Shadee Elmasry – Evil Exposed James Thorp MD

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Speaker 2 discusses the use of non Precision Borders and carpet bombing in Iran, calling it a red flag in the first place. He suggests receiving these items to prevent further attacks by Iranian citizens and military officers. Speaker 1 agrees and suggests not wasting any money on American citizens.
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James Thorpe he's a gynecologist. That's a red flag in the first
place and guys are gynecologists. Why? Israel I suggest you receive
two squadrons of USA FB 52 bombers, each carrying 70,000
pounds of cheap non precision bombs and commence nonstop 24/7
carpet bombing of Gaza and Lebanon for three months. Don't waste any
more blood from Israeli citizens on ground invasions. Don't waste
your assets on precision guided munitions. Nuke Damascus Teheran
and every military installation in Iran, for Damascus is full of
civilians and kids to Iran is full of civilians and kids because and
Lebanon, he wants to carpet bomb non precision bombings and these
are Aiders and abettors of murder and genocide by their words and
their morale and their publicizing this