Shadee Elmasry – Gender according to Islam
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There's lots of Muslims confused on what it even means to be a man
or be a woman. Right? What traditionally has been defined,
you know, when I think of being a man, it could be a number of
things, right? But I'm mostly painted as I have a
responsibility. Here's the beauty in Islam, right? We have no
concept except image about being a man. Rather, what a lot is
messenger tell us is how to be a son, how to be a brother, how to
be a husband, how to be an employer, how to be an employee,
it's far more nuanced than just a man and a woman. Right? That's a
big thing, right? So if you notice, when does Allah say men
and women, he says in your appearance, right? Right. He says,
in your appearance, a man who tries to come with the appearance
and walk and talk of a woman softening his voice dressing with
what is commonly known as women's dress at that time, okay? Because
there's some cultural things there, right? Dress a behaving
like a woman, what is what people would look and say, You're
behaving like a woman, right? If you like in English, they say if
you get 100 guys at the bar, right? 10 guys at the bar, right?
What are they gonna say? They're gonna give you the average answer
of the people, right? We want to say something similar, right? And,
you know, we'd have our own analogy, if you get 10 People who
pray, they'll define as this guy behaving like a man or woman,
right? You get 10 Women is this guy behave is this woman behaving
like a man or woman? So let it's up. It's cultural. But other than
that, when it comes to rights and responsibilities, far more
nuanced, your your neighbors, your employees, your employees, your
sons, your daughters, your brothers, your sisters, all these,
and it has their own guidance. And so what would you recommend for a
lot of people who are trapped in this kind of feminist dialogue? Or
even the men who don't understand the rights of women? You know,
there's two extremes, how would you address both of them? Right?
There's one. That's, I mean, they're lost in their own
extremes. Right? So how would you address both of them? And there
might be people listening to this now, you know, who are wondering,
you know, what can I do to properly understand balance? So
you're when what you're referring to is people sort of caught in
their mental matrix.
And being caught in a mental matrix is something we build up
our own mental matrix is, alright, matrices, I guess the plural is.
And honestly, a lot of times when people are stuck on an opinion,
it's a reflection of arrogance, right? Even we should be listening
to everything, right? Absolutely. We shouldn't shut out anything,
even though we, I'm sitting here mocking a lot of things. I'm not
even going to open up certain thing articles to read. Right? But
at the same time, right, there has to be a degree of flexibility to
listen to some humility, maybe there's a point somewhere as
absurd as an idea might be, there might be, you know, something that
we should be listening to. So
in the general query, what you're asking right now is, people are in
a mental matrix, they cannot get out unless they're humble enough
to listen to have the humility and willingness to listen. Right? If
they're not humble enough to listen, humility, firstly, they
probably already shut the podcast off. Right, right. Right when we
talked about some other just said the word feminism, right. But if
they're not, if they are listening, then
you know, they have some capability of unwillingness to
listen, right? That's the start.
I mean, I totally, if that's the case, we're going to go back to
cosmology. We're going to go back a step. Do we agree on what
exists? This is the first question, do we agree on what
exists? Because you say, Well, God and prophecy doesn't exist, then
we have no dialogue. I'm playing baseball and you're playing
football, there is no dialogue can proceed, or you can proceed for
the next question is all right now a pistol Knology now that we
believe that God and prophecy exists, where do we get Where did
God and Prophet put their teachings? So if they're, we're
gonna agree on the Quran, no doubt about that. Are we going to agree?
Are we going to agree on the Hadith? Right, right. I don't
enter a discussion if the hadith is not agreed upon. It's like
saying, Let's play baseball but no bats. Right, not accepted. Right.
I won't accept it. Right. And, and I've noticed and I think I was
talking to Ali about this earlier, that all of these extremes,
whether it be these extreme feminists, or these people who are
you know, they don't, they don't count Hadith, right? The liberal
groups, right? I feel like all of them have put together this on 50
by the help of their The Misfits base. Yes, the misfit mod hub.
And I think that's a good name for it. That's what it is.
I can't take credit for that myself. very good friend of mine
told me you know, the misfits This is what the and and here's the
thing amongst us. What's the backdoor for all these people to
come into the community? Right, it's to week all right week,
quote, unquote, claiming spirituality and to some of this
is what's driving me insane these days, the people on who are upon
right there upon right at the end of their upon the right path. They
are weak, what happens to them? Right? They refuse to shut the
door on certain ideas, not people, we can't we don't shut the door on
people. We don't want to shut the door on people because a lot of
people are needing some type of help, right? A lot of people need
help. A lot of people need compassion, but ideas you have to
you have to be staunch on your arcade, you got to be staunch on
your beliefs, right? You cannot allow certain doors to open at
night at the store. But you got to allow someone to crack open the
window. Right? So we have to be welcoming to people but crystal
clear on ideas. And we shouldn't stand on platforms to confuse
people with others. Right of those beliefs. That's part of being
clear. But if we're on our own home turf, okay, and someone wants
to come in, they're welcome to come. We shouldn't be mocking we
shouldn't be putting down people and individuals, right? But this
is who I blame for all this trouble, right? I always go back
and say you got a problem. Look at your own home base. Look at your
own behavior. Right. Let's alimony shaytaan says Don't blame me while
I'm full circle blame yourselves. I was looking at myself right. So
all this has happened because when we say the OMA well, who is the
who are the group of individuals that are supposed to be leading
almost automap