Shadee Elmasry – Did Allah Accept Iblis Dua

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes how Jesus compensated someone for worshipting him by showing hate and giving a compensation package. The speaker explains that the phrase " acceptance of" means love, rather than just compensation. The compensation package is designed to compensate for someone's worship and access their worship.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah did not accept the dua of Iblis.

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Iblis said, oh, Allah. I worshiped you all

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these years. Where's my compensation? Allah said, ask

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what you wish, showing that he's completely blinded

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because he should have said, Ola, forgive me.

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Elevate my rank. Right? That's what he should

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have said, but he's so blinded with hatred.

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He said, let me live until the end

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of time. Let me be unseen to the

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human being. Let me whisper to him. Let

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me access them, and Allah gave it to

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him. That is not acceptance of dua because

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the phrase acceptance of dua

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love. It implies love. It implies

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something good. But what we say is Allah

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compensated him for his worship, justice.

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Just like you compensate

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when you go to a restaurant, you just

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pay him and you leave. It's just compensation.

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That's it.

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