Shadee Elmasry – Does Divine Inspiration Still Occur- NBF 419

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The speakers discuss the use of "use your words" and the importance of sh arcing in Islam, as it is necessary for achieving success in the field. They also emphasize the importance of giving money to change one's life and sh arcing, as it is crucial for achieving success in the field. The title of the Quran is also emphasized, and the importance of praying and staying true to one's values is emphasized. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a book.
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Allah rahman rahim, alhamdulillah, wa salatu was salamu
ala rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
man wala Welcome everybody to the Safina Society
nothing but facts live stream on a Came
coming to you a little bit late on
a Thursday It's 27 degrees out here in
the great state of New Jersey, and it's
sunny Which means though that any precipitation that
comes down will be snow But there is
no Precipitation in the forecasts and They oftentimes
get these forecasts wrong though, so we'll see
because it is white out.
There's snow left over from from last weekend
a What we call it divisional rounds weekend
in which we saw some careers basically End
right if you're a Ravens fan you saw
some mission Sort of feel bad for these
players even though it's all lehu but You
can't make a drop like that Even though
there's a mint there's 90 seconds for Alan
to take the field ball back But still
90 seconds you can you can stop them
right now in seconds you can get the
ball back 90 seconds field goal or stop
you can still get the ball back Right
so but nonetheless him Your man from the
Vikings Saw that Darnold that's basically was sad
to watch yeah, and go to the end.
I do I watch these things with my
son So that's a Pretty much wraps up
his comeback right Unfortunately for him, but nonetheless
it was nice.
It was snowing It's one of those days
you order uber eats, and you stay home,
And you got the playoffs on but you
know happy of Omar always warns Do not
be fooled with your time even if you're
watching those things you still pick up the
misbeha right never Sit solely on lehu even
if you're gonna sit on lehu you still
pick up the misbeha and remember Allah Ta
'ala That is permitted for us to do
right because it's not Quran Quran.
You cannot you must have a stigma Hadith
you cannot listen to Hadith while doing something
else, but vikrullah Right you can do while
you're you're engaged in these lehu and we're
not gonna live it We're not gonna say
or pretend.
We live in a world in which We
never are involved in lehu and the reason
is no matter how pious you are you
have a family you have no friends you
Have a community, so you're gonna be at
the wavelength of your community, but you get
it maybe possibly Improve everyone a notch by
reminding them even when you're engaged in some
lehu Remember Allah and one of the brothers.
He did on Super Bowl weekend.
He transformed it He said we're doing it
at my house because he has a big
theater TV type and he said, but I
want you to come and We're gonna have
a holocaust in the middle so we prayed
I think it's like I shot by that
time prayed I shot we recited imam al
-haddad's word al-ratib al-shaheer Give a
small holocaust one hour Then we all ate
so that's what Muslims tended to always do
whenever there's a gathering You're not fighting the
You're not gonna change form society, but we
can take that and transform a little of
it We also did Super Bowl weekend.
We would host it in the gym of
the masjid right these people are in the
masjid get some food Hang out with some
people watch that they watched it and some
people are surprised I'm saying you're bringing lehu
here said the lehu is not going anywhere.
It's either in people's homes By themselves or
we can make something out of it All
right, and hopefully Allah rewards us for trying
to make something out of what is not
disappearing anytime soon Yeah, right.
It's here either way.
You know that the Hadram is visit to
Nabiullah who'd you heard about that?
No, they have a do a visit to
Nabiullah who'd Right and they spend almost like
I don't know two weeks or something there
and they give talks and have gatherings It's
like a huge conventions their version of isn't
right huge convention All outdoors and the bot
of the grave of it said now who
does there?
but that that Visitation was a marketplace way
before Islam even hmm So when the Habayb
got there and it was al-faqih al
-muqaddam He said, oh everyone's gathering there to
buy and sell let's go give halakhas there
to do tabligh like to believe in Jemaah,
Let's give talks there Let's make use of
Yeah now the economy changed The visitation stayed
and the economy changed nobody.
There are no such thing as marketplaces anymore
Yeah, so Shaban was where they went there
month of Shaban you go down to Yemen
everyone Arabs Meccans Nedged Mecca hijaz everyone goes
down to Hood During and the reason they
would do it during the month of Shaban
and the reason they would do it in
that month Or in that location was because
Arabs had no government no police So they
would do their big tijara in a sacred
place So that you can have Hayat from
stealing you'd be embarrassed to steal in a
sacred place so now funny thing is the
the visitation has grown into a Huge Musim
of lectures and Gatherings and now the businesses
come for that.
It's reversed So the vicar has stayed and
the tijara has gone as now following the
now Vendors will wait until Shaban comes and
they'll go to hoods to buy and sell
food to sell food and all that stuff.
So Amazing how the remembrance of Allah has
stayed and is now being followed by the
dunya as opposed to the opposite So let's
look at these slides on way as Omar
is showing us some of the visitations of
who did you show them over?
Past it.
Okay, no problem Actually, you know what go
back to it if you can let's take
a look is curious to see what you're
go back to that Whole video.
Yeah, let's see that video clip There it
is, so that's the visitation of hood And
That rock there, that's where the head is
And that's the little message they built on
top of the head and then the body's
huge Like from here
For this look at that tense Tijara show
Irma, whatever Tom The dunya is now tab
on it Maybe
that's the end of the So
each tribe the tribes they all meet there
too, maybe those are their flags There's a
different tribes I'll meet up there and have
sessions with their people and stuff like that.
It's their conference.
It's their annual conference different version of You
gotta come on we're gonna send a contingency
every year.
Oh myself ago, probably I love
the M&E style of see that's how
they make their domes Unique style and they
have the edges of their buildings are all
the same and they use that white line
Cuz it's not paint Night
they go on the roof They go on
the roof of that That's what we did
we went on the roof And there Where
did we go?
Oh on the right we were on the
right So we went on the right on
the roof.
So how do we know it's the grave
of food?
It's one of those things passed down by
to watch it from before Islam All
right today.
We're covering the subject matter We're covering wahi
Can what is wahi and here we begin
with this?
This is a nice piece of knowledge for
everybody to know It is explicit in the
I would have been a human a Shaitan
regime Well, I can I leave a sharing
any you can limit allahu illa wahya I
mean what I hijab I would use a
lot of Sula So you'll be in the
mesh in no I mean like Ali you
and Hakeem First of all, the word wahi
linguistically speaking means any form of communication That
is not seen or heard That's the linguistic
meaning of the word wahi Okay And so
Allah Ta'ala tells us that he does
not speak to people directly in this world
in the next world Yes, but in this
world, no does not speak to people directly
except by wahi Or behind a veil or
through a messenger So wahi we know is
when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would
feel a couple things number one an immense
weight Crushing his body, but it's unseen.
He can't see it, but it feels like
it's extremely difficult and Even one time he
was on a camel when he received wahi
the camel had to sit down From the
weight and One time his leg was over
the thigh His knee was like leaning on
the thigh of a Sahabi the Sahabi thought
his femur would break from the weight Number
two is he the Prophet would sweat in
the middle of the winter when why he
came down number three the ringing of a
bell and They would see that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in duress is
in struggling Because this is Allah calls is
the Quran saqeel right a man came to
Imam Malik and he said I have a
question and The Malik said he did not
know That he would have to research it.
He said so just tell me what you
think because it's a small issue He said
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says that we have
revealed upon you a heavy word There is
nothing light in religion.
Nothing in ilm is a light matter Okay,
so that's the third attribute three attributes of
this wahi Then it would be lifted and
when they it would be lifted the Prophet
would always have a big smile on his
face and he would recite What was told
what what he received?
That's the description of the wahi.
No human being will receive this except the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
Of course that is the method the number
one method in which the Quran was revealed
Now we go to number two.
Oh, man.
We're all hijab.
What is the olemat say?
I mean we're all hijab means knowledge a
piece of information something enters your heart Without
you knowing from where?
It was not muqtasib.
It was not a jumble up of your
For example Let's just take as an example
this drink Khyber's dirty chai and I'm telling
you I'm rooting for Khyber I'll tell you
why because they're about to get bullied and
pushed around by two three big-name Coffee
shops not like they're guilty or anything That
are coming Right in the vicinity of this
little guy's coffee shop first Muslim coffee shop
in New Brunswick, right?
And now these big or really well funded
strong companies Are coming I like those guys
too, right?
I'm I'll support them too, but I'm gonna
still support this little guy because he's around
to get bullied and I always sort of
Root for the underdog, but the other guys
we support them, too You know They'll do
They'll do fine.
They'll do fine because more people will go
They may have a they have may have
a hundred percent of the pie now and
they'll have 30% later But that 30
will be bigger than 100.
All right, the percentage is less but the
amount will be more Which one is this
the white stuff?
Nice nice, so When this guy comes up
with the dirty chai, which is throwing some
espresso on the chai Yeah, that's what it
So that's you can attribute that to your
ideas You're thinking about espresso all day you
thinking about coffee.
Okay, so one day you mix the two,
That's the idea so certain ideas are Results
of they're already in your mind, but when
an idea comes into your heart you don't
know where it came from and it was
not something you were ever thinking about and
it's totally novel to all your other ideas
and Of course, this is related to the
Dean Benefits in religion in life and religion.
Yeah, then that is what's known as in
him That is what is the definition of
Oh mean what I hijab we turn that
in him I mean what I hijab means
you do not see the the origin of
where it came from Yeah, just Cody fits
Sometimes it almost it feels like it entered
into your mouth and you said it Right
like a word you said so who for
example received this the mother of Musa The
mother of Musa received this it entered into
her heart put him in the river and
she knew that was no mother and Ever
would think of something like that Because she
knew was from Allah and Allah called it
So that is wahi in the linguistic sense
of the word Technically speaking in Sharia wahi
equals the Quran and there's no wahi after
Rasool Allah.
So that is in him and When the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam receives in him and
Speaks it to the people It's called hadith
could see Hadith could see number three Oh,
you're still a Rasoola This is the second
manner by which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
received the Quran Say no Jibreel used to
come in a form and the most similar
person that lived at that time that looked
like that form Was de Hiel can be
some people think why did he come as
de Hiel can be as a random sahabi
a number one It's a shut off to
the head can be to elevate his name.
Well, where else do you hear his name?
They look like Jibreel secondly It may not
necessarily be for a reason It's just this
is how Jibreel looked in his human form
and did he happen to look like that,
So there's no other connection beyond that And
Kelby means his his tribe used to train
dogs Because people wonder why would you call
someone a Kelby, right?
It means that his tribe used to train
dogs and his tribe was famous for that.
So de Hiel can be He had an
appearance that had that long black hair as
saying the Jibreel is described that was always
looking wet and He would always wear white
clothes and look like he just came out
of a bus a shower and the Sahaba
Why that was unique anybody who's ever lived
in a desert?
Knows that wet black hair is not going
to be wet for long.
It's gonna be dusty The water on the
hair will stick that will cause the dust
to stick on so you're never gonna last
a long time with wet black hair and
When you're in those old days if you
came out with a shower or having taken
a shower That means you stayed at someone's
house Right because you couldn't have traveled you
would be dusty and disheveled if you traveled
So therefore whose house did you stay at?
And if you know that how Medina was
was so small everyone lived next to each
other in this studio that we have here
There could be a house here and a
house there Literally, the homes were so small.
They're almost like tents Right living in Mecca
and Medina was almost this like living in
you go to a tent campground and Vermont
or Massachusetts or Pennsylvania and you see tent
here tent there tent there.
That's how that's how they used to live
houses We're so small sometimes tents too in
any event Sayyidina Jibreel would simply speak to
the Prophet like a human speaks to another
human and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said
that's easier.
That was the easiest and how the Prophet
reviewed the Quran With Sayyidina Jibreel Was in
the form of a human So Jibreel would
come to him and they would sit together
and they would recite in the prayer and
and Sayyidina Jibreel would say take Remove this
ayah, put this ayah, elevate this ayah, put
this surah first, put this surah second Okay
So that is the methods by which the
Quran was revealed was method one and method
three All right next slide We don't have
two slides today All right Sayyidina Imam At
-Tahawi says وَأَنزَلَهُ عَلَىٰ نَبِيهِ وَحْيَا وَصَدَّقَهُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ
عَلَىٰ ذَٰلِكَ حَقًّا He sent it down upon
his messenger as a revelation the believers accept
all of this as truth so meaning linguistic
meaning of wahi Any communication cannot be seen
or heard technical meaning in Sharia The revelation
of the Quran to the messenger sallallahu alayhi
wasallam Now wahi to prophets Non-prophets and
animals is all mentioned in the Quran using
the linguistic meaning and To prophets it's the
holy book.
They receive to non-prophets It's inspiration to
do something like the mother of Moses and
to animals It's the instinct with which they
were created every animals created with an instinct
So that means Allah Ta'ala does not
send an angel to the bees to speak
nor does he thrust from himself knowledge into
their hearts All right, rather he creates them
with an instinct I mean the instinct of
the bee and the ant these are like
amazing animals just because they're small is irrelevant
Microchips are small too.
And these are the people make billion-dollar
industry on the little microchips, right the bees
their knowledge that they have And they sense
another bee has been at the pollen, right?
They don't take from it.
They only eat what's tired, right?
la yaqtub al-muslim wa ala khitabati akhi
You see the man's got any is about
to be engaged forget that you know that
your brother on Friday He has a meeting
with sister so-and-so's family.
Okay, that's Friday.
Today's Monday and you go out there, right?
Let me beat him to it.
Haram It's haram to do So we cannot
or also a bargaining.
We're almost at a deal You can't cut
in the middle and say I got a
better deal.
You can't do that.
All right, so The bees don't do that
when they see that another bee has been
at this flower.
He only wants virgin flowers He goes to
a flower that that no one's touched before
So the bees are amazing creatures and amazing
animals, you know ants have their own Sharia,
too there was an experiment that a guy
did by putting a cube of sugar out
and Waiting to see what the ants would
So the ants went one ant came looked
at this.
I wish I can find the exact study
Looked at this cube of sugar walked around
it left He looked and he found the
ant coming back with like four or five
other ants so he put a piece of
paper in the middle like this and He
picked up the piece of sugar then he
lifted the paper and The poor ant get
back and he's circling where the sugar was
And he's like, where is it and they
all leave Then that ant comes back because
he can't believe it like I peace and
he saw the sugar there so he puts
a piece of sugar back He's totally messing
with this ants head.
Then the ant goes back brings his friends
again and This time again, he takes the
sugar away before they get there and they're
all looking and he does the same thing.
So They all leave again and he puts
the sugar back.
So then he calls his friends the third
time Now the guy didn't expect this and
he felt really bad at the end of
this experiment he lifted the sugar cube again
and for the third time They found nothing
So he found that they all huddled into
a little circle For a very short time
then they all dispersed and then he looked
and he found the ant decapitated killed He
was like I did that I just killed
an ant right I caused it poor guy
to be oppressed and They decapitated the ant
so they have like a Sharia and you
can't lie.
You're wasting our time here liars.
You lie three times Yeah, you're gonna be
killed Yeah, three three lies.
You're dead So, I mean if somebody could
look that up that's in it as a
crazy experiment and a crazy story Imam Safwan,
what do you have for us today?
Just Any ideas come to your mind, let's
hear some of that honey from that Lebanese
What is what is Lebanese honey?
You guys have your own honey We have
good honey.
Yeah, I'm the law.
Yeah, I think it just falls under the
Yeah the barakah of sham in general Good,
honey, good good olive oil olive oil pomegranates
all the good stuff.
I'll interest olive oil The show em all
the Arabs have always used it for their
skin too.
Oh, yeah skin They shake my hand.
Yeah, we say his dad every morning.
We take a whole tablespoon of olive oil,
but By the way, if you go to
a supermarket, you're not buying Real olive oil
you're buying it maybe 40% olive oil
and 60% seed oil when I was
young olive oil was green, right and it
had a taste and You bought a bottle
this big, right?
Time goes on you buy a bottle this
big now and it comes out yellow with
no taste Like we get an actual olive
So it's like different cuts of the olive
oil different squeezes.
That's what it is So I may say
100% olive oil, but it's which squeeze
so and which olives too So if you
go to the Arab stores, you get the
bottle of dark green olive oil That stuff
I'm telling you if you have rashes on
your on your skin If you have issues
on your skin, if you have any issues
you even use it as a lotion right
on your skin It does wonders people who
have rashes.
They got irritations.
Try that.
Don't try this stuff that has a hundred
chemicals in it Like who knows what that
stuff is?
I like stuff that has one ingredient just
olive oil.
That's it Let's look at saying that look
man Well, he says We said yesterday women
and Nessim a yes, you may Men and
Nessim a steady level hadith.
We did we covered that and they said
Yeah, tar a you if TRNC one Quran
anything that you choose that is Other than
the Quran so means you have an option
To for religious work or you have an
option for and you get distracted by that.
That's level hadith So, you know, we were
talking about the NFL playoffs To the degree
that that's distracting one from elements level hadith
to the degree that it's not then it's
Yes, you know that we had that we
could say Small amount of levels or Leo
the land Sabilla.
So this that's the short right there You
study level hadith Leo the land Sabilla, so
When we say that all lehwa and Qasas
was haram All he net was haram was
deemed haram time of the Prophet.
That was was the case, but Why is
that because at that time the only lehwa
that existed?
Was the level that was intended to distract
from the Prophets I said over so you
were or on Right now we are on
a a number Now who I had either
Six on this six.
Yeah six So likewise if you were to
say TV is haram we so we say
this right TV is haram Cup ten years
later Iqra was founded, right?
So note scholars said TV is haram because
at that time the only TV that existed
was that which was lehw right and What
CNN is telling us and all that stuff?
Same thing the idea of calamus haram I
mean the calamus haram it all for Imam
said this because at that time the only
admin calam that existed was astray Was more
Tesla calam, right Way that totally I had
to know well Moustakabira and calamus Mahara Canna
fee other than a huaqqara for Bashir be
other than him.
This is very similar to the types of
people you're talking about up in the Academic
world or some intellectual world the moment you
speak of the unseen It's as if metal
has entered their ears Like they cannot stand
for a second to hear anything about the
unseen and that is a sign Is a
very bad sign of disease in the heart
or nifak or what have you and the
Some people they are look astray and they
are maybe a straight but when you mentioned
unseen they perk up so there's still some
Iman in that heart and that's it's like
It's covered by their sins maybe but they're
still Iman and they love to hear about
Malika they love to hear about Angels they
love to hear about these the unseen So
that person has more hope than in him
than somebody when the unseen is mentioned.
He turns off What is the first description
of the moment?
in surahs al-baqarah You know It's number
one feature.
I Also noticed the what either the car
to Rebecca Phil Quran you watch that who?
Always was astonished by it says when you
remember Allah alone Like what or is like
Allah caused it or Allah did it or
this is a it really infuriates them You're
not giving them like how how science did
this and what so, you know, what is
the mechanisms of it, man?
They lose their mind.
Yeah Take these people to a five-star
Michelin star restaurant All right, and ask them
about the meal What the difference is it
make the meal you're there for the rest
for the for the chef.
Mmm, right?
You're there for the chef.
The chef is a source of this meal.
So how did this lobster taste the way
it is?
He's the chef.
He's the best chef.
That's why no, they want a speb They
can only live in the world of a
speb though a speb is The Arabic word
for the physical means because when Allah creates
something in this world He always uses means
creates means All right.
He creates means so in the next world
There are no aspect right if I want
food the food appears but nonetheless there's still
some sense of a speb because this the
The pleasure has a means right but there's
no say For risk, there's no working for
my meal.
There's no working for my food so this
is people who Have a very hard time
with the name of Allah to stay away
from I'm telling you don't even bother stay
far away from Such a person who can
never Cannot stay you you can tell you
know certain people.
Can I mention Allah in front of him?
Can I sit and we speak about Allah
for 10 minutes?
You can't they cannot handle and they may
be fully Muslims.
Something's wrong.
Something's terribly wrong Also the if I can
add the speb they they don't understand the
use of a speb the whole purpose of
of these Recognizable patterns of how something comes
to fruition is also so that you can
recognize Allah because at some point The pattern
is going to deviate Yeah from the normal
cause and effect that you perceive and that's
where you can recognize Allah right, and so
if you understand science as a study of
the patterns of the Actions of Allah.
Yeah, then it can open up a whole
new level of marifa knowing Allah a speb
is You come to appreciation divine appreciation the
respect and It shows that this world is
created Because of how predictable that's exactly so
we can predict When is the next solar
eclipse lunar eclipse literally to like the 10th
of a minute?
Yeah, the 10th of the further to the
second you can predict.
When is the next?
Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse and they always
get it, right?
all right, so We not denying that even
with moon sighting it's not a denial of
the science of it But there is one
factor which you don't know on moon sighting
which is the clouds, right?
once you introduce that third factor the predictability
of the visibility is goes down a bit
so and Also, it's for another purpose moon
sighting Altogether which is for a religion that's
meant for everyone in the world the methodology
of getting there to do the act of
worship needs to be Open for everybody it
needs to be brought down to the lowest
common denominator.
If we say that's good.
Let's do by mathematical Calculations of visibility Have
you ever met anyone who knows how to
do that stuff or what happens if we
have no if we have no internet?
We have no knowledge, right?
So we lose all the information.
So the information is in the hands of
a few people Yes, they spread it far
and wide Okay, and we could print it
But nonetheless it's in the hands of very
few people so Sharia Allah has willed it
for these acts of worship to be for
everybody to do and that's why it's not
a denial of The actual existence of the
math and the science and that's it's soundness
He says In the living a man who
I mean aside It doesn't give it's a
fear to the next few eyes or read
them now let me know I'm gonna start
it out You know I'm gonna turn that
tonight This is from the mutasha meaning a
verse that has been repeated because it's so
important to remember those who believe and do
good they have Gardens of pleasure Holly Dina
FIA they're in it forever.
So the whole physics is completely changed and
the people who are with the SB And
that's all their focus on they're they're making
a big mistake because These this is one
rendition of how things could be Like when
they talk about the creation of the human
being as if the human being can only
be created in one way But if you
look at us, we're created most of us
like ninety nine point nine nine nine percent
are created one way Adam is created in
another way how well was created another way.
I so was created another way Yahya and
is ha we're both created another way through
barren women Barren and menopausal women all of
us will be created yet another way Recreated
so we already believe in six seven methods
of creation right there of one human being
of the human being So so who's the
one who's limited they're the ones who've limited
themselves that there's like one way for people
to have come into existence It's not the
case at all.
And if Allah wanted to create human beings
by watering a Seed they could have came
out of the ground If Allah wanted to
create a human being through coming out of
an egg, he could do that.
Hmm, so yeah Hmm Way that totally I
had to know I wish said this one
Then I'm gonna say I had to know
I'm gonna not to know him.
How did he never had a lie?
He ha ha who was Aziz al Hakeem
Khalaqa Samoa to be ready.
I'm a dint Arona he created the heavens
without Pillars that you see this I could
have two different meanings Meaning without pillars at
all that the heavens this the sky above
us the clouds above us are Sitting there
without any pillars Which sort of is defying
gravity The other way you could read it
is without pillars that you see so there
are pillars, but you don't see them So
whichever way the science goes, right?
It's gonna work out Mighty I'm just what
I'll call Phil Ardira was here and to
meet the become so this also you can
say is one of the signs of the
Quran and proofs of the Quran that the
mount under the mountains are We have anything
besides that clip art That's good enough by
itself But the inspiration is a bit dark.
The color is a bit dark.
It doesn't contrast.
Well with the just make it a lighter
blue He says here the Arousia that there
are poles in the grounds holding the earth
down and That's where we now know that
mountains the bulk of the mountain is underground
and that's what's like pegs holding the earth
down But I was he and to me
the big one about the FIA mean cool
leader, but and he spread all kinds of
animals And Zana Minna Sama'i ma'am,
but an FIA mean cool zogin Kareem and
here He brought down the rain and brought
out growth of all Pears different kinds of
pears mean coolly and better than a female
He's urging Kareem Kareem Noble because they did
in fact They make test be the plants
make test be you know the the most
viewed Sufi inside a video of all hmm
is The question on can a person put
flowers on the grave of their loved one?
Like why that one has went nuts nobody
knows and the the answer in all the
four methods is that It's a fadila to
do so because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Put two branches and said as long
as we I hope that was long as
they're green there would reduce the punishment So
all the fuqaha said it's because of the
test be of the green living green plants
So in fact, we wouldn't limit it to
We'd expand it to anything alive and green
so somehow that just Got to a lot
of people they went crazy And so much
so I had to do a whole research
on What the four methods said and they
all said the same thing very few of
them said it was limited To that person
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he
does something.
It's a Sunnah for everybody It's not limited
to that person so that branches or to
Yeah, it's not limited so That goal is
more to it, but it was a call,
but it's more to do it It's just
weird how things take off on the internet
This makes no sense because it's like a
complete non-issue It's a non-issue and
it's like for us.
We don't know what's better like these people
who obsess about Fick yeah on even issues
that are seemingly non-issues or the people
who are just like Oh God will understand
One wants to nitpick the exact thing that
you can and cannot put on a grave
Where clearly the Prophet put branches on a
grave, right and He is he not an
example for everything Do you know one time
a man came to the messengers the life
on them and he had asked the question
Does the Prophet?
Kiss his wives while fasting Meaning like greet
them and give them a kiss so He
received the answer from Oman what meaning the
answer is yes So He then saw the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and He said
but that's you Mmm, and the Prophet became
very upset why because what is the point
of a prophet except to be your example,
Well, my son and Russell in a little
Tommy in the law is to be obeyed.
He's to be followed So therefore if we
start taking things as oh, it's just for
It's just for that So then at that
point you're sloughing off a lot of Sunan
So for example after the Battle of Badr
he spoke to the Mushrikeen in their graves
Right, and he said they hear you just
as you hear me except they can't respond
According to the most of the fuqa that
applies to all the dead any dead person
you go to you speak to them at
their Grave they hear you, but they can't
respond He says here now Heather yeah, I
need a levy the Carta Mema To I
know Khalq Allahi for Aruni Mada Khalaq.
I love you.
Let me do it.
It's an interesting claim from the Quran This
Quran is claiming to create the whole world
That's his creation.
Show me other claimants Off the top of
your head.
How many claimants are there that to the
creation of the world?
Off the top of your head.
How many centuries has human human beings been
right Where are the other claimants that's actually
one of the legal proofs Because God in
the Bible and the Torah and the Quran
is claiming He's saying that he created the
So who else is claimants say create the
world, right?
Legal proof I Have a calam bone to
pick Yeah, so This is you know, it's
funny when you read like for instance the
translations and So they'll say something like Allah
is the most merciful.
Yeah, so it's it's it's implying that there
are other Correct forces of mercy and Allah
is the most of them.
He is the best of them So even
this serves like See says like for Aruni
mother, right?
So it's like show me what they've created
but like from a from a theological perspective
Anyone who has mercy in the world, they're
receiving that mercy from Allah.
They don't it doesn't belong to them Right
anyone creates something they are Just simply a
vessel and Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is creating
through them, right?
So so this idea that like for instance
if you would say the most merciful or
the most compassionate or the most like So
you are inviting that there are people that
are competing with Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in
a sense And I feel like this this
does kind of mess with people.
Yeah, I don't I don't know exactly I'd
like to get your thoughts on it, but
I wonder what some of these translations what
some of these theological thoughts like how do
we Can we should we oppose them should
we just is it a valid disagreement where
he just let it slide like where does
where does some of these kind of Theological
components, how do how do we challenge them
or talk about them?
I'd be interested to get you Omar.
Did you study this?
As an old colleague for example, yeah Most
merciful of the merciful best of creators, right?
So they let's take best of creators If
you the Tafsir of best of creators, is
that the word hulk Can apply to somebody
who mixes two created things?
He mixed two created things.
Therefore we got a third So that's the
type of hulk.
So you're allowed to say I created a
new recipe.
Yeah, so that's that's a creation That's Majaz
It's not creation from nothing true, right?
So or can it be that It's speaking
to the people with their perception Yeah Because
they haven't yet got the perception that allows
the creator of all things and they may
view him separate from his creation This creation
is doing and he's doing It could be
from that perspective But that would be negated
because the eye of a son or Harlequin
is yeah It is speaking to in general
to people.
So we have to look at we have
to look at the deficit of that Yeah,
look at the PDF generation immediately put it
mom are pulling up a PDF of volume
like 33 All right, you know the PDF
generation and you can't say anything they're gonna
pull up Dude I'm gonna pull up a
PDF in two seconds Omar you you pull
up the a a son of Harlequin or
our hammer Rahimi Yeah, because Rahma can be
attributed to a sub of one was up
there Yeah, and anything this is a Anything
that occurs can be attributed to the suburb
and the most of it All right, for
example, cool.
I was back home.
Malik will note Medical notes takes your life,
but we know he's a suburb, right?
So Yeah, and I I don't think that
you know, Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala Intended for
tow heed.
Yeah to kind of negate Any aspiration of
the created being right so it's like if
if the for instance one of there's a
Authentic hadith where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Mentions the one who forgives a
Mm-hmm, right?
So the man who forgives the debt Allah
says, you know, I am more forgiving Yes,
And so he forgives the man who forgave
the death of that person So that this
idea that Allah is transacting.
Yeah, and his him being the source of
That goodness does not negate his ability to
Transact with creation true.
Sayyidina Musa.
He's In constant state of I'm doing this
and you're doing that, right?
So it's unlike what they call finette Phila
is not apparent in that Finette is like
I'm nothing.
I'm it's only Allah that's creating through me.
Yeah, but say now Musa speaks I'm doing
this and you're doing it, right?
So which is comforting for someone who's still
not in that finesse state, right?
so the Finette for the people who are
listening it refers to having almost disappeared.
You don't even see yourself as a means
anymore Right, so even Sayyidina Musa it is
said in a narration that he was shown
the ummah of the Prophet and all their
virtues So Allah make me one of them,
And that's comforting for someone who we're not
a type of people who are whose goal
is to negate our Existence existence mentally.
We're not meant to do that.
But we are meant to know that Everything
happens by a lot.
I yesterday a brother questioned me and he
said He said somebody said to ask your
teacher ask your arc view teacher.
He said what is the meaning of?
More audio Mahmood Ali more audio Lahi Mahmood
And that means the will of Allah is
what they were upon So here you have
to understand I guess the trick question here
is that it's not a trick question but
the observation is that The Murad of Allah
his will is specifically in theology His creation
what he creates and it is not what
he's pleased with That would be a little
Allah the correct word for a little Allah
is what he's pleased with for us Because
we're weak creatures who lacking wisdom and everything.
We don't do something that we're not pleased
with we don't approve We don't we don't
try to do something that we don't like
But Allah creates what he what pleases him
and what doesn't please him, but there's a
wisdom behind it There's always a wisdom behind
they say the wish and the will correct.
Yeah, so the will is what's created the
wish is What the creators pleased with correct
and that's where if you look at liberal
ethics They merge the two it's basically whatever
is out there in the world must be
good Right girls like why would else would
it exist?
And so if everybody out there?
Wants to be gay.
Let's support.
I guess it's good to be gay.
Whereas like the guy grew up Calling people
names for being gay now that he's running
for president That's how all these past presidents
were right?
They all grew up making fun of gays
then times changed while he was middle-aged
Now he's running for president.
He's okay with gays, right?
That's like Bill Clinton and these guys all
the same So why because in their morality
like if it if it's out there and
Everyone's doing it class.
It must be good and that's even the
evolution of morality The morality is changing with
us if it's changing then what's the big
deal then then nothing's are actually really true
Just subjectively true All right, Omar you got
for us an answer or not yet speaketh
Okay, here's another see this is what I
Ah, Sanul Khaliq in Fiat.
I'll only come Mm-hmm speaking to their
mentality that there are multiple creators.
I never know which way to turn Okay,
so beautiful, yeah, so he basically says there
that It's in your perspective that there are
multiple creators Yeah And just as he says
to the mushrik in this is easier for
him when nothing is easier or harder for
Allah It's all easy, right?
And this is even if it said this
is easy for him as if that would
imply there's something hard for him No, there
isn't everything is easy for a lot on
It's important to realize there's no big and
small harder difficult for a lot It's not
even big and small like the ants and
the universe is big and small relative to
us right All right, so let's continue here
before we move on to some To some
Q&A we didn't do news for a
long time and I haven't done news for
a long time I just been not interested
anymore in the news Unless when once they
start cooking in the West Bank, then we
have to to talk about that Because they're
gonna start making a mess in the West
We know that is coming Well, I could
attain a look man and Hikmah Yanni al
-aql Well, I am what I'm LB Well,
it's all of it or more so Intellect
Hikmah intellect knowledge and action upon it in
a successful manner So what is a lame
the definition of knowledge is it the rock
was shay?
Alama who are highly he fill Walker Knowledge
true knowledge is the perception and understanding of
a thing as it is in reality so
the baseline of Our epistemology is that there
is a reality and that's why I'm Emma
Nessa if he begins his Akita With Haqqa
equal Amorita beta meaning the reality of things
are are the baseline default established Starting point
the fact that you're sitting here right in
front of me is a starting point though
There's a camera here and there's a book
here as we all perceive That is a
truth and a starting point of all future
discussions Because if we doubt that then we
would discuss our doubt our own conclusions, too
Then there'll be no point to talk and
there is a school in philosophy that does
this Doubt our own existence So we say
okay We don't need to talk to you
because if you doubt your existence Then you
also doubt your conclusion and your conclusion is
to have doubt skepticism in your existence Then
your actual conclusion is negated too, right?
So you can never come up with any
absolute conclusion if you doubt your own existence
Okay So anyone who has that kind of
philosophy where we we doubt our own existence
Then we can't talk to them and their
conclusion that we doubt our existence is negated
as well Because if the source is negating
the fruit is negated All right.
So he says here.
That's what I am is knowledge is to
perceive something as it is in reality Wisdom
is then to act upon it in a
manner that is successful That is the whole
summary of wisdom Kala Muhammad Ibn Ishaq.
Well, who a look man?
Ibn Naur Ibn Naur Ibn Tariq who is
Azar so he is shares a grandfather with
Prophet Ibrahim according to Muhammad Ibn Ishaq Well,
I don't know Kenna Ibn Oh to a
you he was the cousin of the Prophet
a you These are sayings that aren't the
dominant thing.
The dominant saying is he is a man
from East Africa Some say Nubian some say
Habeshi Habeshi is Ethiopian Al-waqidi can accordion
fee Benny Israel La where the bait what
could he says?
He's a judge from Benny's right?
No, we know look man is said to
be from East Africa That's a dominant position
What tough a la la la la and
no can a Hakeem.
Ah, well, I'm yet gonna be it's agreed
upon by the Olima He was a wise
Not a prophet Except Ike Ike Rima who
says he's a Nabi but that's not the
accepted statement What's a father to be Heather?
He was alone in saying this I'll about
the home who you're a look man Bayonet
Well Hickman fuck that it Hickman some said
he was given the choice between Nubuwa and
Hickman and he chose wisdom it this is
oftentimes said and That Allah elevated him because
he chose the humbler one not profit wisdom
rather than prophet hood that Allah elevated him
by naming the Quran a surah after him
and mentioning by name in the Quran and
As nice as that sounds but nonetheless we
do have to ask is there such a
Senate for is there a Senate for such
a thing and He doesn't mention one.
It's just Kela or Kala, but the home
some of them said who right?
Yeah Pila Kala, but the home Yeah, where
are we?
Yeah, there's another one.
These are all the expressions that show that
It's something that's circulated, but we don't know
if it's really we don't know really who
said it he says another where are we
a Ruya as Pila same as Pila It's
been said so this is the expression Seagate
it Tamriel.
It's a expression that shows that there's a
little bit of Unknown to the narration where
we should say fully unknown who do I
This for Nahar he was taking his midday
nap for Nudia.
Yeah, look man He was called yellow man
and like a and yes, I like a
lot of Khalifa tan for the Aldi Let's
have come up in a nice little hug
Would you like to be established as a
Khalifa of Allah on the earth to judge?
through People with wisdom and truth for a
job assault for Kala in Khairani rub be
I feel well, but I'll build to laugh.
Well, I'm a couple of Bella if Allah
gives me the choice to choose safety or
to be tested And Bella can is a
test that elevates your rank.
He said that I choose safety I'd rather
be safe with my lord than be tested
and possibly make a mistake Even though if
I succeed, I'll have a higher rank What
in Azzam Alaya?
Fessing I know Althana but if he commands
me and he Demands it of me that
I listen and obey and that's why he
said he was given wisdom Because if Allah
wants him to be a Nabi he'd make
him a Nabi if he gives me the
choice Then I take the safer route if
Allah gives you the choice you can right
now die and go to the lowest heaven
But no no more or you could live
and you have an opportunity to get to
the seventh heaven or you can go to
* You got to take the first option
right cash out right now, right?
Yeah, I take the first option.
That's what he did.
And that's what they said This story goes
of he was given the choice of prophet
hood or Wisdom and of course again, we're
saying a Ruya So just it's been said
like the stories of Benny Israel were allowed
to transmit them Neither having jasm that this
is an absolute fact nor throwing it out
as a lie So in the Alamo he
says enough Fala dhaliq in for a la
dhalika be an enemy.
Any he says because I know if Allah
Ta'ala Commands me to be a prophet.
He helps me, but if he leaves me
to choose that I'm on my own For
college in Malika to be so tin la
yara whom he's the angel said in a
sound That he didn't he heard the sound
but didn't see them Limaya look man.
Why look man?
He says Leanna Harkin be a shed the
man has a leewa Daria because the ruler
he is in the most severe and most
Most severe position most strict position most pressured
Yeah, we shall vote.
He can oppress Mean could leave again The
ability to oppress is all around him every
He makes a wrong decision or a bad
decision He's oppressing somebody So Bill Ahra and
young Joe, it's safer not to take power
in the first place What in our thought
our thought Tariq al-jannah if he makes
a small mistake He loses out on paradise
whom a yakun fit dunya the Leland Khairun
min and Yakuna Sharifa All right, it's safer
it's better in this world better on your
ego to be humble than to be Noble
because the humble person has no route to
ever being arrogant Right, but the the noble
Yes, he could do a lot of good
with his nobility But he also be arrogant
as somebody asked what's better to give one
big sadaqa or many small sadaqas Answers many
small sadaqas better because number one you you
get used To your hands giving out wealth
you remember Allah more and each sadaqa has
nothing to praise about Whereas one big sadaqa
has the ability for you to praise yourself
and other people to praise you and You
go from one big sadaqa to next year.
You give another sadaqa You've been tight-*
for a whole year your heart gets hardened
and you don't think about Allah and you
don't get your nafs used to giving So
if you were to have one thousand dollars
to give away you better off giving ten
ten ten ten ten ten ten It's better
for you right, it may be better for
the other person to receive one thousand straight
rather than a hundred different people getting ten
dollars each So that is the philosophy difference
between said I shouldn't say that's Matt That's
Matt used to save all the money then
give it to one person to really change
their month Say that she used to give
right away.
She Feared to have anything in her home.
She feared that her heart not be constantly
moving in sadaqa So she wouldn't want to
wait so much.
So that a man came and gave her
a cut of lamb a Raw piece of
meat for the day to eat So every
time a poor person came she gave him
a cut give him a cut give him
a cut Then at the end of the
day, she was fasting.
She said, all right, let's let's have our
iftar She looked and the servant said you
gave away all the meat so subhanAllah, we
had this big leg of lamb now you
give it all away and she became pale
and She became sickly and tired because she
hadn't had except for a few dates to
break her iftar on Bake her fast on
and that's when her her nephew Abdullah Ibn
Zubayr came in Abdullah Ibn Zubayr by this
He's an adult.
He's a man.
He's not a child anymore And he said
why is she sick today because he can
come in her Without hijab, that's her sister's
son So the servant said, you know, I
sure every time some people bring meat Or
bring money or give her gifts.
She gives it away right away to the
poor He said from now on Any money
that comes you set aside I'm gonna manage
her finances from now on and the next
day someone came in and The servant says
she said where's what's what's been coming?
She's like nothing Zubayr said he's taking control
of your finances from now on.
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr I mean she became so
She said go and tell him never to
show his face in my house again and
He was like, oh He made a mistake.
Sayyidah Aisha was fiery so much so the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave her a
dua Atfiq nara qalbi she was fiery and
Her reddish appearance Was similar to her personality,
So Took a long time for Abdullah bin
Zubayr to apologize to her and she accepted
his apology but that was Her method of
giving sadaqa to give it out all the
So if you're Sharif you can go astray
or you could Be be really good.
But if you're humble, there's no outlet for
you to be arrogant to be arrogant That's
why the the arrogant beggar for example, why
is he in the fire because you have
nothing to be arrogant about All right, and
Malik al-kathab the the king who lies
So why are you lying?
You're the king you should fear nobody, right?
And then they said the third one is
a sheikh uz-zani the sheikh the old
man who commits zina Whereas your testosterone level
is down in the Hadid's in the basement
with what are you committing zina, right?
so I said these three are in the
fire because it's the opposite.
You should really have nothing to be arrogant
about nothing to lie about and Nothing, no
reason to commit zina the young man who
commits zina.
It's still sinful.
But do you at least understand why?
He continues he says one man.
Yeah, I thought it dunya ala al-akhirah
Taftin hood dunya Well, I you'll see bull
Akhira if you choose dunya over akhira the
dunya will be a fitna for you And
you will not have success in the akhira
and this means mainly More so with your
heart and your intention.
So nobody should say here.
Well, I shouldn't work because that's choosing the
dunya choosing the dunya is Really if you
think about it That's outside of haram and
It's with your heart they said the famous
story of One of the ahlullah he said
he said I went to Mecca and I
saw something ajib.
I saw an old man Hanging on the
kiswah of the Kaaba Asking Allah for more
money For dunya a nice house and more
money Then later in the day I was
in the marketplace and I saw a young
man who should be seeking the dunya because
he's got his whole life ahead of Him
buying and selling all day long and in
his on his tongue is the krullah So
they're the opposite states.
So one he's in the marketplace, but his
heart is with Allah the other man He's
at the kiswah of the Kaaba.
He's asking for the dunya They said asking
for a spouse is not dunya Asking for
a wife is not asking for a dunya
and asking for wealth that you need to
fulfill your obligations is also not dunya He
says The angels were astounded by the amazing
Speech that he gave and the line of
thinking He then slept again He went back
to take his nap and Allah thrust in
him wisdom He woke up and now he
speaks with wisdom All
right, so He says here Sayyidina Dawood was
given the same choice and he chose nubuwwah
and then he suffered many Tribulations as a
result of that.
All right And Dawood and Luqman lived at
the same time and Luqman would help Dawood
with wisdom All of this we have to
say is like Israeliyat, but it's a There
are lessons to be learned from it We're
not a people who throw those out because
our mannage allows for Reading those taking the
wisdoms, but don't have jazmine.
Likewise da'if hadith in Fadailul a'mal and
qassas we can take da'if hadith Every
time someone says brother hadith is da'if.
I said, okay good.
Let me act upon it Because da'if
hadith we don't use in rulings, but we
use it in Stories and we use it
in extra good deeds or the description of
rewards as long as the hadith is not
very very weak Okay Kana luqman abdan habashiyan
najjaran He started off his life Luqman as
a Ethiopian slave who used to be a
carpenter Saeed Musaib said kana khayyatan.
Saeed Musaib said he used to sew Others
said he was a shepherd And one more
thing to say faru'ya anahu laqiyahu rajulun
wa huwa yatakallamu bilhikma A man saw him
and he was speaking with wisdom.
He says aren't you so-and-so the
He said yes.
He says then.
How did you get this wisdom?
He says I never tell lies sithqil hadith
and ada'il amana And I if I'm
trusted with something I fulfill the trust and
I leave off what's not my business Mujahid
said he was a he was from the
East African slaves Okay East Africans who was
taken as a slave.
All right, we stop here.
Let's do our unboxing and then take some
Q&A so Imam Safwan we have a
Way to you know our omrah for youth
program Yeah you can join us inshallah in
the future as a leader for omrah for
youth and We want to fund this omrah
for youth by selling hoodies Yeah, and this
was our first experiment.
This is our first print.
We'll see if the print turned out any
good Huh another gift here.
All right, so if this turns out good,
we're gonna put it on the store And
of course our patreon supporters are gonna get
the biggest discount for patreon supporters.
Here is our first hoodie Look at that
This was designed by between Rahma and Taimur
and myself put this look at that That
is a beautiful hoodie.
Nothing but facts and it's oversized kind of
hoodie, you know, these thick oversized for the
winter Yeah, this is a good hoodie, right
Do we hate time or?
Do we where do we ship?
worldwide shipping listen when you buy this you're
gonna pick probably pay a pretty penny, but
simultaneously You are helping send someone to omrah
Right, and so we just got two samples
black on white and white on black The
website is not up because I want to
wear it a couple times See how it
I want to wash it.
I want you to get a quality product,
I want the people to get a quality.
I don't want to get a product.
That's just gonna completely collapse in two days
There we go, look at this No, it's
not embroidered.
The other one was embroidered but the embroidered
sells the The slim hoodies, which I despise
fitted hoodies.
Why right?
You know those fitted hoodies.
No, this is the oversized hoodie right and
Also, we want to test the sizing too.
It looks plush.
Oh, it's this this material is plush.
This material is really nice Yeah, I love
this Feel that material.
Yeah That's a good material.
So this is our nothing but facts and
it's basically guess what it's inspired by the
intro You know the sunset on the palm
It's actually inspired by the intro All right,
so we got your sunset here's your sunset
and your palm trees here nothing but facts
So we'll test them and then we will
If they're good good to go so you
get a quality hoodie and you will pay
a pretty penny But you're gonna pray a
pretty penny to send people to honor How
many hoodies would it take to send a
kid to Omar I Don't know ask time
or but ask him what we get out
of it too because they're shipping costs there
is production costs, you know Look man, Rashid
said it's missing a G.
Yeah, it's supposed to be it's nothing but
That's why there's an apostrophe there nothing but
facts Alright here we have another unboxing While
I open this up Omar, can you Fire
up GRT see how we're doing with that
Hey, you're gonna go to Syria soon, did
you have family in Syria now that it's
free my wife is from Syria.
So yeah, which part No problem, which part
my wife is from that's clear I've never
heard of it It's actually a Halloween stronghold
You're joking.
Yeah, but there's Sunnis that live here live
So it has never been bombs or anything
like that No, it's pretty it's been relatively
safe during this And that's where a lot
of the like HTS has been like looking
for acid loyalists But I I haven't been
to Syria since I Don't even know like
mid 2000s maybe so I and I haven't
been willing to go because my my mother's
side of the family's a UV and The
UB is one of those families.
They just they catch you at the border
and they just toss you in jail.
Oh What were they what were they associated
with that you be?
I mean that you be is a well
-known name Like it's not activism So Yeah,
so I haven't gone actually so inshallah if
things look things are on the up-and
I would love to go These guys went
our guys went what they would join GRT
yeah, GRT is the the Global Relief Trust
or fired that up armor for us and
We we helped them raise money they go
then and they And and he went by
the way.
Yeah last and they went to this prison
to sit in a prison So we're at
twelve thousand five hundred and forty five the
time to do math six one sixteen P
that puts us to four Really all we
need to get we want to get to
what should we get to?
Yeah We want to get to twelve thousand
six hundred today, that's how we do it
just little pennies here and there twelve thousand
six hundred British pounds is our goal to
reach today every day a little bit of
sadaqa ten dollars one dollar Like that here
is a gift amazing amazing maghribi script of
Quran Hayoka be malam you Hayek a billah
who a cool una fee Amphosy him Lola
you have the moon Allah be man.
I cool has for home.
Yes, Lona I've a bit Salma see your
surat and Munafiqur Let's take a look at
this beautiful Maghribi Oh both sides Yeah Beautiful
and you just stick it up like that
Gorgeous mother to be script.
You can hang it.
You could put it up like that a
gorgeous mother to be script from Australia I
shall love from Australia All right time for
some Q&A may Allah bless this giver
of this gift to our studio It's gonna
become a museum soon.
I think Our studio.
I mean we got some gorgeous pieces here
all around.
We have amazing pieces That have been gifted
to us Really gorgeous mother to be script
a yeah, Imam Safwan when you get a
second, can you put this closer to the
So that they could get a close-up
Let's see I'll be hard to oh, it's
all out of focus.
Ah, there you go.
Look how gorgeous that is I'm gonna be
script from a most of Wow, ooh Ooh,
that's some great focus.
That's those Lebanese hands Yeah, Lebanese
he always is Mashallah Allah if the highway
couldn't move I Phone Sarah says increase it
to twelve twelve thousand seven hundred halas Our
goal is now twelve thousand seven hundred Yeah,
I'm gonna we already passed the six hundred
Very good.
Very good When can you tell us when
is Salman and And or Mubasher able to
come on To show what to tell us
what they did in Syria No, why No
tub tub Mubasher to come on My Shia
friend claims his dad has divine interaction With
one of their Imams Is this impossible?
divine interaction with their Imams Listen we it
doesn't make a difference what people claim the
claim that the the result is judged by
the Sharia either way, right?
So it doesn't make a difference if I
tell you no, he's having dreams of Shaitaan.
I don't need to make those accusations, right?
What is the results?
There is the result Are you telling us
to do something now?
Aligned with the Sharia or not aligned then
it doesn't make a difference if the source
is your nefs or your perceived dream or
Iblis or whoever it is, whoever it is
that you imagine the source to be it's
irrelevant the conclusion is all I have to
judge by and that's how the What's a
meccanine the people of temkin in the spiritual
That's how they judge everything Yes, maybe they
could say okay.
This is a false dream.
It's from Shaitaan It's from your nefs or
it's a true dream.
But really at the end of the day,
it's irrelevant because we judge by What the
dream is asking you to do?
What conclusion is it bringing you do I
need to have a dream that Abu Bakr
Siddiq is a righteous companion, right?
our brother said Someone had a dream said
recently prayed the ha type.
That's good Now you have extra reason you
it was a reason in the first place,
right now.
It's extra says can I believe it's real?
I said, yeah, you should believe that's real
because it's Sunnah in the first place.
So that's how we vote It's from father
Yeah The problem is that when they take
obligations from dreams, that's where the big problem.
That's where it is.
Yeah, that's where it's like Do this and
it's an obligation exactly like a permissible thing
that you treat as an obligation like Move
to Syria because it's the end of times,
you know that there was a group who
did that, right?
Way back in there on the year 2002
There was a guy who he used to
attend to a gathering And then the shit
he said to shake can I go and
and lead a similar gathering of liquor my
home city of Scotland In Scotland, he said
yeah, why not?
So he said he went back to Scotland
and he came with me with this big
She has appointed me Right to lead Scotland.
No, we didn't he just said yeah, you
can anyone could go lead dicker, right?
Yeah, he just asked him a very simple
So this guy was a narcissist Shaitan played
with his head He said I had dreams
that our whole little community.
This is back before the internet was so
Like today you're part of a digital world,
But back in the day you could be
part of a small little community and a
guy could make a cult out of it
So he said let's all we have to
all go to Syria The man he has
ordered me in a dream to go to
Syria so they went to Syria and it
was a Disaster for all of them like
they left jobs went to Syria and things
turned out bad and no man He came
nor did jet right?
He was the digit so that's an example
where You have to ask yourself.
How are you treating this?
Hello thing it to go to Syria.
Is it Halal?
Yes, it's Halal But if you're treating it
like an obligation That's why these things get
canceled Zohaib can you do an episode?
Can you do an episode on this guidance
of Java to Gandhi?
Does he speak in order to learn English
Is it valid to follow this body method
Madhav's have to come down with mutawaters chains
of transmission widespread chains of transmission in Such
a way that nobody could hoodwink anyone else
on what the the imam said and we
have can have certainty on what the imam
Said and it's not just one imam.
Of course.
It's a methodology that's looked at Over and
over and over through the generations and discussed
amongst peers Until they come up with a
conclusion So if someone were to say I'm
a variety and there's like five varieties on
the face of the earth right then somebody
could make claims about what I have said
and he would have nobody to check if
he understood properly and Then nobody to check
him if he goes astray with the body
in the name of the body method So
I read the imam of the had he
says this, okay.
Yeah, but was that his last statement?
Did he say another statement in another book
because they changed their fatawa all the time?
Is this what he meant by what he
right So no a method is far more
complicated than just the books if all you
have is just the books of imam Sufyan
Ibn Ayyana, for example, or The imam of
a sham was SubhanAllah Who is the imam
of a sham the much said mutlaq of
a sham imam Malik says he's an imam
Mmm, I was I Mmm, I was I
if I had all the fatawa of Allah
was I I can't get fatwa from that
because I don't know if this Is if
it's an accurate Manuscript no clue if it's
accurate manuscript or the manuscript has errors No
clue if he changes opinion later Shafi has
two fiqhs, right?
Mmm No clue no clue be even the
very close student to Imam Malik Abdurrahman bin
Qasim 20 years with Imam Malik.
He has so much knowledge of how Malik
thinks that he In the method when he
overrides Malik we go by him.
Why does he override Malik?
He says because I know Malik if he
saw this evidence, he would have said this
so Malik says X Mmm, I don't know
class says no It's why because there's a
piece of information if Malik knew I know
he would have said why so we trust
him on that Allahu Akbar, right?
So it's a method.
It's like a whole structure of of scholars
and Guess the checking ensuring that we understood
what the imam said What was the last
statement that he said like what would he
have said all that?
That's just for the duct the accuracy of
what the imam says Then you have the
the the the confirmation so let's hypothetically say
somehow you did get the final word of
a lousy and Then your nefs plays with
you and you're twisted How many of I
had how many I was a he's out
there are there to check you So this
guy's that knows a fraud, right?
He's not representing.
I was a properly.
It's one of the benefits of the Internet,
We are constantly being checked and nobody should
have a problem with it, but the checking
has to be Sounds and we all go
back to the books We all open them
up and see what the actual method says,
right and we have to accept it We
have to accept what he says yeah, and
sometimes a shaykh will answer very briefly and
Another shaykh will say yes, he gave you
the very brief answer, but there's five other
factors All right happens all the time Suhaib
says a lot of these lectures are not
in Arabic right can What's your difference between
you and the set of Yahoo?
Well, here's the thing I Appeared in a
interview with bro * yesterday, which is very
nice now he is Hanafi and a city
and then there is a clip with on
the What is it the young Smirks, is
I can't remember what it's called.
But it the brother is a Scottish brother.
He's a very he's a very jovial and
Nice brother.
I personally like him.
He doesn't like me, but that's okay because
he is very strict in his Akita fine
No problem.
I tried to talk to him, but he
didn't really want to talk It's okay.
I don't even have an issue with that
but There was a little bit of a
miss Representation I think they misunderstood me and
then they end up misrepresenting the Ashari Akita
But I would talk to bro.
I would talk to the young smirks.
I would talk to Shaykh McCarthy It doesn't
have to end an agreement But it doesn't
have to be a fight either right this
on Twitter or something YouTube So there's that
they have a big Shaykh in their circles
named McCarthy.
I think he's American But he I just
he didn't understand he misrepresented the Ashari Akita
in a way right, which whatever these fights
They shouldn't these things shouldn't be fights, but
I would love to talk to them, but
they are very much a half of and
they don't talk To non Salafi so that
people don't think that they support that no
I think you're wrong about What you think
about what the Ashari Akita is and even
what you think that I think about you
right, but nonetheless It's it would be nice
to have a dialogue, but not everyone wants
to have that so But also Since coming
back from Yemen, I don't go on Those
I just focus on myself and study in
Khalil Oh With the Sheikh that we're studying
it with And that's it.
And now it's like subhanAllah on one hand.
There's like a lot of less stress on
your mind Yeah, and there's a lot more
Yeah, but also I don't know a lot
of things Like I didn't know that but
what I don't know is stuff.
Everybody knows but it has no value like
Elon Musk could do in the I Didn't
know that until last night, right?
No, I didn't know Had no clue But
that's the problem those guys is they're constantly
refuting stuff and there that means if you're
refuting that means you have to study it
That's true.
Yeah, you have to master the the material
Yeah and so if you're telling people they
can't study it but in order to refute
you have to study it then naturally you're
gonna make a bunch of mistakes because you're
misrepresenting the material you're refuting and if they're
if you're reading about it from your sources
Who may have who have misunderstood it?
Then now it's compounded.
It's compounded ignorance.
Yeah That's why I made Imam Ghazali.
Rahim Allah so special.
Yeah master He wrote a textbook on the
subject that he then refuted.
Yeah, he wrote the textbook Yeah, that he
understood it.
That's just so absurd.
Yeah, no, he was at another level Yeah
Mm-hmm Jowook who says can somebody be
a 30 and Akita and Maliki in FIQO
Ashley Akita and humbly in FIQO As long
as your Akita sounds and your FIQO sounds
Kullu khair Our goal is at the wall.
They'll know what I bad What Dawa and
as long as your Akita is sounds and
your FIQO sounds that's what's important and these
things shouldn't be treated like teams or Labels
and brands What is the ruling on Salawat
some say that there is shirk in a
Salah at Tafri G.
Yeah No, there's no shirk in at all.
It's a mix of Salawat and Dua Almost
a day.
I'd a say that I'm a hominid Let
me then handle be here.
No, but yes by let me ask you
a question.
There's a prophet.
So I said our Problems solved by the
Prophet, of course, they're right He is the
separate by which Allah solved a lot of
her what then fed you with corrupt Meaning
in you have a calamity He the prophesized
Salam can remove you from the calamity does
not Islam remove us from many calamities And
who did Islam come through through the Prophet
and through Salawat Allah blesses us and removes
us from calamity So you can look at
it from both ways What took Bobby at
how age through the Prophet our needs met
of course needs needs are met by anybody
I can meet your needs and Hajja is
a need right if you're down Ran out
of gas I can go get you gas
then I fulfilled your Hajja.
So It's not like it's a godly position.
It's not took Bobby at how much Ten
alibi her revive through the Prophet can my
desires be met?
I'm telling you again.
I can meet your desire any husband meets
his wife's desires, right?
So that is not a godly position but
through Salah on the Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam it's a waseeda for a lot to
accept our draw and to have our desires
met and The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
What is our desire is Jenna not a
desire a good life a desire Through the
Sharia those things are attained and the shit.
I came from the Prophet The narrative a
revival host or how I team Yes through
the Prophet.
You have a good ending in life.
Of course by following his Sunnah and living
a life of love of the Messenger and
following his Sharia That is a means to
having a good end person quality.
Why you suss?
I'll go ma'am will be wedged Kareem
and for the sake of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam because of him rain comes
down Yes, it not because of is not
there's they're not a hadith in which the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says if it
was not for a shoe who Rukka Well,
I'll follow Rudda Well, what is it?
The animal the Baha'im that is?
Grazing then you would be all be punished
right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
a hadith if it was not for old
men worshiping babies nursing and Animals grazing you'd
all be punished, right?
So therefore because of the presence of goodness
on the earth then we're protected and Rain
comes down and all sustenance comes to us,
So the Prophet said that about non-prophets
so the by Mafoom al-awla, it's more
worthy for that mercy to come down because
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
How about one that I'm not gonna know
how they belong to him We would not
punish them while you're amongst them So they're
protected from punishment because the Prophet was living
in Mecca Right and the Prophet went in
during the fetch the conquest of Mecca They
didn't get punished right no killing have very
little killing happened and everyone Received mercy because
the Prophet was amongst them.
So it's okay.
It's okay and completely Valid to say that
Al-ghamam the rain comes meaning mercy comes
because the Prophet is amongst us When Islam
enters a city does not mercy come down
to that city.
All right, of course it does That's it
That's a salah at Tafri G has that
those five lines and I just clearly explained
to you how each of the five things
can apply to non-prophets Let alone the
Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
None of them are divine qualities Talk to
How is not?
All of them This whole competition thing should
not be an issue Sure, it's not an
issue to compete with Allah because everyone is
a setup exactly from Allah Yeah And is
there gonna be a greater sub than the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?
Even after his death his teaching is more
valuable than any living person Right and when
you follow his teaching is it can we
not attribute it to him?
For the Prophets.
I said I'm taught us for example to
to to not have khalwah The prohibition of
khalwah was in hadith.
It's not in the Quran, right?
And This khalwah saves you it literally the
the prohibition of khalwah saves you from so
many Possible doubts that people could have about
you and you always have it as a
policy Then the me to movement comes and
you say humbler.
I know I never practiced khalwah and you
say I'm saved through the Prophet.
So I said, yeah, he's the sebab by
which I'm saved and You're allowed to attribute
the action from to the sebab and the
moose of it, of course Even Allah by
the permission of Allah Same thing.
So yes 1,400 years ago.
The Prophet taught that but I'm applying it
today and I was saved by it today
Double-oh-four, please don't hide my question
and ask it.
All right here.
It is every day.
I feel that I have committed Kof.
I may be All right.
We'll see.
I'm not gonna say anything yet I know
that I'm not certain but then I feel
that I'm lying to myself and actually I'm
certain I am re-entering Islam every day
Please advise first of all who is teaching
you about shirk and kufr because there is
a group of people Who will have you
That you may wake up at any given
moment and commit shirk I'm telling you they
can create a form of OCD for you.
Yeah at any given moment.
You just committed shirk I'm telling you so
that's number one.
Where are you getting your Islamic knowledge from
ask yourself this question?
Secondly Maybe possibly that this kufr is just
a Symptom and that it's actually OCD and
That if it's not kufr, it'll be najasa.
If it's not najasa, it'll be sihr If
it's not sihr, it'll be bad luck or
So it may actually be OCD.
So see a medical professional It's not always
the content right so you're afraid of committing
kufr every day.
All right, we cure you from that next
day you're gonna say My wudu is invalid
constantly It's religion Religious, what do they call
it scrupulous?
Scrupulosity a type of OCD related to religious
matters If it's not religious matters, it'll be
germs People have OCD with germs stuff like
I just did a video on spiritual CD.
Yeah, I mean it's wrong You did a
video on it.
Oh, by the way, what's your channel called?
Put put his channel here my Instagram is
Imam Safwan now has a Podcast Or gonna
have a podcast All right link up link
up look put that middle picture so people
see the cool dude I'm sitting next to
put that picture up on that middle dude
so people could see Who are sitting next
to here There you go This is who
we're sitting next to and he is very
Wise when it comes to the Quran and
this is his father next to him He's
never visited New Jersey.
Has he he came once?
Of all these years he drove down once
this one from Boston Yeah, that's true Keep
keep scrolling through these pictures The rest are
all posters for Gaza and a sham Very
Yeah, that's when was that nice?
Oh, look at that suit keep clicking.
Oh, this is family pictures Very good.
I shall look look at that.
Mehrab, which message is that Michigan?
That's my old question So I like the
Mehrab, but why the bathroom tiles?
Now who made that choice That's way out
in Michigan.
Yes, I am a Michigan.
Oh, yeah, it's mid, Michigan Saginaw Masjid don't
take offense.
Yeah, I have to tell you It's a
nice message, yeah Can you discuss the misguided
masjid of the YouTube channel the Mahdi has
appeared It's up.
The Mahdi has appeared miss.
We're gonna make the claim Mahdi can be
a description of somebody right guided So if
you're guided show us the proof of your
guidance, the first proof of your guidance is
you don't call people to yourself the Rajul
Majnoon click Click on it.
This is some kind of psi-op.
I guarantee you this is some kind of
psi-op, right?
I've seen this guy This is some Junoon
Purchased views I bet you Okay, the Mahdi
has appeared who have you guided Yeah Yeah,
no, the guy's a joke.
It's a joke.
It's a joke the Mahdi has appeared well,
listen if people have to If people are
listening to it, I guess we have to
say something about it, but here's the question
if The Mahdi has appeared then.
Can he please do Mahdi like things?
right such as maybe Defeat some enemies, right?
make an army Do Mahdi like things what
the what the Prophet has described then first
of all, what's your name in the first
Salih and what is his name?
The guy we don't even know his name
Okay, so this is some kind of Satanism
mingled with who knows what Yeah It's a
I guarantee you All right, the Mahdi has
a YouTube channel Telling you man anything you
think of you'll find it on the Internet
Mm-hmm He says Christian friend asked me
why did our beloved Prophet sallallahu sallam marry
woman who was nine years old But I
didn't know how to answer him.
What should I say?
We'll say say well because God Guided him
to that.
What's the issue if it's from God?
She could be one years old.
It's from God.
It's a command of God, right if it's
from God She could be 70 years old
What's the difference right if it's from God
is the question so you don't believe that
he receives revelation from God That's the bigger
issue than marrying someone young That's what the
issue you should be focused on that.
He's lying about receiving his Revelation from God
that's your belief now then what differences make
what he does So that's the real question
to everyone investigating Islam.
I have a guy who's literally like a
scholar in Sharia Because he wants to investigate
every ruling of Islam before entering Islam said
you're going about this the wrong way you
go about this the source is Muhammad a
prophet of God is the Quran the preserved
word of God Case closed if the answer
is yes whatsoever.
They bring you is acceptable Whether you like
it or not the Quran says Allah brings
you something you don't like it, but it's
good for you and You like it and
it's bad for you So it shouldn't be
have to be convinced by every single little
ruling that you find normal to yourself And
here's your grandfather's all mud is bringing us
go back to the home on your own
grandfathers marrying 7 and 12 years old Okay
Generally marriage in the 1800s consent was between
7 and 12 years old It's on top
of that why are you bothered her mother
and father attended the wedding and we're happy
So why is it that love has no
limits when you do your?
Fascia and Munker Two guys want to marry
each other leave him alone Two two women
and two guys want to get together and
have a four couple leave him alone Love
is love.
So love is love back then too, right
by your own standard, yeah Flossy B says,
how can I develop a habit of consistency
and I give you two pieces of advice
Decrease the thing you want to To be
habituated decrease it Make it so simple that
it would be criminal to leave it off
So one guy says if you want to
get physically fit Five push-ups five sit
-ups a day.
How could you not do five push-ups
and five sit-ups anyone could do that,
To decrease it number two.
You should have memory triggers things that would
remind you Like whether whether that's putting a
card in your pocket an index card in
your car an index an alarm Something that
will trigger your memory to do it and
preferably a location and a time where you
always do it Why don't we mess with
why don't it was the ummah never left
off Juma because Juma has a time a
day a place to be done Yeah Sad
said just tuned in what's going on so
many different things age of Aisha fake Mahdi's
Is taqlid shirk Many people from ahli hadith
Did they give you the evidence for why
it's shirk or do they expect you to
believe it If they expect you to just
to believe it without the evidence, then they're
asking you to make taqlid If there's something
that you do not have the intelligence to
judge whether it's right or wrong good or
bad Yeah, then it is a necessity to
do taqlid By necessity, we're all doing taqlid
so many times every single day Right, have
you ever put water in a plug and
plugged it in right there?
Why don't you do it because We've been
told not to right.
We've been told that bad things will happen
point being is that you have Islam certain
things that have no discussion in There being
part of Islam just by reading the Quran,
you know it these things we can list
them for you in five minutes These things
that are known in religion by necessity And
have for example We don't pray five times
a day because I'm Hanafi or Shafi or
Maliki you pray five times a day because
that's Islam You read one little hadith book
like Noah's 40 hadith and you know that
but do you say bismillah rahman rahim before
That's not part of known in religion by
necessity that requires a method That you say
it if on the method of Shafi or
you don't say it on the method of
Abu Hanifa and Malik So there is a
Trunk of the tree and they have branches
of the tree the trunk.
We all see it That's how Allah made
We all see the trunk right?
But the branches I only see a couple
Hmm, I don't see the ones on the
other side of the tree or the middle
of the tree So a Shia Ram is
a certain things.
I don't know.
I can't tell I'm gonna have to trust
you Who's been in the tree?
So the same thing in methods?
So travelers prayer is part of Islam we
all know that but what what distance right?
What if let's say they say the distance
is 36 miles, let's say they say 48
miles it's a common number But what if
my whole city?
Like Long Island what I'm in Long Island
the whole city is so long Or New
York or Chicago one end of Manhattan to
the next is like so long Then what
do I do now, is it travelers or
Do I have to pass a city limit
or not?
That's another HTAD question.
How do I pray on an airplane?
Find find me that with the evidence, right?
How do I play on an airplane where
it's facing the opposite of the Qibla?
I'm traveling back from Umrah.
Do I turn around?
Do I pray in the aisle?
Well, we know it's my crew to pray
where people walk because you're disrupting the people
all these types of questions Ask your Ali
Hadith person How do I pay Zakat on
Bitcoin currency or stock?
And I want the evidence from the Quran
That's it Quran and Hadith.
That's it.
How do I pay my Zakat on Bitcoin?
Actually Would it be fair to say that
majority of things that we do in life
is this expand this is based on taqlid
like You know this roof for example, these
mics this camera Yeah, all of these are
based on just blind following of someone that
correct in the realm of tajribi knowledge.
Yeah Yeah, and then like you would imagine
you're assuming that this is the table because
why because people are not asking for evidence
Pretty much everything even growing up right like
when you're a child Yeah, you're learning you're
learning like language and all these different things.
You're not even able to comprehend the the
proofs You're accepting it as a child from
your parents hundred percent.
You're 10 years old now And then you
learned everything without any evidence.
You're just following aren't we trusting the fatwa
of somebody who says the meat is halal?
Because that is the men's illicit fatwa It
is a fatwa right because he witnessed something
and he gives you the religious ruling on
it He witnessed that the slaughter was halal
or not.
So you're trusting him Right.
All right.
Here's another question.
This will be our last question Maybe we'll
take one or two more questions.
Is it permissible to deny jinn possession in
There's it is permissible to do deny.
It is not an obligation in Islam to
ever believe That jinn enter a human being
you don't have to believe that Imam Ahmed
said it is what's a letter though Imam
Ahmed told his son who had doubts about
He said no, we've all seen it the
person has in Abnormal strength speaks with a
different voice and speaks with even a different
language so in life people have seen it
but in religion, you're not obligated to believe
it if you want to deny all those
people Then It's up to you.
You may do that But what you may
not deny is number one the existence of
jinn Number two the wiswas of jinn and
number three the ability of jinn to touch
a person Okay, that's in the Quran and
the ability of jinn to either even run
through a person because that's in the hadith
Yajri fillet Marry majra them the Prophet SAW
said that Shaitaan can flow into the body
of a person in in the veins of
a person So we're not allowed to deny
four things the existence of jinn the whispering
of jinn the touching of jinn and they're
flowing in the body Flowing is different than
Okay Possession is to overtake the intellect and
the body of the person Speak on behalf
of the person take action with that person's
body and that has Legal implications in Islam
if there was a jinn possession and Let's
say three she you or four She you
are witness to it and this little girl
is now speaking syriac with a man's voice
and her head spinning around and she kills
someone So what will those what will the
legal judgment be?
So that's why jinn possession does have a
different level of judgment If a murderer says
I just kept hearing the voices inside of
me saying Kill kill kill kill.
It's a guy miskeen, but you did it
You were fully aware Yeah, you're gonna be
judged by that jinn possession is only the
thing but no it is not in religion
an obligation to believe in jinn Possession, but
it is as all of that have said
it mutawatir mutawatir What's a Walter to Alto
is a little bit different than to water
a Toledo is when like Me to the
me to movement was to Alto To Alto
was that you saw it by yourself.
You saw it by yourself.
You saw it by yourself.
You saw it by yourself everyone saw something
by themselves and They don't know each other
to conspire Hmm in a manner that we
would assume that they would conspire they could
So that's called a to Alto Likewise the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used this term
for dreams One sahabi came.
He said I had a dream that it
was late.
It's another one had a dream I was
It's another had a dream is late.
It's a cut the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said But to all thoughts aroha not
to water it to all thought to water
implies So many people saw the event at
once Like in New York 9-eleven It
can never ever deny that 9-eleven existed
because there were hundreds of thousands of people
in the city who saw it with their
own naked So it's like mass witnessing with
the naked eyes transmission, correct mass witnessing and
then to Alto is So many people saw
something similar Who didn't know each other?
So most gin related things is by to
Alto which is basically in one Country they
say yes gin takes over speaks another language
Has immense strength and has a different voice
then you go to Jamaica.
They said the same thing You go to
They say the same thing you go to
India They say the same thing and so
on and so forth.
That would be called to Alto So there
is to Alto on that and as a
result of that Imam Ahmed said He held
that it exists, but there is no religious
reason for you to believe it exists So
if you're if you want to not believe
in it, you don't have to Riyadh says
assalamualaikum From Cape Town, South Africa You know,
there's a brother inviting me to South Africa.
I'm so fine.
If I get invited South Africa you want
to come Yeah, I'm willing to go anywhere
with you it'll be fun I'm alienated by
my extended family because I'm always referring to
the Islamic view now I'm just tired and
I want to focus on my inner self.
No problem.
You could do that Many people have secular
families that don't want to hear it.
Let's don't talk to them Don't talk to
them about it You're not obligated Ladies and
gentlemen, here's the last question.
How do we balance certainty and good?
Hope of Dua?
Being positively answered with desperation and perseverance in
Dua throw in a little bit of Zut
Throw in a little bit of wanting only
Allah that helps you persevere Yeah, you throw
in that ingredient cause I don't I don't
even need it, right?
But you continue make it's like you're living
double one foot is doing Zut another foot
is still making Dua That's how you'll persevere
for a long time if you want something
to so much It's such a burning fire
that you you're you're not having it becomes
a sort of sort of pain for you
So the solution is have a little Zut
Yeah, I always loved the the Hadith alone
of these small piffy Hadith Where the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said khairat dua
alhamdulillah The best of Dua is alhamdulillah.
So spend more time in your Dua thanking
Allah for what you already have 100%
that will open doors inshallah 100% 100
% be grateful for what you have and
realize you might what's the big if you
don't get you might die tonight Why are
you worried so much?
Think about this and there's a great meditation
Every day to live like tonight when I
sleep, I'm gonna wake up in the afterlife
Like you find yourself so relaxed So you'll
if you get good at this you actually
have to stop doing it because you'll be
so relaxed.
You won't work and that's what they say
about the Zohar's the she you have to
tell them go get up and get dunya
right as the pose the opposite of telling
everybody worry about the akhira not the dunya
the actual Zohar when they Get so good
at that the she you have to tell
them the opposite like I have to tell
her go get some dunya Eat some food
get some dunya buy some new Snakes All
right folks Jazakum Allahu khairan subhanaka allahumma wabihamdik
nashhadu an la ilaha illa anta nastaghfiru wa
natchubu ilayk wa al-asr inna al-insana
lafee khusr illa allatheena aamanu wa aamilul salihat
wa tawassubul haqq wa tawassubul sabr wasalamu alaikum