Shadee Elmasry – Evil Exposed James Thorp MD

Shadee Elmasry
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Speaker 2 discusses the use of non Precision Borders and carpet bombing in Iran, calling it a red flag in the first place. He suggests receiving these items to prevent further attacks by Iranian citizens and military officers. Speaker 1 agrees and suggests not wasting any money on American citizens.

AI: Summary ©

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			James Thorpe he's a gynecologist.
That's a red flag in the first
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			place and guys are gynecologists.
Why? Israel I suggest you receive
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			two squadrons of USA FB 52
bombers, each carrying 70,000
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			pounds of cheap non precision
bombs and commence nonstop 24/7
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			carpet bombing of Gaza and Lebanon
for three months. Don't waste any
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			more blood from Israeli citizens
on ground invasions. Don't waste
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			your assets on precision guided
munitions. Nuke Damascus Teheran
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			and every military installation in
Iran, for Damascus is full of
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			civilians and kids to Iran is full
of civilians and kids because and
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			Lebanon, he wants to carpet bomb
non precision bombings and these
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			are Aiders and abettors of murder
and genocide by their words and
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			their morale and their publicizing