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deen and we can show you what are the Monica say here are bene in

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NiFi him AB dem kata he's always committing since not called it he

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commits since these have bought always committing sins. He's not

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one of them. He just came he sat with them, but it's not one of

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them. So the mana Aika are saying exactly what we see in in our real

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life today that a lot of these gatherings are filled with regular

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people who are probably maybe

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Who knows if they pray five times a day, but they show up to this

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gathering, and they're not the regulars. They're not the regular

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practicing Muslims who show up to the gathering of that every week.

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Him too I've forgiven him. These are a people, the one who sits

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with them is never miserable. That means you will come away with some

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benefit Hadith number four, there is no gathering of remembrance. No

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group of people who gathered to remember a lot except the angels

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surround them and the mercy develops them and Sakina comes

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down upon them and Allah remembers them with those with him. Who are

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the melodica

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