Shadee Elmasry – Fasting Solves 99

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of hunger and the benefits of fasting, including fixinger'ser'ser's body's health. They explain that fasting causes a "har yours" or "will" to people, but it is not a permanent fix. The speaker also mentions the importance of fasting for health reasons, but acknowledges that it can lead to problems.
AI: Transcript ©
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If the stomach is hungry, the limbs have no desires either the

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spiritual path vichara is brought to the forefront. But if you

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really want the fast tracking, the Tobia, of a person's neffs, and

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the Tobia of a person's self, it's hunger. Right? If you have a

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problem with your tongue, with your eyes, with Your ears,

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whatever fasting, consistently, hunger is going to solve 99%. And

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fasting is not this fast that they do intermittent fasting where they

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fast from food, but they don't fast from water. We're talking

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about the fast that Allah loves. Those fast may have other

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benefits, but the fast that Allah loves. Why? Because that's what

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binds you. intermittent fast, and I can break that whenever I feel

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like it. But once you open a nephila fast, you're stuck with

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it. It takes the choice out of my mind. I don't have to make a

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choice. Every time I see food now. I know I'm fasting

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