Shadee Elmasry – Gratitude Leads to Transformation Ep 6. #Shorts

Shadee Elmasry
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses how even if one is strong in their love of Allah, they still need to love their partner and reform their behavior. They argue that generosity from God is important for transformation and that even if one is in a bad state, they still need to draw inspiration from Allah's strength.

AI: Summary ©

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			If you feel that your love of
Allah is weak, or it's dry like a
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			desert, then love yourself but no
who is going to be your
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			benefactor? Allah is your
benefactor. So if I start asking
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			for good things and receiving good
things, I'm going to love Allah
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			more. And now you start to realize
why Allah answers some people's
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			dua, who seemed not to deserve it.
Sometimes our own selves, when
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			Allah gives you something, all of
a sudden you feel so much
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			gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala
you feel so much love and you
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			reform yourself as a result of
this. So generosity from God is
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			not just after doing good deeds
and being good generosity of Allah
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			is oftentimes the motivation to
transform ourselves. And that's
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			why even if a person is in a low
state, in a bad state not doing
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			good, you still go to a low for
draw, you get an answer, and
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			that's going to be the beginning
of your transformation.