Shadee Elmasry – Does God Love Everyone Equally
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Okay, good question. This claim that Allah to Allah loves all of
His creation is partly true and partly has a false meaning. In
Allah Allah Allah Allah Abadi will cover, Allah is not pleased with
his, he's not pleased when his creation goes down a wrong path
meaning the human being, because firstly, his, you know animals and
things, they don't have choice in the first place. So it is correct
that Allah does have a love for them to be guided. But the phrase,
if the phrase is that he loves them, as is unconditionally This
is false. This is not true. Why is it not true? Because you can't
make a claim about Allah Tada, who are you to? Someone hired you to
be his lawyer, to be his spokesperson, who was his
spokesperson, the prophets. Like this is a knowledge you can't
guess. You can't just have feelings about God and think it's
truth. God is unseen to you. The only way you know anything about
him that's actually true, is by is not by gut feelings is by
prophets. So what the Quran and the Hadith say that's what is true
about God, my gut feeling about God is not necessarily true. It
could be true, but it needs confirmation from a prophet. So
the Prophet peace be upon him says this hadith. And this is the
Quran, that Allah is not pleased with his servants, to be in
disbelief, that he wants them to be in belief, he loves for them to
be in belief, or to be in the good, and belief is the greatest
of good, right? So from that aspect, it's true from the aspect
that if you're trying to sell it to me that he loves everyone
unconditionally. So therefore, the one who submits and the one who
doesn't submit is the same. The one who obeys and the one who
disobeyed at the same while we have so many eyes on the Quran
says lations.
They're not the same, right? Whoever thinks that they're the
same as made a misjudgment, and many of us have a lineage that I
will say at the end add on Kenda Dean, I'm gonna I'm gonna start
ahead. So
you think that the one who he does sins all day, and the one who's
pious all day, that they're going to have the same results? Right,
same reaction. That's not the same unless they make Toba unless they
repent and change their ways. So this is the real question is, the
sign of Divine Love is following the Prophet peace be upon him?
Allah subhana which Allah gives us an a verse of love, and he says,
say, if you truly love Allah, then follow the Prophet.
Okay, follow the Prophet. That is a sign that you truly love Allah,
I want to express my love for Allah, how? Not how I want to,
okay, if someone loves me, can you give me the gift that he wants? Or
the gift that I want? Right? If you're gonna give a gift to your
wife, do you give her the gift that you want? Right? Or the gift
that she wants? I got you tickets to the Baltimore Orioles game. Oh,
really? That for you or for me? For me or for you? Right? That's a
gift for you. That's not something that she wants. Okay? So likewise,
you worship Allah as he wants, not how you want, you might think
something is good, but it's not. So this idea of gut feeling,
religion is just, it has no substance. Their gut feeling does
have a basis in religion. When you don't know something. The Prophet
made it clear. If you don't know something, you have no knowledge,
no recourse to ask, no way to learn. Then go with your gut.
Which means if Ask your heart, when in the absence of knowledge
when I have no other choice, but otherwise, our God is not a
spokesperson for God, do you have a book he sent us a book he sent
us a prophet he sent to scholars to analyze what this text actually
mean. Okay, and then that's the true meaning.