Shadee Elmasry – Elon Musk Was FORCED to Go to Israel Propaganda & Co.

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
Luke Musk has been holding up against anti-echnoism on Twitter and other platforms, but his recent purchase of Tesla and SpaceX has exposed Musk to various groups and concerns about the "brder's act." Elon Musk has been using AI and has exposed various groups in his Twitter purchase, including the "brder's act." The recent Twitter purchase has caused Elon Musk to be "brder's act" and has caused a "brder's act." Elon Musk's use of AI has also exposed his connections with various powers, including the "brder's act."
AI: Transcript ©
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Tell me about Elon Musk and the Starlink aspect of the meeting,

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forget the Twitter aspects of the meeting. What is his plan with

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Starlink? What was the agreement?

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Is it an enforceable agreement? Tell us about tell people about

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Starlink. And how that influences or impacts any future activity by

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the resistance by the people of Gaza. So I'm not familiar if there

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were any updates in the last 24 hours or 48 hours regarding

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Starlink. But I know that Elon Musk was starting a Starlink

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terminal, in its little E, and they released them in in stages.

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So in some areas, you have access to Starlink at a certain speed.

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But in other areas, they're not going to get access for like a

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year or two at best. And Elon Musk has been trying to expedite that

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process. The Israelis have definitely, you know, taken

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advantage of the October 7 moment to say, hey, we need charity, we

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need help. We need this, we need that. And so Elon Musk has

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committed to speeding up the process for Israelis to get it.

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And of course, because Elon Musk gave Starlink to Ukraine, and he

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flew it on a cargo plane himself directly within a couple of days

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to make sure that the people Ukraine had internet, people were

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saying, hey, why don't why aren't you doing that for husband?

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So Ilan was kind of like stuck in a tough position, because one, he

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doesn't want to look like a hypocrite, too. He doesn't want to

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piss off the Israeli government. Three, you know, Hamas is

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technically a terrorist organization, you know, according

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to the United States. And so if he were to send Starlink to them,

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that's material support for terrorism. And he's already being

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accused of anti semitism. And so it was kind of like a minefield,

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he's like, dammit, what do I do? So he said, Okay, I'll just offer

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to send Starlink to the Red Cross, or internationally recognized

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organizations that are not terrorists.

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The Israelis were not happy about that. And they threatened to

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attack and destroy any equipment that sent. You know, it's not an

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easy setup, like the Starlink terminals are. They require a lot

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of power. And it's not like, it's not like sending you a bunch of

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solar panels with a Wi Fi router. It's a lot bigger, it's a lot more

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sophisticated and takes a lot of power. So it's not an easy thing

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to set up anyway. And if an enemy combatant as genocidal and insane

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as the Israelis are, they blew up the USS Liberty, right.

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If they're threatening to blow up the Starlink terminal, then yeah,

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it's kind of difficult. So, Ilan, I mean, Elon is the real hostage.

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I've been saying for the last few days. He's been, he's been held

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hostage, they accuse him of anti semitism, and then nearly tanked.

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Twitter a week ago, that's why you saw Elon all of a sudden, like,

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turn into a zombie. And now he's like just parroting and repeating

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whatever they say. And, you know, part of me wants to say, Come on,

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man have a backbone. You know, you have all these followers on

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Twitter, if you just said, Hey, guys, bail me out. You know, this

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is the free speech platform. I think people would have done it.

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But the thing is, these companies have a lot of, they have a lot of

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money, they have a lot of influence. And so the other part

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of me understands, he made a big purchase. And there's a lot at

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stake. And so

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it's complicated. Even if people were to start subscribing and

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shore up, you know, the losses from the advertising revenue.

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Apple could remove him from the App Store. Android could remove

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him from the Google Store. Yeah, there's a lot of like, the EU

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threatened to have him removed completely from Europe. So it's

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not an easy it's not like okay, you guys pay me now. Yeah, it's

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not that simple. So yeah, I'm not making excuses for him.

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But it is a really difficult position to be in. We all know how

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powerful designers are. And they've, they've wielded that

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power against him in a week, they turned him into a completely

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different person. It's actually incredible to see. It was

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hilarious when he said, it sounds trite, but I just want world

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peace. No, it sounded like someone who just got really got spanked.

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And now all of a sudden is playing nice, right? Someone who was a big

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shot and his of the siblings walking around, like he's the big,

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you know, the,

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you know, the Big Shot, and all of a sudden after he gets a beating,

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and he gets spanked, and he gets yelled at at the principal's

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office. Now he comes back and he's like, I really wish the world has

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world peace. Yeah, but you're so good now. And you want peace now

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because it's a lot easier to do business and to sell ads and to

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sell Starlink and whatever it is that you're doing when when you

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don't have to make moral choices and you don't have to upset

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anybody and your actual opinion isn't upsetting the adults in the

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room because your mind is one way but you realize that all the

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adults in the room are on the other side and all the powers that

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be on the other side. So obviously, he's a completely

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changed man. And I

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I'm gonna sort of guess here are forecasts that type of bro

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attitude that he was taking the last year or two on Twitter.

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I think it's going to be gone. He was like, like a red pilled. Bro

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in the last two years or something, I think that attitude

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is going to be gone because he's sort of been. Really he's been

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spanked in front of everybody.

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Yeah, he has,

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you know, this Twitter purchase? Yeah. As much as he tried to say

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it was about free speech. God knows what it's really about, you

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know, I don't believe as impulsive as Elon Musk can be. I don't

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believe he actually tells everyone his true intentions. He you know,

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he's also developing AI. Yes, Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter may fit

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into that plan for different reasons. I don't think he did it

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necessarily for free speech, maybe he did it to help the Republicans

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get into office. I don't know why he really did it only he knows.

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But, you know, that purchase was a significant investment. And that

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purchase also has exposed him even more than just Tesla or SpaceX did

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to the interests of many different groups. Now everyone has a piece

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of the pie. And designers made that very, very clear when he

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responded. He did two things in the last two weeks that really

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angered them. The first thing, he did an interview with Lex

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Friedman, where he was pro Israel, like 99% of the conversation, but

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he said one thing that got clipped.

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He said,

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When you kill somebody and Uzza, you turn five kids into fighters.

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Yep. Which is a very reasonable thing to say. Yep.

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This angered the Israelis. The second thing he said,

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a lot of white people are white conservatives are upset with the

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Jewish community in America, because they view them as being

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complicit in the narrative that is essentially accusing

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or attacking the white community in America. So we've, we've gone

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beyond that, though, it's not just woke.

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We find it laughable when they say there's a white genocide in

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America, right. But a lot of white conservatives deeply believe this,

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they believe they're under attack. And in a lot of ways, there they

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are in terms of messaging, right? Their, their culture, their

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identity is being picked away at. Yep. And a lot of the, like,

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thinkers and writers that are propagating this anti white

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message, or Jews in America. And so somebody commented, they said,

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you know, Jews want us to feel bad for them now. Right. But they've

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been, you know, talking about us. So, you know, I don't, I don't

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feel bad for them, I don't, I'm not gonna all of a sudden care

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about them. And what they're, you know, they're saying that anti

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semitism is growing, I'm not gonna care about that, because you

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didn't care about me, right, as a white person. And Elon said,

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that's true, or that's correct. Probably an impulsive tweet. But

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he was just trying, acknowledging something that he, you know,

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agreed with this, really. So these two things combined, acknowledging

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that tweet, where they're essentially blaming the Jewish

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community for attacking the white conservatives in America. And this

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Lex Friedman comment he made about killing children and converting

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them into fighters when they grow up. This made the Israelis just

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basically go okay, you know what, we're tired of this. You keep

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talking. You're threatening our narrative? Yep. Whether it's

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intentional or not, doesn't matter. We're going to make an

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example out of you. And so they, every single advertiser, they just

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hit them up and said, This guy's being anti semitic pull your

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advertisements. The lobby is just that strong. And what he should

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have done. I mean, if your own your own Twitter, instead of

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exposing himself like that, he could have just elevated the

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tweet, right? I mean, isn't it not too hard? I'm sure it's not too

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hard. You know, put this tweet on everybody's

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make it go on 50% of the timelines or whatever, right. I'm sure.

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Don't say anything at all. You don't see Mark. Nobody knows. Even

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though we all know behind the scenes what Mark Zuckerberg is up

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to? Yeah, Mark Zuckerberg and meta that the CEO of Instagram isn't

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his right. He's a dual citizen. He's an American and an Israeli

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citizen. We know obviously, what Mark Zuckerberg views are, but you

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don't hear him talk about it. Yeah. Yeah. People probably now

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dislike Elon more than they dislike mark. Even though Mark is

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obviously a Zionist. There's not enough material to hit him with.

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Yeah, he's not he's out. He's not even going to comment on this.

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Right. So that's all Elon would have to do as well just stop

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talking. Right? Well, it's not part of his personality.

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