Shadee Elmasry – Da’wah in the European Community NBF 298
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We teach at the mosque one o'clock every Sunday come.
We are alive. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu
was Salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was happy or Manuela
welcome everybody to the Safina society nothing but facts live
stream, which airs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1pm Eastern
Standard Time, give or take 52 minutes or not. I'm here. I'm here
with guests on my right, brother Ramon from Pennsylvania. And
Abdullah yo, I'm from Australia, we have some very nice Australian
friends. Now Abdulkarim let's start off with your Starbucks
We're stuck. We're talking about Dawa to European to essentially
like the European culture, European people, European based
ethnic groups. It's another way of saying to whites, right? And I
have no problem with saying whites is not a curse word to me. Like
some people in the woke world. Everything from the woke world
study it very well and throw it in the garbage guy, maybe one or two
things they got right by accident, guys IBLEES know how to stick some
truth in every falsehood. Right? But other than that, we have no
issue with that. But that's what we're gonna be talking about
because they have a unique challenge and those converts have
unique challenge but before I get to that guest let me talk to my
other guests who's in person Abdulkarim what is your story?
Australia parents are from Africa who migrated from India, east half
Zimbabwe and Mozambique Mozambique? They they're Indians
who went there in the early early 1900s Correct? For work or would a
trade whatever.
And so East Africa is populated by these Yemenis and Indians. And
anyone who knows Tanzania knows East Africa will will know this
for sure that the Muslims there tend to derive from Yemen and to
arrive from below the hint okay, then you guys do you lose or do
you speak only what? English and Swahili
no other language
family speaks a dialect of
more than
so pure English. And do you go back to those East Indian or East
African Indians? Do they go back to India visitors at last cut off?
Not often but yes. Okay. And relatives and everything. Good. So
now you then your family moved to Australia? Which part?
Brisbane so. Okay, you got to remind me now Australia's like
this. Brisbane is on the east. What are the other main cities
and Tasmania.
Whereas Sydney, Sydney would be about a one hour flight south of
Brisbane, east side. So east side that means when we fly from
Jersey, we go to the West Coast Canada or LA depending on your
flight that you're taking Vancouver LA. You're taking
another long haul across the Pacific Ocean then you cross into
the Indian Ocean. Right? Wait Indian, no all through the Pacific
you're on the Pacific the entire time. You're over like 12 hours
over over water. It is insane. 14 waters flying over water. If there
are not 300 other people on the plane. You think this is insane.
I'm never doing this. But 14 hours you're flying westbound.
Completely jacking up your clock your mental clock is like you skip
a day or you advance a day I can't remember. But 14 hours you
and then you land in Sydney Australia. Gorgeous area. Now
Brisbane is north of Sydney and then Melbourne Melbourne.
Melbourne and Perth on the West Coast.
West Coast
Oh I didn't know any anyone lived in the central I thought the
central was just like kangaroos.
no, Melbourne Hmm
Okay, beautiful beautiful. So this year Believe it or not, it was
between because they usually take a tour in the spring right? This
year it was between
Australia a third time because I've been there twice already. Or
Malaysia the first time and it looks like it's going to be
Malaysia this this time around. or Indonesia. Right. So we're have to
see but all
That Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean stuff is amazing. You go to those
countries you're like in another world it truly is another world is
our is our guests ready Almer.
Today, ladies and gentlemen, we have an incognito guests. Islam is
a very political matter these days, it's very touchy for a lot
of people. And so once a Muslim is working, you know, for a company,
they sometimes need to be incognito about their public
opinions about Islam is sometimes you may have some crazy person
look you up.
And then as soon as you said something that they don't like,
everyone's political, everyone has an opinion. And then they might
not do the deal with them. So our guest today is actually the second
time he's been on on this program. He was on the Venus it podcast way
back during COVID. We had a great discussion. And today
going to bring on an unnamed
personality of European descent, American.
And I there's another country that I'm just not going to mention just
so just in case, but here we go. Welcome to the program, a usual
unnamed guests sit down with a while they go slob I thank you for
having me on. You. My pleasure. My pleasure. Let's get to our topic
today. The I want to put something out that just flashed by my mind
this morning, I saw recently
couple couple posts, couple articles, a couple videos about
some Europeans in America, I guess just European Americans or white
Americans saying that, really all they want is to go back to having
marriage to having kids to keeping their their culture alive, right?
I thought to myself, You know what, we wouldn't have to take
over your culture, but we can actually do it. We can help you do
this. Muslims know how to stem this, this kind of death of
society that we're witnessing here. When I say death of society,
literally, population plunge, Muslims know how to do this, you
only have to do certain things and avoid certain things. Right. So my
first question to you is,
how open is the white community to recognizing that Islam pretty much
knows how to stem the tide of population decrease? Right? And
that, you know, maybe they ought to take a page out of Islam? I'm
not even gonna say be Muslim. Right. Just why don't you steal a
page from us and see how it works?
Well, that's a great question.
Well, I think
it's kind of multi layered. So first of all, you know, I grew up,
you know, in a Christian denomination, both grade school,
high school, all white school, all white town, basically 95% White,
and, you know,
Christianity, you know, basically led to liberalism, you know, even
before like, the early 2000s,
I think, because embedded in Christianity is the belief that
Jesus will forgive all of your sins. And, you know, there are a
second, there are some kind of many Christian denominations who,
you know, try their hardest to, you know, like, encourage to lead
like a righteous lifestyle, to their, to their followers.
But at the end of the day, you know, like, that kind of doctrine,
basically, you know, doesn't prevent anyone from leading, you
know, an ultra hedonistic lifestyle. And, you know, there's,
that's just not the only thing I mean, in Christianity, you know,
you know, a lot of people don't they find the idea of the Trinity
kind of confusing. You know, there's many contradictions in the
Bible, it's kind of hard to read through. It doesn't there's no
real kind of real world application.
And, you know, you know, it's very difficult even when I was in
Catholic or Christian school to find, you know, people who've
wholeheartedly believed in the Bible 100%. So, as long as you're
absolutely right, Islam can solve these problems and has solved
these problems for different societies. But there are several,
how do you say barriers to entry for white people to converting to
Islam on mass, and we can get into some of those.
We've been here for quite some time, but I think that you're
right and that you know, Muslims have solutions to this in general,
but when it comes to applying that, you know, helping indo
Europeans apply them at any group level, you know, there are several
barriers to
entry for that. And I think that even at the top all the way down,
you know, as Islamic leadership, we can't, we can only really kind
of put the finger on it. But since we don't have any research or very
little research on the subject, you know, a lot means remains to
be discovered. So, I would venture to say that on paper, a lot of
these solutions are easy to understand. But I would venture to
say that avoiding drugs and intoxicants,
avoiding a type of purely hedonistic lifestyle,
committing yourself to a set of people, which we call the fent,
your family, I truly only believe that this is only possible if
Allah settles your heart. Because the temptations of the world are
so great. Like what would cause a man who really believes that his
life is he only has a few more years to live to not go and be
hedonistic? What would cause a woman not to do do the same thing?
Except that it's an it's either in the past, you didn't have any
choice. Like you people were stuck. But in the present, you're
not stuck. Right? It's very easy for any one of us to go and live a
hedonistic lifestyle. You don't even have to be great anymore. You
don't even have to be rich anymore. All the pleasures of the
world are there for you. So it would seem to me that, even if
what I was suggesting, and let's say like, I would like, tell some
of these communities Listen, all you got to do is this, this and
this, I don't think they would be able to do it without
And during the heart Sakina enters your heart and literally satisfies
you. To the point that what Allah has given you is more than enough.
That's how you feel.
And so, I don't know. So that brings me to the question of, you
know, coming to the if we conclude that there has to be some faith
and Eman, what are the points of the barriers of entry for European
Americans, European Canadians, Europeans in general, of entering
Islam? Well, I think one of the biggest barriers is that we don't
belong to a Muslim community, and you have an influx of people
converting to Islam, for the last couple of months, and this is
going to continue. But I think that one of the big problems is
that only a very thin slice of these converts are going to be
able to pull off a assimilating into an existing Muslim community
and immersing themselves in a completely different culture and
whatnot, be mitigating the relationship with their family,
and non Muslim community.
You know, and we've tried this, you know, masajid, have tried this
time and time again. And the thing is, like I said, Only the very
strongest, most integrated, most willing to assimilate are the only
conference, you're gonna see, take their shahada, and then become
like these, you know, these white saviors and you know, that you're,
you're not going to be able to get all these people in there, and
then the rest of these people who take their shahada are just going
to drop off because you have, you're trying to fill the gap of
this lack of community and collectivization with, basically
religious instruction. And that's usually what masajid usually
You know, in high level, graduate school level religious
instruction. It's a square peg for a round hole. When you look at
other communities that have converted as a group, whether
that's the African American Muslim community, or the xojo, Muslims in
Chapas, Mexico, or Islam and Spanish, they took a collective
approach. So when someone converts to Islam, they already have an
uncle or an aunt, or a cousin, or a sister or brother or even
someone in their community who's, you know, who's already Muslim.
And even if they don't, Islam already has a presence within
their culture.
You know, and I, you know, when you kind of propose this idea that
we should be doing the same thing for European Americans, the knee
jerk reaction is to reject this idea.
And I think, you know, that's, I can understand why people think
that this way, you know, whether people were on the left
politically or you know, maybe they're, they're not political at
all, you know, they're just very religious, that they think that
this is going to somehow divide the Muslim community, but there
are several organizations that exist already in the West that
help acclimate.
You know, born Muslims to the west, like you have the Syrian
Canadian Association, the Pakistani Canadian organization
As you know, there are 16 Palestinian Canadian organizations
in Canada alone. And these deal with matters that help people, you
know, thrive and survive in their own communities. You know, like
whether that's getting them ready for their driver's license,
translation services, immigration services and whatnot.
There's no equivalent type of organization to assist just
conference in general, let alone white converts.
You know, like, what mosque, I'll give you just an anecdotal
example, there is a woman who took her shahada recently, in the
United States.
And, you know, she was really like, zealous about it. And she,
you know, she wanted to dive it into the mud. But at the same
time, she was some trepidation. You know, she was, you know,
encouraged to wear the hijab. And then she was going to school in
one city.
And then she had to go back home to her hometown, and her mom saw
on the road, her driving, you know, her car, and she lied about
her being in the hometown because she didn't want her family to find
out. And then when she found out, she was Muslim, you know, she
found her car and had like, Islamic Garbin. And she cut off
her tuition, she cut off her rent, she cut off all of her funding to
go to university.
That's an astronomical amount of money to ask the Muslim community
to recuperate when all these masajid are running on shoestring
budgets to begin with. So we haven't even begun to think about
all of these myriad problems that these conference are going to run
into. So,
you know, there are other reasons, but you know, like that, that's
enough to chew on for at least a couple of minutes. So. So
a lot of people have a perception of
white Americans, maybe not so much Canadians, but as almost free
agents. Like they're not really tied down to their family. I know
that's, it's it's a generalization, obviously, it's a
generalization. we generalize that Hispanic families are very tight
knit. Okay, we generalize that white families are much more free
agents in their life, and they're
not so So would you sounds like you disagree with that, you're
saying that they totally need communities and groups when they
enter Islam?
Yeah, so this isn't, you know, I'm not gonna pin all these problems
in the Muslim community this, like you said, it's inherent, and kind
of like this western individualist, you know, like a
standup, you pull yourself up by your bootstraps, kind of
mentality. But at the end of the day, you know, we still rely on
families, you know, for all sorts of things.
In any case, you know, if they're, if they're free agents,
it's it's it's simply financially unfeasible and practically
unfeasible to to put that responsibility on masajid, who
don't have the time, the money, the resources, or the wherewithal
to acclimate all these new converts coming in, you know, just
the anecdotal example I gave her there, just multiply that by 1020,
I mean, the, we don't have the kind of funding for that, that
money should be mostly going, you know, we want to get as lean of a
model as possible, you know, to help with these problems. So that,
you know, we're not overspending and getting as much done possible.
So, you know, even if you have an organization that can help reach
out to, you know, these new converts, family members, or
community members, to increase those bonds, because that is
something severely lacking and,
you know, in Western society, I think they would appreciate that.
And I think, you know, you won't be able to make everybody happy.
But if you can, you know, allay the fears of these new conference
families just a little bit, that may prevent them from getting
kicked out of the house, or getting written out of the will,
or getting their tuition cut,
which is what we should be doing, as Congress, you know, like, this
idea, it should resonate with the Muslims who are on the political
left, you know, who think that, you know, white conference of all
this privilege? Well, I would agree with him in that sense. But
if that's the case, then our responsibility should be
concentrating on improving the relationship with our non Muslim
friends and family. And that's very difficult to do as a single
If we were to collectivise in in any way. Now, all of a sudden, you
know, let's say if you have two white converts that are just
married, now you have two people in your sphere, not just one,
which means you can have a greater influence on your friends and
family. So I think this communitarian approach, it should
be taken more than ever, when it comes to white Americans, not to
be exclusive as to the rest of the Muslim community. You can still be
part of the greater Ummah, but I think that this needs to occur for
or for them to survive as converts, and B to improve the
relationship with their non Muslim friends and family. Yeah, we have
a brother who's
recently a saint ComiCon upon three converts recently entered
the community that we could say our middle class converts. One of
them, the mother is extremely angry, right? Her dad, the dad is
okay with it.
Parent, mom and dad are married. Dad's okay with it. Pretty open
minded guy. In that sense. The mom was a hardcore Catholic. And she
gave her daughter a very, very hard time. And I thought to
myself, this is a lot of tension for a person that, that I know
this upbringing, they don't know how to take tension. Right. And I
just we don't know what's going to happen yet. But
it's one of those things where I think that
it's only a man that could get people through things like this.
Because we know that, as you mentioned, privileged background,
they don't face a lot of tension. They don't face difficulty, this
is probably one of the probably the most difficult thing that
they've ever had to do.
And there is another brother also, that is in constant argumentation
with their family. So it seems to be that
this is one of those things that they have to be the founder
generation, or we could say, the Pioneer Generation, they're gonna
have to go through these hardships. Whereas if you're
African American, and you become Muslim, this is something in this
day and age, it's almost expected in the sense that there's Muslims
in so many different African American families connected to you
But for for white Americans, would you agree that this is almost the
Pioneer Generation?
I mean, Pete white Americans, white white people have been
converted to Islam, you know, the, since most of us have been in the
west and before that, but you know, it's definitely increasing.
It's gonna have to be the Pioneer Generation, I mean, you're gonna
have no choice but to collectivise in some manner, or else, it's just
all gonna fall apart. I mean, you know, like,
you know, like, maybe it would have been better had this person
hit their Islam from their family, especially, you know, when there's
dire economic consequences. Again, I'm not downplaying you spoke
about Amen. Amen. Islamic education, all that is absolutely
necessary. We're, you know, I'm not downplaying that whatsoever,
you know, it's necessary, but I think it's not sufficient. Some
conference can pull this off, you know, like, but the more help, you
know, we can give them, I think the better even if it's just
giving the best advice. So, I was actually in a relationship where
the family was completely opposed to the conference conversion.
And, you know, it's you have to be on your best behavior, we would
never bring up Islam or even religion in general. But, you
know, it's all about having the manners of the Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him and his companions. And then over time in
sha Allah, their hearts soften. That way, when you finally tell
it softens the blow. And, you know, you're gonna have to deal
with all you know, I put everyone that you know, around your social
network, your friends and family on a scale of like, minus 100, to
plus 100, you know, minus 100, being you absolutely hating Islam
and plus 100, absolutely loving it, and then everywhere in
between, you know, you're gonna have to deal with all these
relationships. So, sometimes it's not about health, you know, like,
getting this getting your mom who hates Islam to suddenly love it,
that's not going to occur. Usually, that doesn't occur
instantaneously. But what you can do is strengthen the relationship
of the people who already who are already on your side.
You know, but again, that takes a lot of dedication, it takes a lot
of patience. It may take months years, but Inshallah, you know,
we've seen you know, I've been Muslim for a very long time. And
we've seen people, you know, turn their hearts around by the by the
will of Allah.
I have here Julian NUS.
Nabisco. Yuck. He's saying that he's a Catholic. And he's from a
country that has like point 5% Muslims, which is Poland, and he
says it's extremely hard and he's very lonely. He mean, he's imagine
that Poland, where the migration of Muslim immigration Muslims
there is very low. Number of Muslims very low. So he's really
like a completely on his own.
Then he says he's not Catholic. He's from a Catholic country.
Catholic background, he said, but he's a Muslim now at Hamdulillah.
Then there's Jennifer Friel says that she became Muslim. Her mother
thought that she was attacked
her wrists and started actually going through her, her room for
evidence and things. So this actually brings me to another fork
in the road. And that is the experience of left leaning liberal
and the experience of converts from conservative families. So you
could be a type of liberal who is from the East Coast, etc, the
challenges that your family puts forth may be totally different
than from the conservative. So why don't you talk about that a little
Well, that's a good question.
I gotta say that in Europe, a lot of Muslims don't know this, but
the, what you call the right is actually divided into two
And, you know, a lot of Muslims actually don't know about this.
You have the establishment approved kind of Zionist, right?
Who are pro liberalism, pro Zionism.
Pro Neo conservatism. And, you know, it's it's not about the fact
that their culture is dying, per se. It's, it's just Islam. And you
know, this side of the right gets all the mainstream attention, all
the book deals, all the attention on social media. So to a lot of
even mainstream Islamic leaders, they think that this is the only
side of the right.
There's also the dissident right, who have been almost completely de
But they make up a large chunk of the European population.
Their thoughts on Islam range from neutral to even positive. But
they're, you know, Quan is that, you know, they're going to become
about a generation hated minorities in their own homelands.
Yeah. So I don't suggest allying with either of these two factions,
you know, but what I do suggest is that, if you take a communitarian
approach to the to the Dawa,
this would deflate the argument that Islam would actually decrease
the European birth rate, or the birth rate of any non Muslim
country, you know, even if that's Korea or Japan, because if you
have a simultaneous community of Muslims from the native
population, who are marrying, having families have their own
organizations and whatnot,
this would actually increase the European birth rate.
You know, this is a solution that we haven't even remotely explored.
You know, because, you know, there is no European Muslim community to
begin with in these countries, which you can pin on the, you
know, establishment, right. So really the establishment, right?
The dissident, right, they absolutely despise one another.
But the thing is, if Muslim leadership doesn't understand
that, you know, with their viral tweets, and you know, open
resentment and the anger, on social media, all you're doing is
is uniting these two factions, which is what we don't want,
because then they're going to end up voting for the same parties,
amongst other things.
On the right, go ahead. Sorry, the dissident, right, just to make it
clear, the establishment right, as we know, the dissident, right
being like, Nick Flint, does Owen Benjamin like that? Yes. And there
are different gradients of you know, how extreme they are. You
know, Nick Griffin is another Keith woods. Richard Spencer,
Edward Dutton,
you know, John Francois Gariepy. But again, again, there's other
people who feel this way, they're just not as extreme as they are.
You know, so it's more of like an underlying sentiment, as opposed
to say, you know, this is like an actual political faction that has
any political power, because these people have no political power. In
fact, you know, even if you were to dialogue with them, you might
get your bank account closed.
We don't have any we don't agree with everything they say, either.
But I do feel that we should be at least aware that these two kind of
competing sentiments exist. So I like what Najib Johnson here is
saying. He's saying that whenever Muslims have arrived, and whenever
Islam has arrived in the country, it actually has been the key to
preserving right?
Those natives, right, the native people of any, and they're the key
to preserving Islam. Well, I can push back on that in the pre
modern era, this was the case. So you know, you didn't have
airplanes you didn't have, you know, migration was very rare and
reserved for the elites, and it was on foot or by animal. So even
in the pre modern era, you had several European communities that
converted to Islam. And a perfect example of that is Crete, which
used to be a half Muslim, half Christian. So cretin, Muslims were
fully Greek. The food was Greek, the dress was Greek. The
architecture was a Greek language was a Greek, even though they're
very close to the, you know, the border with Turkey.
You know, so that culture was preserved. Same goes for there's
an indigenous Muslim population in Hungary.
Even but it would have now we're in a totally different situation
that 21st century. So we can't really copy and paste the way we
did things in the pre modern era, we need to think of an approach
you know, like, like I said, allows these converts, you know,
you know, to work on their own issues and develop a sub community
in the same way that other Muslim sub communities have done. So in
the West, you want to hear something interesting. I was
recently taking class and I still take classes myself. And I was
taking a class in which the Sheikh was talking about the gym. So the
word Masjid is any place where people can, is just dedicated for
the five prayers, but Juma the Friday prayers should happen in a
gym. Okay, and there should be as few as possible in any city.
Gemma is the gathering place at a Masjid Al Jazeera, the mosque that
is the gathering mosque. So you should have as few dramas as
possible do not have a gym, every nook and cranny. But point being
is that he said that from the conditions of the gym, and I'm
assuming these are, you know, recommended, not obligatory. But
he said that it is built on the construction
of the location on the style of the construction of the location.
Right, which was such a, I didn't expect this at all.
But it does actually make a lot of sense. Okay. And if we're trying
if you're if you're truly doing Dao, and you're not here for a
takeover, and you truly, with a pure intention, saying, Listen,
this is the truth. I'm bringing it to you. But I also want you to
have it and benefit from it, I don't want any benefit from you,
then this actually makes sense. As a precondition, we're gonna put it
in the construction that you all understand and know and like and
prefer, so that you don't feel that you're walking into something
foreign. Right.
So up to now, what we've talked about is the interaction between a
Muslim who converts to a liberal white family versus a conservative
white family.
I want to push this now to relating connecting the foreign
aspect to Europe. Europe has a whole nother dynamic. You're not
going to when you become Muslim in Europe, and you want to meet some
Muslims, you're not going to meet your dad, you're not going to meet
my dad, you're not going to go meet doctors and PhDs. from
foreign countries, you're going to meet blue collar people, you're
going to meet chefs, cooks. I mean, there are eight people who
don't speak English. Europe is another animal.
And the dissident right of Europe views the Muslim not as a
potential terrorist as a complete horde
of poor people taking over our country. Right. So let's shift
over to Europe. Give us your commentary on the European
perspective of the white European perspective of of Islam.
Can we get well, like I said, the there's there's always going to be
people who are think that Islam is the culprit. You know, whether
you're talking in the West Virginia or in Europe proper, but
sorry to interrupt, I want to before before you give your
answer, I want to add one more thing.
I would be some of these pictures of the what Muslims are doing in
Europe and England and stuff. I would remove it from my country.
I'm telling you living sloppily living, did not even having any
half a concern of adapting. Right? I myself would be like, Oh, do you
do in here, have some respect for this country that you're in? Right
have some effort to live cleanly, to live like us? That's my
perspective. If I had a country, and a small group of Muslims came
over, I would lecture them. Right? And I'm like, I'm not accepting
this. Like you're totally making our country totally feel like I'm
in my own foreign a foreign country in my own home. Right. So
just with that, if you can, you can continue now your your what do
you think of that? Well, I think it's I can't Yeah, what you just
said, even though it's true, I mean, that's very politically hot
in the current zeitgeist, I think, you know, the European right
doesn't hear perspective like that from from Muslims.
So, you know, like, again, you have to be careful, you don't want
to you have to walk a fine line, but I would say yeah, it like I
said, it's it's basically two opinions. One is that Islam like
these people are sloppy, you know, these people. They don't, you
know, they they don't care about, you know, the European population.
They don't care about immigration because they're Muslim. You know,
whereas another side it just, it's not Islam, that's a cobra per se.
It's any immigration whether
As from Hong Kong or Brazil, or even other European countries, you
know, it's the, it's the overall mass effect of globalization, you
know, which drives down wages, you know, which, you know, like,
causes harm to the environment, which increases housing costs,
like, several fold.
And, you know, like, they don't blame the individual immigrant.
It's like, it's, it's, it's, it's a manufactured attempt to try to,
you know, control a population, because if you have a divided
population, they're much easier to control through buddies at each
other's throats.
So I my take on it is, you know, like, how do we, how can you
possibly as a Muslim, you know, address these issues without
coming across as a traitor? Yeah, Muslims? Yeah, I think, I think in
you know, we're lacking really lacking data and research on what
the best thing is, for Muslims in these dire situations, who have no
choice, you know, oftentimes to go, you know, to the west, you
know, like, I think we need to, we need to do like a very
in depth, like economic analysis on, you know, what the best thing
is given, like, a limited amount of resources, you know, because to
house people in Europe is incredibly expensive.
And in the meantime, we have, you know, people who are extremely
dire situations, in,
for example, refugee camps in Muslim countries, who are just
living on shoestring budgets, you know, we're not saying that, you
you know, we don't care about the Muslim population existing
currently in Europe.
But you know, for, for the time being, what's going to happen in
1020 years, you know, when we have more and more Muslims who are in
dire situations everywhere, and more and more, you know, non
Muslim Europeans are in dire situations anywhere, and then the
blame is going to be shifted on Islam, as we see, you know, these
kinds of establishment, right governments coming to power in
Europe. So, it is a big issue, it's very difficult to address in
any Muslim sphere. But I think we need to look at it from a
humanitarian perspective, holistically.
And like I said, if we implement this approach, if Muslims just
simply refer converts to exist in organizations that are run by
converts, then they can develop their own aesthetic, they can
build their subcommittee's from the ground up. And then, you know,
Islam would not be seen as a religion, that would be decreasing
the native European population. So and then to use it as a bargaining
chip, you know, for the safety and security of Muslims currently
living in the West. But that would be my take on it. What is your
opinion about those who say that this is a globalist agenda, to
shake up Europe and render Europe a weak, you know, nation itself or
a weak continent? And, you know, all that talk? Do you give that
any credence?
I mean, it doesn't matter what I think about that, whether you
believe it's true or not, you know, it's, you know, there are
definitely changes that are occurring.
And, you know, like, the fact that, you know, Muslim countries
are going through so much turmoil is definitely exacerbating that.
And I think people are starting to realize that, and, you know, like,
but to say that it's like, an actual agenda from a certain
group. I mean, there's evidence towards that, you know, and
presenting these ideas are extremely controversial.
So, you know, you can, you can take from that what you might
think, but in any case, it's good for Muslims to be aware that, you
know, like,
you know, like, you know, that the overall, you know, if you look at
the overall picture, part of it, that picture for sure, is making
Islam look as bad as humanly possible. Yeah. And, you know,
like, that's something we should be aware of. But yeah, it's, it
remains to be seen if we're going to be able to change the game on
this subject.
The hard reaction from
a lot of these native non natives. It's weird to say that about
Europeans, but
and they're, how do you navigate that hatred when you see it?
Well, it depends. I mean, like, you know, like, I can understand
where born Muslims are coming from, you know, to a degree, you
know, I've never lived this experience. You know, like when
you and your entire family is Muslim, and you don't really
interact with the Anglosphere and you kind of live in your own
enclaves. And the only mode the only
Europeans that you see are trolling you on social media,
that's gonna give you a really bad taste in your mouth and make you
think that the entire population thinks this way. Yes, there's a
segment that believes this, you know, there's also a segment that,
you know, is neutral on the subject, you know, they couldn't
care one way or the other, but you also have to be aware that there
is a tremendous also, you know, us, you know, percentages all
across Europe that have a tremendous amount of support, you
know, for the Muslim community, you know, in particular, in the
region, where they're being oppressed, and the numbers are
absolutely growing. So, it's difficult to see that when you
don't, you know, come from, you know, European background, but,
you know, when you talk to people in your family and your community,
you know, like, opinions are changing, and not just this, but
also the Muslims leading the charge in the pushback against,
you know, certain educational agendas. So, what you have to do
is you have to, we don't have any data, I think that's, you know, we
can't start making conclusions or even assumptions without data, I
think, you know, Muslim think tanks seriously need to do,
like, research on what Europeans think about these, all these
particular issues. And then, you know, like, do correlational
analyses, and, you know, focus groups, and because then we can,
you know, sort of start to draw assumptions on, you know, we're
the best way to go is, because all we're doing is we're just basing
our opinions of what, you know, the entirety of an entire
population thinks based on social media, and, you know, like, hired
actors who are paid tons of money, you know, to act antagonistically,
towards Muslims. That's not an accurate representation. You know,
I think we need to, we need to really do research before you
start making assumptions about, you know, like, if, you know,
like, what percentage of people actually think this way? How about
the population talk? Is there, is there actual evidence to this,
that the, you know, European population is just dipping at a
rate that's, that can no longer be
reversed? Is that actually true? Do you are you aware of these
population discussions? And it's popularly stated, but that doesn't
make it true?
No, if you look at populations in Europe and the West, you know,
there definitely is a decline.
You know, you have two effects of increased immigration, and also,
you know, declining birth rates,
you know, that effect is going to increase exponentially, unless
something changes. Now, like I said, I'm against any type of
involuntary repatriation, I think that's, you know, inhumane to do
some to somebody, especially since, you know, since you know,
they live there for generations, or even if they're just, you know,
proto residents or citizens.
But, you know, like, even in, you know, like, Take, for example, you
know, Canada, I think, Canada at the beginning of 2003, during the
Iraq War.
I think they did a poll, it was like 71% of white Canadians were
against the intervention in Iraq, as opposed to like, maybe 50, I
think was like 45% repose in the United States. And at the time,
Canada had a much higher white population than United States.
Yeah. Those numbers are still there, but it's still only like, I
think white Canadians, white Canadians only make up like 75% of
the population. We're done a three there like 85%. So
in terms of the
direction of the country now, do you think that the the woke in the
explosion is sort of like dissipating a little bit, and that
there is a little bit more of a rise even amongst young people
with some of the conservative slash dissident side of things?
I actually, personally am observing a little bit of that.
Yeah, I mean, there's definitely a backlash. You know, but again,
we're taking our opinions based off of social media, we don't have
actually real numbers on the subject.
You know, I you know, if we can't, you know, pocket Yes, I mean,
social media, like you can tell, you know, a comedy likes, you
know, certain things get, and there's definitely there's always
going to be these two camps existing.
You know, but, you know, in terms of the ability to push back
against these types of agendas, you know, there's always going to
be, you know, consequences, and it's gonna take, who knows, you
know, if there's going to be a time when you know, there's going
to be less pushback or you know, you won't get in trouble you know,
with your job or university.
But that remains to be seen. But there definitely is like, you
know, a pushback, especially from Gen alpha, towards these types of
agendas. I mean, I'm looking at some something like the 1980s the
view of the world was the establishment and liberal the
liberal was this type of person that was like a live and let live
type of person didn't follow the rules. Right and wants to indulge,
We now find this the exact opposite now, it's the liberal
left is establishment, right neck, Netflix, all these things all
corporate, it's, it's left leaning as an establishment right tech
companies. And now it's almost like dissident conservatives who
were, who were the rebels. Netflix is something that is so
predictable. Like, it's so predictable, that they're trying
to almost destroy any possibility of a part of of a good family
example, right? A person that is marriageable, you will not find
you will not find on Netflix, a character of male or female
character that is a marriageable human being.
Right, you won't find it, the guy is either pathetic. And the woman
is smacking him, I guarantee you why I just said this to a sister,
commented basically on Twitter, that watch every single Netflix
trailer, they make sure to put in the trailer to not just the the
movie, guarantee, there has to be an unnatural power dynamic that no
man will ever find attractive. And no woman who ever finds
attractive, right? A woman smacking a man
that five foot three woman beating five Russian ops, right
operatives, okay.
You know, someone talking down on, you know, talking down to a guy.
It's repeated over and over and over. So it's like the
establishment now is left. But I think rising from the response to
that is like, well, not we don't like this stuff, right? And I'm
seeing more and more of that amongst youth, like, we don't even
believe that this is real, does not have real life is and we're
gonna die out soon. And so, so my question now is that if this is
rising here in America, but I think it's taking greater foot in
and it but it's intertwined with the anti immigrant racists,
you know, they're gonna get called racist either way. But in this
case, they actually are, you know,
what's his face? The guy who just won the election two months ago
in the Netherlands, what's his name? Again? Geert Wilders. Right?
So are you seeing what I'm seeing here on this that is actually
rising in?
In Europe? Well, the you mentioned gear filter. So the establishment,
basically, the religious establishment, right, all the way.
So any, you know, like anti left sentiment is going to be channeled
into these anti Islam organizations, and political
parties, which smells really bad for the existing Muslim community.
So you just, you know, you have to be aware
that it's all being funneled into that. But again, you can't fall
into the trap of blasting everyone who holds these opinions. And I
know, you know, you probably don't do that. But you know, like, the
thing is, Muslim leadership, you know, the, they ended up saying
statements that are just going to galvanize both sides into one
political party.
You know, so like I said, I don't I don't recommend allying with any
faction on the right. But I do think that, you know,
we just need to be a little bit more
how do you say,
especially when it comes to social media, like kind of careful about
how we word things? Because, you know, there's still some people
who use the term white man as basically a synonym for non Muslim
or Islam hater.
And, you know, it's, we can't show our families this stuff. I mean,
you know, like, you know, these people don't have to go home to a
non Muslim family, but, ya know, like, it's,
it's really, it's not good. And you know, like, you know, even you
know, like saying, Andrew like, masha Allah, you know, you know,
Andrew take converted to Islam, entertain himself is is half white
and half black. He's biracial. There is someone who I think maybe
that gets anti Islam video. He was half white, half Native American,
and they were calling him a white man. I'm just like, Well, if he
was a convert, would he then be Native American or agitate was an
Islam hater. Yeah, then be considered white. So I mean,
It's all this doing is just it's just, it's basically becoming a
recruiting poster for someone like your builders.
What would you say is the difference between the
establishment? Right? And the dissident? Right? What's the line
there that
separates the two?
I would say scientism? Yeah, I mean, that's definitely. Yeah,
that's definitely one of the huge dividing lines. But also, again,
that's not set in stone. I mean, there are some of the dissident
right, who would agree with that. And, you know, but that's
definitely a huge part of it. Also, liberalism.
You know, like capitalism, also.
And, you know, and opinions toward Islam. You know, so I mean, again,
with the dissident, right, there's a wide range of opinions of Islam.
Some of them don't like it, some of them are neutral about it. But
with the establishment, right, I mean, they, very few of them will
even entertain a discussion with another Muslim. And if they do,
they're going to have some ulterior motive. So if you think
Trump straddled between the two, yeah, 2016 Yes, that was the case.
I don't know if he's gonna do the same thing. It's 2024. But I
wouldn't I wouldn't if I wasn't, I mean, I wouldn't be voting for
Trump either. I'm probably looking through party. But in any case, I
do have to go. I do apologize. No problem, no problem. But did you
have any other questions or comments? Or in any case? No. Mine
Final Thoughts are our intention here is to expand our minds,
expand our horizons, and try to delve a little bit into this
segment of our community. And it's a growing segment, I believe, and
it's something that I believe that needs more attention. We have a
couple other guests who also keep us up with this. Like Ali from
revival men Malachy click, who keep us in touch with this and
it's part of our omoide view of our community to always be in
touch. So anytime that you want to come come on and talk about
something you just let us know when you pop in. Jalan Okay, that
sounds great. And like I said, as a final thought, I will be
recommending the same communitarian approach to any
group of converts, whether that's Japanese, Korean, so it's not
limited to, you know, just white conference, we all belong to
different societies and we all have, you know, like,
cultures that we belong to and everything. It's just that we need
to let the people see that, you know, Islam is universal is all
culture so I will let that go. Thank you so much for having me on
that shake Shadi.
And Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato widecombe
Salam rahmatullah wa barakato.
All right. So there, there you have it. That was a
an important little step of I do almost almost like digital
visitations where you get to try to see what's happening in that
world. Let's now talk about some other things. Vivek.
He's out. He's not out. He is not out if you think he lost, you're
making a mistake. Watch the body language when he meets Trump. He's
in control. Vivek, Vivek, Vivek, whatever you want to say. Good.
It's a cool name. And he named what? Two V's that short. It's two
syllables. Right. It's going to be a cool name. And he's got a strong
hard letter at the end. Yeah, sounds like he went in there.
made a splash the moment it could possibly get into a confrontation
with Trump. I know for sure he had. The line is you do not have a
confrontation with Trump.
And Trump also, I think, saw that this guy is a he doesn't need to
have competition. He's not a threat to him. If you notice, he
never talks about somebody who's not a threat. The only person he
talks about is dissenters, because he is a threat. Right? And he
crushed us since the census is a complete ly crushed by by by
Trump's antics. Got
Vivek, I think you saw, alright, if I go any further, I'm gonna
have a conflict with Trump that's going to kill me kill me. I'm
done. Right. So he pulled up. He did not pull out he did not
submit. Because he was defeated. He pulled out because that was the
plan. Okay, pulled out because that was the plan. Now he's
ingratiated himself to Trump. Trump is very happy that he pulled
out. Okay, through all his votes to Trump.
Him and Trump get along, he's gonna ride Trump's coattails for
the next four, four years. Okay. Whatever position he gets is going
to be fine or no position. If it doesn't make a difference,
probably maybe even better just to be a floating commentator than to
actually have a government position for him. It should be VP
or bust. He should accept and I don't think Trump's gonna bring in
Indian VP. Right, but either bringing him in, he should he
would either take VP or take nothing at all. I'll take some
ridiculous cab
In a position, right.
But he's float around comment, everyone who want his commentary.
I personally think he's extremely intelligent. And he's, but his
biggest problem is the racism in the Republican Party. They just
they cannot stomach putting an Indian president, right? Like,
thinking about this in 2008. The Democrats barely tolerated the
establishment barely tolerated a half black men as president and
that's supposed to be the
party of diversity. That's gonna be his biggest problem. But
people love him. He's he is his talks are essentially Obama, but
on the right, essentially, he's Obama but on the right.
And I think that
he's extremely smart. He he has a lot of things that
you know, that
a lot of things that you could take,
quote, good qualities that make him president, but I just don't
think that His people will stomach putting him in office. Right,
Republicans will not some put him laughs either way, anything he
does now. He's going to be successful. Right? He opens up a
rubber band company, he'll be successful, right? Because his his
name recognition is all over the world, and that are all over the
country. That
moment when I'm seeing him and Trump I'm like, either Trump
didn't care at that moment didn't value this.
Or Vivek was can complete control.
And maybe we're just making a bigger deal than not on just the
five second interaction, but that's my opinion on it.
All right. Here's a question. Here is a question. Did emem emitted
Tamia and here I am Ahmad at MCC deceit on Twitter, reading the NUS
that you asked me to read? Good. Is it
true that liberal claims said that even Tamia could access a low Alma
foods. Now, by the way, in a listener, we believe that ALLAH
SubhanA which Allah can reveal our animal rights
to somebody, right?
And it's Admiral available essentially, it's all of Admiral
Weber's and only in the knowledge of Allah. But Allah can reveal
something of the Viet to people. People all the time in Islamic
history, are seeing a vision and vision comes true next morning, or
in 40 years. profit and nonprofit good if Brown himself was not
given a baby yet, but he was given it as a punishment, right to make
him scared and nervous and paranoid. Pharaoh himself was
given knowledge of the future that would make him paranoid and fall
into it. Make it worse for him. Okay, so it's not all this always
praiseworthy. He was shown a vision.
And it was either his vision or the vision of one of his
courtiers, I'm pretty sure was his vision
of a boy of, of the Hebrews.
Taking his crown, okay, playing with it. No, no, we just like it.
That was actually that actually happened. That physically
happened. No, the vision of the Pharaoh was a flame from
Palestine, came in the sky, landed in Egypt and burned all of Egypt.
That was the vision of the Pharaoh. Then his courtiers
interpreted it as a boy from the Hebrews. Your slaves here will
destroy your nation.
Fast forward, saying the Musa is a baby. He's on the lap of
throne, and he takes the crown from foot down and he puts it on
his head as a toddler.
Everyone laughed. And some of the courtier said oh, that might be a
sign. So the crown thing is different that actually happened
in the physical the vision was frowns vision, so we as I listen
to do believe that it's possible. Okay.
Let's read this quote here. Well, Akasha had two
men for men ferocity shaken Islam, Hebrew Jamia Rahim Allah on water,
Nigeria, who's saying this claim. He's saying I've witnessed from
the ferocity of Sheikh Al Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, warmer lamb was che
Hindu minha of Anwar them. And what I didn't witness directly is
greater and greater. Well, we'll call it will Pharaoh set to heat
tested a document. And the things that happen of his fear
rasa would require volume
have large volumes of ciphers like a volume. Okay?
Excuse me, we're now talking about IP no claims quotation on image
Tamie is McCosh if it's
about a US hub who
be to who else talk about us? How about who he informed his
companions be the holy Tatari Hashem that tar people will enter
Syria, Sena Tissa, which is 18 was said to me, you know, Arabic is
the worst suffered a lot of them. Maybe I shouldn't say this because
the language of the Quran, but quick mathematical
recognition of numbers, it's the worst. Okay, so, Chinese is the
best. So Chinese are good at math, not just because they study a lot,
because the way they actually pronounce numbers is makes them
much logical sense. Like, they'll say, 650 turns, three ones.
63 right, we say,
right, we say three and 50 and 600. Right.
So Sena Tissa, what's the same 990 and 600 You literally have to
pause right? When you hear an arabic number.
Okay. 699 When a Jewish and Muslim ina took sir, and the Muslim
armies will be broken. When the Mesh layer Kuhn will be cut alone,
I am one, whereas abuna Damascus will not have much killing in it.
Nor will there be much enslavement subby taking slips. What an
killable JC
where he deti He fill em well, where the cobbler and Yahoo matara
Bill Harada
he says something here about the wealth and
oh, when when caliber JSON web data who I don't understand that
line, but in any event, he said He even sent me a said that this
would happen before it happens.
Okay, so about a NASA well O'Meara then he informed the people and
the princes Senate if name if an attorney was served Omega 702 he
informed them in the year 702 LaMotta Harakat totaro Wakasa to
Sham when they left and they intended cerium and de irata Well
has a Metalla him that it's now things are going to change and
it's going to be against them. One of the VA fora one nostril Muslim
is that this time, three years later, the Muslims will have
victory what up some I live there Leka UK Thora min sub Darina
and he gave 70 Oh set this would happen?
For you karula Who called Insha Allah, people said say Inshallah,
okay, fair Kulu insha Allah hooter, peep and let olika
brilliant answer actually, he says, if Allah wills Okay, and I'm
saying this
for certain not in hope, right.
So he said inshallah was a matter who you're cool with Erica? I
heard him say this. Carla philam exaro aleja Paul Tula took Firo
Khattab Allah to Allah for lower and muffle the and Numazu Munna he
had the hit kura when people kept talking to him about them about
this Oh, what are you saying? How can you say this right? I said
stop talking so much to me. Let's walk through don't talk. Don't
reply. Stop talking so much sup. doubting me almost as if to say
Allah has written this in the low Helma fouth that they are
defeated. In other words, the tsar's people in this attack, that
they're gonna have an unnecessarily juicy Islam, and
that victory is for the armies of Islam. By the way, why would what
is one of the wisdoms which Allah to Allah reveals such a truth to
somebody because we feed off his confidence now, right?
Allah will ultimate to Baba, Allah O'Meara will ask her Halawa to
NASA and he says it here. He said, I gave I put in the hearts of the
leaders and the generals, that desire for victory. That's one of
the reasons why Allah Tata can give them a cash offer to
somebody. It's for the sake of everyone else. This is a war,
right? Not a death in the family or something a war. So you're not
going to succeed in this war without great amount of
confidence. Okay,
I believe this by the way.
Kubla Hello Jim Illallah Colorado he says I got this confidence
before they went out to meet the enemy. What kind of fear are set
to who? l juice EF ukulele, a teeny, tiny Mifflin Mata. And he
had many many specific this is the general he had specific few rasa
tea calls it for us that we would call it mocha fat. It's the same
thing. What's the difference? Really a fill rasa is less than a
mocha. A fill rasa
is I'm looking I'm watching I'm looking at with an analysis using
my brain. More cassava is like information from Allah. Right
here. This is more cassava, it's not for us. He may use the word
for us. It doesn't matter what word he uses, but by the meaning
it's McCosh if not for us. And ferocity men sometimes
ferocity movement and Macassar will become like mixed almost one
right? But this is
so the question was, did he access the Preserved Tablet? No, he
didn't say that he access to preserve tablet. Even say me I
merely said that.
He said that.
This is what's gonna happen
confirmed by the by the will of Allah.
And it is that he says that Allah has written in the lower Helma
fouth that they will be that the enemy will be defeated in this
attack that they do on us in Damascus. And
he's saying that it's written in the law in my faith, right?
Meaning that he is so does that mean he has he like read the law?
He's not necessarily right. I can tell you it's written in the law
and my food right now that I'm holding a white mug but I didn't
read the law on my foot because anything that happens is already
in the lawn muffled if you fully believe firmly believe that
something will happen. Then you can say it's in the lawn muffled
it's in the low and muffled that say nice is gonna return. Right?
Like that's just a doesn't mean I have to have read it. And doesn't
mean that I have access to it.
So let me tell the brother, I just read it and replied in the live
And we'll go to the live stream
and we'll
copy the link. Alright, let's open it up to comments and questions
Who do we have here today?
So have read me a comment or question.
The prophets in New Albany are the crop moments of loneliness and no
names of Allah. It just says all know all.
It is said in his sound Hadith
that, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, your deeds
are shown unto me.
Many Allah might have
understood from this.
He's shown the deeds of the individuals with their names. And
in specific, other said the OMA enlarge at large. So there's
Estella on that, but from the
the experience of many Muslims, they do see the Prophet salallahu
Salam, and he knows their names. And Allah knows best.
You kill a snake in your garden.
Someone says, what would happen? What would the meaning of killing
a snake in your garden mean in a dream, meaning somebody near to
you and your family, your garden is your home, and someone near to
you and your family has some ill will to you. And you're killing
them doesn't mean you killed that person but you killed the ill will
or the harm. So they may have been harmful to you. Now they're not
harmful. They could be by a rod that you recited do they could or
you stop them, you physically stopped them from harming you with
words that you said to them a discussion that you had protection
of some sort, spiritual or physical good, and that the harm
Now whoever that person is close to you and your family could be a
cousin could be an inlaw could be a brother.
They can be now in your family and you don't have to worry about
their home anymore. That's one of the meanings for that.
Ashara affirming we affirm all the attributes of Allah.
And we negate what Allah commanded us to negate, which is any
attribute that Allah of Allah that is physical in its nature because
ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is not composed of matter of any
physicality, nor is in a location nor bound by location, nor in a
direction. So we negate what Allah negated and we affirm what Allah
Okay, even simply by the fact that he calls himself The Creator of
all things, implicitly makes us there's lesson a lesson miss an
implication, we have to negate many things. If Allah says he's
the creator of all things, that means a creator of time and space.
That means he must be transcended beyond space. Right? Because if he
created it, he can't be in it. Right? He's not dependent upon it.
I guess in relation to that, actually, this is something you
asked, he had gotten into discussion with somebody who was
trying to refute the Australian position on things and they had
said that, how can you deny that Allah subhanaw taala has a hand
but then you accept that Allah subhanaw taala can hear and see.
See, without a tool, Allah hears and sees without a tool, without
without tools, right? He hears and sees without organs, he speaks
without an organ.
All of his actions occur without an organ.
So in discussions, if you I guess, as a student of knowledge, when
someone is confronted with a situation like that, how far are
they responsible? Are they going forward with explaining to someone
who's refuting that? Do they just explain it one time and pointed
out where they have to keep going back to the person and trying to
convince them that they're wrong? What's the responsibility the
student to try to rectify their every time they chance to get it
up in a way that's no argumentation? Repetition without
Yeah, I mean, that's why
anytime that I find something beneficial if if I've read it 500
times, doesn't mean everyone else has. So I bring it up again.
Repetition without boredom or argumentation.
Sami Hamdi came to visited our masjid, but we didn't record it.
As part of this channel, I think the prophetic living team recorded
it sent me home these very powerful speaker on Palestine.
Can a believer have iron Eliakim and Huxley appealing?
Or is that only possible for profits? No, it is possible. I'll
tell you how it's possible for a believer, a regular person to have
Huck Eliakim.
So when we see the Promise of Allah subhanaw taala.
It's, it's just in our mind. But when it actually occurs in the
world, it's as if you're seeing a sign of Allah right in front of
you. Okay? And when would this happen? Anytime that you have one
of these statements, conditional statements in the Quran, if you do
this, this is the result if you do this, this is the result. So it's
one thing to believe it. It's one thing to hear that it worked for
other people. And it's the third thing
to live it yourself.
To live it yourself. So I'll tell you a story
about a man who was in a great amount of debt. And his bill was
due the next day.
He went around all day trying to borrow money from people couldn't
get any money and was literally walking the streets of Cairo like
a complete desperate person.
couldn't even go home.
Can you face his family and go home? So he went to a masjid went
to Asia fell asleep after Aisha
what happened? Everything okay.
All right.
Went there
fell asleep after I woke up spent all night praying.
At fetcher, certain circumstances happen incidents occurred and some
xicana Money was brought forth the exact amount of money that he
it so that man now knows not on theory not that he heard somebody
talking about it, but from his own direct experience. Okay? That
Allah answers the door of the last third of the night when they're
asked with desperation
direct experience that's called How can you appeal?
So again, I email your teen knowledge of your teen is Yes, I
believe I know and I believe that Allah answers prayers. I nearly
again I met somebody who said Allah answered his prayers How
could he have been Allah answered my prayer
How do you ask questions for hearts you could just answer the
ask the question right here on on YouTube
Mohammed Salah Sahel says is there any way of knowing a dream would
come true before it actually does small example A friend of mine had
a dream he had something he wanted. And a year later he got
it. Yes, the world of dream interpretation with you meet some
righteous people who
know how to interpret dreams, then you will insha Allah Tada
understand, come to learn by talking to them. And by living as
a Muslim and having experience that
this is all true. And that you have to separate between the dream
that's from your knifes and the dream that's from Allah subhanaw
taala. There are clear ways to separate between the two. We got
the dream that is from Allah tends to be short, easy to remember.
And most times, not all times, most times.
It's symbolic. Why? Because so for in order for Allah to make you
know that this is from Him, not you. He puts it in a code that you
don't understand. Right? So if we just saw true dreams, exactly how
they were. Right, then how would I know whether that's truth or
projection from my own mind?
Good. So that's an example of I'll give you another example. The
famous story of Sheikh Mohammed Metolius shadow we
he saw a
his father saw a vision of a little bird
tweeting, you know, like making its noise, singing on the minaret
of a mosque.
On the night, he was born
chuchmah was actually shot I was born that same night right before
fed. Right, bless it time to be born.
So he said funny thing is I saw the stream now. Sorry, it wasn't
him. It was his uncle who is his father's brother who saw the
dream. So when they met up at Federer in the mosque in the
farmland back in the 1900s 1909, or something.
He said, I just saw this dream, right. And I hope it's your son,
maybe some do with your son. So he told the Imam of the mosque, the
Imam of the local mosque of the village there said, this boy of
yours that was just born your nephew. Right? He's going to be a
great teacher of Islam.
So now if the father had seen the dream, everyone would and he would
have seen it literally said I saw a great preacher. Everyone would
say, Yeah, that's what you want. Right? You would want your son to
be a chef. And they would dismiss it. So number one, the dream came
to the uncle, not the father.
Number two, the dream came in a way that nobody really would would
imagine that this is what it is. Right? A little bird. Okay.
Singing on a minaret. So it's symbolic, imbibed by these
In between the dream and the truth of the dream. It separates from
us, our own consciousness, from the message Allah is bringing to
us. That's why dreams are like that.
Every time you make dua after a word, and it often comes true is
it then blameworthy to ask for worldly things? It's never brain
worthy. blameworthy, to ask for worldly things. But it is
blameworthy to ask for worldly things without asking for
religion. For spirituality for nearness to Allah for protection
in the afterlife.
Can you bring on a dream interpreter is they're very hard
to get on. Maybe next time we'll get schicke
A chef
Subhan Allah Hasma is named skipping my mind
from Dallas, Chicago, I mean, he's dream interpreter from Chicago
Donnell costume.
Spot Illinois is Kim. We just had a man who has a great interview
or the fence was from Donald Lifta. And as her valid can they
be followed? Sometimes you hear things here and there and I can't
say as a blanket statement yes or no. But I do know that there are
many, many, many good jurists in both
both departments. But also I do see some things that make your
head you shake your head
you know what else is amazing? Is that a shaker shot oh, he himself
as who was saying this year
Osama he didn't actually want to go to his school as a Sheikh. He
didn't want to go study
Okay, next this person is someone who's saying abroad is their that
Mufti Menk is coming to Dallas. Okay. I hope
that for those who like to listen to move to make us come into those
never met him no, never met him. did not meet him. No.
Should one fear from criticizing a ruler if there's danger of prison?
Yes. That's one of the being in prison is one of the things that
is allowed to keep you silent
Is it normal to feel body heat increasing while doing razza?
Allah Allah
Abubaker and pulsating. Thank you shit. I mean, Kawada that's what I
meant to say. I don't know why his name skipped my mind. He's a dream
interpreter. I don't know if he does that publicly. But he's well
known to be a gym interpreter.
I don't know if that's normal. If in general, when you do an act of
remembrance, you are moving you are inhaling you are breathing. So
if your body temperature goes up that may be because of that
Lana says I tried asking shit, I mean from Chicago but couldn't get
a hold of him. There's nobody else that I can that I could refer
people to public. There are Jim and tubers that just private
so I can't, you know, refer them to you.
Did you ever meet Sita Hamza MushiShi. No, I never did.
What is the ruling on minority FIP? There's not minority fit.
There are fatawa that fit affects what is
a license to go against what is the normal ruling
and you have to navigate the world of Fetzer very carefully.
Lana says I'm excited for Wayland to start again Mashallah. We are
revamping our scholarship program our online scholarship program you
don't even recognize it gonna be complete revamp. It's going to
actually become an online almost like a college like you we will
you will get educated.
Haroon says why is it that although death is like Sleep,
sleep is so sweet and death is so intense. It's like sleep in the
absence of physical presence that's what how it's like sleep.
The rule
exists the body but in sleep it's connected says the prophets I said
we don't know these things only what the prophet tells us right?
But it's connected.
Death The it's completely disconnected. But it how is it
like death in both cases you're absent of your physical body.
Human being is soul and body and intellect.
So death
pre resurrection, of course. And sleep is soul and intellect
without body. So you are with your intellect. Just like in a dream.
You're you in a dream.
And you have your soul but you have no body. Okay?
And then resurrection occurs. You receive your body again
like I said, I'm Roger Lavaca.
fetzima king. Yes, we're talking about ArcView right
Now Archie scholarship track, it's up and running. But we're now
going to formalize it.
Where you take courses, you get exams, the courses build on one
another year one, year two, year three, year four, and you're
certified by the teachers who pass you. Right now. It's almost like,
sign up, take whatever you want, whenever you want. But we're going
to move away from that, we're going to start actually saying,
Alright, you're studying with us. These are the class times and you
get like a week. If you missed the recording, we have like a week or
something like that. So it's more serious.
How would I know if I saw a prophet in a dream you would know?
You will know. But sometimes you see a good figure. That's it. You
don't know if you saw Nibi an angel a person it's a symbol of
someone bearing goodness. Go up there when I was a student school.
There is this girl
Her name was Courtney, could you go on you see that? Instagram on
the on the screen? Can you scroll?
Imam Baba is asking you a question here.
Scroll the opposite way now.
Alright, what's your question? Remember? Keep going Keep going.
No no up up up
What are you saying keep going
I don't know what the question is. It won't go any farther.
No, I don't know what the question is.
Why don't you debate Mufti auth man son of federal
debate him on what ash IDs
What do you think of scholars working for Zionist UAE
the fact that I read the question that's the face is really one of
my opinion is about it.
Well, just to give you a rule
Ilana Lomond doesn't. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
anyone doing fitna the curse of Allah have is on anyone who helps
them I'm not accusing anyone of helping Zionists right so that I
don't get into the weeds on what people said or did I'm just saying
that is the rule of Islam. You can't do something wrong you
cannot help something do someone do something wrong
are a few spring semester started again? Yes, July, January 28. All
classes start in Jolla.
How's Ryan in Yemen? Yeah, he's doing good studying hard. Has
anyone considered is anyone considered the representative
Habib Ahmed in the United States? Yes, I've just cut him Yeah, he
and check. Yeah, he wrote us of the academia here is in Michigan,
and maybe one of the oldest of the students of Dr. Mustafa chef Yahya
Rhodus, in Allentown Of course.
Okay, so data Rama in Michigan. Adam accosted in Allentown, may
Allah preserve them and increase them
are the methods of theology as large as the methods of phip
methods of theology are under the banners of the methods of fit so
the method EDIS Metro DD is the Hanafi update essentially because
met the man met with Ed.
He intended to document what he believed the Imam Abu Hanifa would
have concluded given the questions that are now coming in at that
time, the MATA Kia did the same. And they and man the Usher IRA and
the Chevy are both joined the or supported the SID copied. Okay.
And the Hannah Bella remains Hannah Bella. No Calum? Neither
they criticize it nor they support it. They
leave the room that if you're going to bring this these
questions that never came in the time of the Prophet so i Suddenly
when the sob when we leave the room. What do we say about that is
a sudden you don't have to answer these questions, but it's called
Cafe. So for a Dane, it's fun cafe to answer these questions. When a
foolish atheist brings you dumb question. Like can a god can God
create a
Find that he can extinguish dumbest question in the world.
Great sixth grade.
This was hot stuff at GE stuff back in sixth grade. Whoa, we
can't answer this question. Right is first key failure for a Muslim
to swat away these flies if there are a lot of flies and roaches in
the mosque and you go in the mosque, is it fun to dine on you
to squash all these flies? No, it's not. But it's for key failure
on the Muslims on the community to purify the Mosque of these rats,
rodents and cockroaches. That's what the Chinese did. Okay.
And then that's what it is that they took on the fuck you failure
of of getting rid of these these weasels? And these rodents and
this vermin? Okay, who play games with words? That's all they did
play games with words. Okay, here's this Oh, wow, this. So
you're basically wanting
the omnipotent, all powerful to not be powerful. If he cannot stop
being powerful, then he's not powerful. Are you playing games
with words? Can God close a door that's already shut? Oh, he can't.
Because it makes no sense, then he can't do it. This is nonsense,
right? So it's word games and the Esha era. What they did is they
let's see how language works.
And let's see, where's the trick here? It's just a trick. Okay.
It's a linguistic or logical trick. What is logic? Logic is
nothing other than how we understand language. Right?
If you said a word, that's what it means all throughout your passage,
then don't contradict your passage later on. What ultimately is the
request of what you're saying? Or the argument of what you're
saying? That's that's basically what they did. Okay.
Is Nigel Bella a valid source you have to get the there is a Sunni
version of it. And you can read that.
Okay, you can read the Sunni version of natural Bulava?
How can one bring non Muslim neighbors to Islam even though
they live next to us for many years, says Fatima hood. I've
never done it. I can't really all I do is that they very much know
that we're Muslim. We know that. They we invited them to the family
night at the mosque one time. Good.
And then we just be good neighbors.
When you're going to have sugar Yeah, he wrote us again. Yeah, we
should have him on regularly. Let's book him soon.
So that we can always be close with the Habib.
How do we explain all the muda hip deferring on the way of praying
says Nealon three, why don't you watch it the men have series that
we just released on YouTube, because it shows you that the
transmission of the religion came in things that are clear cut with
no differences of opinion and things that are not so clear cut,
and upon those the schools of thought differ
and as long as they use a valid method of interpretation, their
conclusions are acceptable.
But if you think about the prayer, these are very minor things the
prayer standing, bowing, prostrating what to recite all
this is we are unified on this the time of the prayer, how to pray in
a group, right? The prayer is the most unifying force in the Ummah
that's why prayer has set rules but flexible at the same time and
other things because it is a unifying force in the OMA if I go
to China right now, okay.
I can pray with them. I'm gonna I'm gonna know exactly when the
prayer is and how they're going to pray and what they're going to say
because it's an Arabic. If I then take a flight from China, and I go
to Chile,
I find a masjid there. Within a few hours, I will be praying this
the same Salah with the Muslims there. If I then take a flight to
now let's say South Africa, same ease of Central Africa same thing.
So Salam is the unifying force in our ummah. Okay. It's extremely
important to understand that
have you studied under Sheikh Mohammed Jacobi? Yes, I did.
hamdullah a lot of the foundations of our was with him how Kedah
the adab of how to study
she felt of cada yod
things like that.
Lana is saying ArcView basic started. Yes.
started two days ago and ArcView plus starts on January 28.
What do you think of Shaheed Bolson in his views about Muslims
criticizing Arab leaders playing into Western propaganda and
leaders deserve our support?
No comment. I didn't really watch this the stuff like that. I didn't
keep tabs to be honest with you not anything that I didn't want to
keep tabs with what he said but I just didn't keep tabs with what he
said. There's a lot of good speakers out there talking and,
you know, trying to bring benefit on the perspectives and I would
have been able to keep tabs with everybody.
The world turning on this the Twitter personality
for negating the
the Uighur genocide, the Uighur genocide is happening doesn't that
has to happen the same exact way as the Palestine genocide, like
every single day bombs are going down. But if you if you don't
believe that, that China is systematically eroding this
population, then go research again. We had remember, it'd be
the Uighur we used to call him Ibrahim. We had a brother named
Rahim he was here in Rutgers as a Physics
I don't know postgrad. He was Uighur. He would tell us every
Friday, what what kinds of things would happen, right? What was he
benefiting? He didn't make any of this stuff up. How did he get
asylum? He got asylum to America. All right.
So he told us stuff that will make your hair sent
unspeakable stuff like soldier would go in,
in Ramadan in the morning and make sure everyone's eating they would
send soldiers to certain parts and make sure no one's up for so hold
on. No, so hold. They are literally killing the dean of
these people. On top of that, how much the soldiers would then
actually sleep with women raped them really not sleep with them,
raped them, and spend nights there in the in those Uighur homes.
Ensuring that those women would be basically
carrying Chinese gifts
and totally destroying that family. Right. So he's saying
these things that's to me
the most direct
news that you know person could possibly get he fled from it and
he fled first Italy then he fled here. I mean, so when this guy
Hinkle denies it? No, we're gonna I'm gonna say like, that's your
politics getting involved. He is obviously pro Russia, China, Iran,
anti USA, anti Israel. So whatever those guys do, he's going to be
with them. Whatever these guys do is going to be against them.
That's not how we do politics. We do politics by the truth. Right?
That's, so everyone is now against him. And I'm like, I wasn't
necessarily for anybody, but rather, whatever is true. If she
posts something true, good. If you post something false, get blame,
I don't even know Jack's ankle is a real person to be honest with
you. When I see an account post that much. Right, and content that
was, I think, pretty original themes researched, right? Like a
video from a place or you don't know where to get this video from,
right. There's obviously a team of people and I thought to myself
that after a while, I thought, there's not even a real person.
It's like a brand or something. It's just until I started seeing
pictures of right
the beard in the Maliki school is anything that comes out that you
could see that is clearly a beard separates you from
having a smooth face like a woman.
Okay, so this fulfills the function, the Sunnah in the Maliki
Alright, let's see what else here. How do we practice the Sunnah
being optimistic and having Tilak goals like the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, especially when you have a lot of negative
thoughts and worries, okay, one of the things that you want to
think about is that
and I in the hospital and now baby, I'm in the good opinion of
my slave.
And so, one of the meanings of that is the future.
If you
I insist that the future is going to be positive and good. You are
basically saying, I insist that Allah is generous and kind.
So anytime that your mind is negative now and says, Oh, the
future is going to be bad, you're basically saying that I believe
that Allah is going to bring me harm. So make a good opinion of
Allah through what you believe about the future. Could you scroll
up to two Instagram, see if that's brother continued?
All right, what is he telling us about?
Keep going
all right. I didn't really understand his question. Is there
a ruling on roadblocks during rallies? I debate my friend with
this all the time. I'm not. I don't see how there's, there's
benefit in in that aspect of the of the protest. I can get it if
it's a federal government, right. Like the federal government is
helping with this. They're implicitly they're involved in it,
But a regular guy, that's like the Europeans.
They're blocking the farmers. The environmentalists are blocking
farmers driveways, and a farmer came in
with his tractor and he just bulldoze or just, you know, pushed
away they tipped over the guy's car. It's my driveway. What are
you blocking my driveway for? Right? I applaud that guy.
what are the must knows for laymen in terms of theology and color?
you when the watershed question comes to you, you don't want to
let it sit in your mind any doubtful question that's bothering
you on the inside. Once that settles in your heart, it becomes
now an obligation for you to settle your heart.
That's how I'll put it for you. Right. That's how I'll put it.
Once it enters your heart.
You have to find a solution you cannot let a doubtful idea settle
in your heart. Okay.
That's when it becomes an obligation for you to clear your
I was advised as Khadija Alma that is recommended for a woman to make
wudu on her period. And remember Allah Murphy's, there's no word
due upon the height. You can remember Allah without wood. There
is no will do there's no such thing as it will do. Without
height. While on height. No such thing there is will do upon
Geneva. Geneva is different from Geneva is self inflicted.
after *, Hades is menstruation. menstruation is
something outside of your control completely. There's no we'll do
Jehovah is in your control. You entered into it willingly, you can
get out of it willingly. But let's say before I take a shower for
I want to go down have breakfast. I want to sit a little bit. I
don't want to take a shower. Now.
I want to go to sleep. You make what do you remove then adjusted
for your body? And you make we do that is we do have protection?
Nada? We'll do it does not allow you do anything else. And it's
only broken by another incident of sexual *. It's called
will do have Janab. Its protection from Shaytaan. That's it.
Yeah, what you said before about layperson addressing? Because I
was asked this before? What if it's not related to
Lodge Logic based question, but it's just like a made up a
picture? or what have you say, for example, how do you know what is
true? Obviously, if submitted to all those questions, how do you
answer those questions? I mean, how do you how would you address
that intellectually? You just say, do you just seek refuge from
Allah? Because it was was oh, no, no, no.
Every question that shaytaan puts in the head of a person, or the
person naturally thinks of himself, because he's curious
person has an answer.
He then just have to know. You have to ask somebody, because the
literature look at the literature. I mean, look at these books, the
literature is so vast, where the answer is to that question, you
may not be able to know, right? Every time a car breaks down,
there's a reason right? If my car emits a bad smell, there's a
reason. If my leg hurts, there's a reason. Right? I can now go and
open up WebMD and start reading Grey's Anatomy and try to find the
answer is no, it's not practical. I was a Hey, Doc.
It's the knee today. Alright, what do you feel this? Go do that same
in knowledge. All right. Any person that's why we have this
live stream any person that's got a question that, hey, hold on a
second. I'm confused. Does logical do logical rules apply to God?
Right? That means we're banding him by logical rules. So that's a
question that comes in people's mind innocently or from it's not
necessarily from Satan.
all the time just innocently? Well, the answer to that question
is, what is your understanding of logical rules? Logic is how we
navigate language as long as we're talking. We need logic because
it's how do we understand words? And Allah subhana wa Tada, has
disavowed or he has
this affirmed contradiction to himself. Right? And he said, Well,
okay, I'm in India, right? Illa Hila wager 250 11 cathedra. If
this book was from other than Allah, they will find it much
right? Therefore, Allah Himself has negated for himself.
Contradiction. There is no contradiction in his speech nor in
his creation, nor do you pose it to him. Okay? Allah also says in
the haram to full malinovski, I have forbidden me myself from
oppression, meaning that if you do a good deed, you're gonna get a
reward in this life for the next. If you suffered something, you'll
get compensated for that in this life for the next. That's justice.
That's divine justice, he has forbidden himself from injustice.
Okay, so then we say, okay, oh, okay. So then, can God do
injustice? Because if he can't, then he's not all powerful? No, he
has negated for Himself certain things. He's negated injustice for
himself. He's negated contradiction for himself. So
that's the answer to is God is bound by our logic not bound by
our logic, he negated contradiction for himself.
When someone Someone asked me this, sometimes she thought comes
in places. Well, that's what they said was was was about
future events, how do you know that that's going to happen?
How do you address
the ones?
Like, give me a specific example. And then you can extract
but it's in the Quran.
It's in the words of the Prophet peace.
The Word of Allah subhanaw taala. Insofar as you believe in Allah,
you believe in His promises, right? So then the question is, do
you believe in Allah yes or no? Do you believe in the Quran? Yes or
no? Right? That's the real question. Because once the answer
is yes to that, then everything that Allah promises is going to be
true. Right? Whether I can imagine how it's going to be true or not.
Right? So you go to the root of the matter, do I truly believe
this is the word of Allah yes or no? Now if I have doubts, that's
not surrounded by a question is just like weak faith, then the
solution to that is reciting the Quran with contemplation
and do much remembrance of Allah and stop committing sins. So
sometimes it's a spiritual answer, and sometimes it's a rational
That's how we look at
how do you do salata? Janaza in the Maliki school,
very quickly, so lateral Janaza was essentially to Kabir dua to
slim. That,
Allahu Akbar, make dua for the dead and say a tsunami. However,
while the prophet said Allah who it was Saddam was doing Salah to
the janazah he saw the Mercy descend on the deceased in
celebration of this mercy in praise of Allah He said Allah
hookah but again,
then he continued making dua more for the dead, then more mercy
descended upon the dead. So he said Allahu Akbar, but again, he
exclaimed Allahu Akbar, third third time, wants to open it. Then
he exclaimed a look but
then he saw more and more secret then he explained, explained a lot
but a fourth time.
Then he made more dot. Then he said of Salam aleikum. So the four
tech beers of Janaza prayer, one was to open the salah.
This the next three came about, upon the Prophet seeing mercy, he
was like celebrating it,
praising Allah for this great mercy that's coming down upon him.
Then thereafter, the fortec could be it became standard to be
recited in the Janaza prayer that Janaza prayer in the medical
school is all one thing dot for the deceased. Unlike that, like
you may hear that from the chef a school for example, Fatiha then
it's of course the after the second, then something else after
the third then something else after the fourth. No, it's not
like that for us. It's all due out for the deceased and the four tick
beads can come at any time in the middle of that door. Okay, keeping
in mind that you are praising Allah subhana wa Tada for the
mercy that descends. I believe the Hanafi school is very similar to
that. Right. Are you going to an MK AceDS Maharajganj
The ring I didn't, I don't know what it is, but I do.
I am insha Allah in the left there's no other commitments I'm
going to try never to miss anything which if
who is the biggest scholar and medically fit cancer Amina sore.
He's the only one who I know who memorized Mazzaglia chakra mincer.
He runs a Tabor foundation
is Abdullah Misra and visiting mbyc? Yes, this week. This week
he'll be here Saturday John.
What is reliance of the traveler about reliance of the Traveler is
a chef a logbook. And it has at the bottom at the back of it a lot
of wonderful biographies. And the best thing about reliance of the
traveler is the index. You can look up any subject you can
imagine. And you'll see it there in the index. And you just go back
to the chapter and verse that chapter and page they're
All right, couple more questions.
One must know ruling of action before doing it. However, if one
has done it without knowing its ruling, would they be sinful? A
few, there are a few things that you must know the ruling, before
you take the action that has to do with things with financial
contracts, meats, and things related to women. Okay, you have
no excuse of doing these three things, without knowing for sure
that it's held out for you to do.
So you cannot eat meat
without knowing and not knowing that it's halal. And sometimes all
you have to do is ask the person and you believe them, we believe
almost no money talks, right? As long as that Muslim has not shown
signs of lying, or public cynic.
There are other things that you don't have to know. For example,
if you're making Hajj, or you're making ombre.
And the leader says to you, during toe off, reveal your right
shoulder from the elbow. You don't know how to have the proof for
You don't need to know the evidence for that you do it? I've
tucked lead.
You don't have to have the evidence for that.
Is Olivia to rally the founder of the Elora a school in film? No, he
has nothing to do with that. He's from edit Hadith. And when he's
called the Obeah to Ravi, it's not because he uses a lot of analogy.
It's because when there are
two opposing texts, he was the best in showing the way out of
that. When there's let's say a hadith at HUD and Ahmed Abdullah
Medina, he is the one who was best at showing what how to reconcile
the two seeming contradictory texts.
Amex says repeatedly forcing yourself to be optimistic. Yes,
you know how you do it by physically saying it out loud.
Okay. Anytime somebody says for example, oh, this is going to be a
disaster. No, immediately out loud. Say no, it's going to be
great. negate it? And with yourself too. If your mind is
drifting towards negativity, speak what is good. I'm Vanessa Mattila
Becca had with with the bounce of your Lord speak. Good. I like what
SR says here. You can't always help negative thoughts. You can't
control your thoughts. But you can control your actions. Your words
what you utter, with your word with your tongue out loud is in
your control. And it will affect your heart. If you keep saying
things are going to be great things are going to be great.
We're going to be very successful. You change the state of your heart
and your your state of your heart changes. You become optimistic and
you can take action now. You can't take action when you're depressed.
When you're depressed you just want to sit on the couch is able
to claim to Josias said, Why does the police want to make you set
because he because you sit down and do nothing. IBLEES wants you
good people to do nothing. He wants good people not to do
anything. So he makes him sad and depressed. That's a depression
that's negated in the Quran constantly as a bad thing that
bliss wants to put in your heart.
So we want optimism.
Optimism makes you want to get up and work.
Jimmy Jetson says I want to get back on track in my day and I used
to pray I used to do with God. Now I find this very hard. Cut. I'll
tell you what. Many many people Jimmy
this only happens to them because the they're surrounded by negative
people. Negative and religion.
Right? Look at your friends
who you go home to
are you bad? Dean becomes hard. Usually because people are pulling
you down. Good. Imagine now that you wanted to get you gotta get
The wealthy,
you go home to a bunch of people who by 8pm, they're packing it up.
They're going about to go to sleep right now. Why? Because they're
waking up at 4am 4:30am 5am, what are they going to do at 5am,
they're going to work,
they're going to try to find a new investment, they're going to try
to find a new angle,
you're going to be one of them soon, and you're going to be
making money.
Give it a year, or two.
Or you can find another group of roommates at 8am.
At 8pm, that's when they start ordering the food. That's when
their friends start coming over. That's when the lights start going
on. That's when the video game consoles get taken up.
That's where the Hangout actually begins. And they finish up at
1340 or one 2am. Good.
You hang out with that group, you're going to be poor, I
guarantee you, you will be a poor man. Because those are, you know,
have all the habits of poverty. Now, you may not even know that
that's a habit of poverty. Yeah. sleeping late, being physically
unfit. Waking up late. These are the habits of poverty. Okay.
But taking care of your health,
trying to learn about ways to make money, sleep early wake up early.
These are the habits of the rich, of not the rich, I should say.
Those who earned wealth, there's a big difference between the rich
and those who earned wealth most rich people inherited wealth.
They're fakes. Put them out of the equation, those who produce
wealth. Okay, are those who take mentors? Take a mentor? Do you
have a mentor? Okay, so in the same way that you understand this
aspect of wealth, you take it indeed, who is in your locality?
Who do you look up to in the Indian? Say, I need to hang out
with that person? Well, you need to find four people, and you'll be
the fifth, go and hang out with them. You will be one of them
How long are fathers responsible for their daughter says rose gold
until she marries.
So if she, for example, doesn't get married, for example, doesn't
know doesn't matter. He was 50 years old. Responsibility for
father until she gets married.
Okay, but for the son until that son cannot work is independent.
However, it's also be keep in mind, there's a lot of fitna out
there so the father should let his son live with him in the house.
Better than to be single out on an apartment by himself and get it
fall into some fitness. But he should start paying his dues. It's
a good habit. Right? It's a good habit take on responsibilities,
like you got your own insurance car, your own car, your own
insurance, you're paying partial pay some rent to the house, put
some money in this bin right here. Right Zell to this account,
household account, to be to learn now to have some kind of
responsibility rather than being a
rather than being a
what do they call those guys?
Like a leech, like somebody who lives off other people. Yeah.
Though, we don't like to live off other people.
How can you become a master of FIP? Hang out with masters of FIP
and do what they tell you? For four or five years? Six years?
Seven years? Eight years? 10 years? Okay, hang out with folks,
either online or in person. Do what they tell you.
What if someone says they take the melki ruling to keep a dog in
their apartment. That's not the Maliki ruling. It's not allowed.
Many people think it is not. It is just not allowed to sell it. museo
Clara when he specifies we're not allowed to take a dog as a
friendly pet. In the house. You can take a dog as a shepherd dog,
who you can love him as much as you want. You can hug him and kiss
him if you want. Okay, because his slave has not notice.
If he's a shepherd dog, if he's your guard dog, let's say you're
I'm living in a bad area and I need to guard dog outside the
house. Outside the house. Let's say you are a guy. I love my dog
so much. He's not going to come in the house. Fine. I'm going to
build him the nicest shed and I'm gonna heat it up for him. Okay,
and I'm gonna go and I'll clean the blankets out myself. That's up
to you. I don't know, son.
But to have a dog in the home as a pet is forbidden. Because angels
don't come into the house. Why don't angels not come into the
house? If you had a cockroach in your bed, you wouldn't go in the
bed. Right? Why? What is so inherently the issue with the
exoskeleton of a cockroach? You just don't like it? Right? If I
tell you there's a little rat
somewhere in the bed. Are you going to come in the bed?
No, of course not. You don't like we human beings hate cockroaches
by nature? Allah created us that way. If I told you that there's a
bunny rabbit in the house, you're not going to care so much, right?
It doesn't bother me. If I told you there's a cat in the bed, a
kitten in the bed, a cat. I'm not going to be bothered. I'll sleep
all night. But you told me there's a rodent. Now it's a different
story. Why? What's the difference? It's the same biological material,
the shape, the smell. The Habits make you disgusted. Likewise, Mala
eco. Whether you like it or not, they don't like dogs. I hate to
break it to you. Right? You love dogs? They don't. Okay, so but we
need them in the house. We want them in the house. All right.
So because they're so important to be in the house as a Muslim, the
prophets I sent him forbade us for having dogs in the house. It's in
that he said of him Navy SEAL. Claro honey. So as a result of
that, how do you bring the two together? No problem. You can have
a shed. The dog never enters the house. But there's another thing
too, is forbidden for Muslim to waste time merely playing with a
dog. Now you walk the dog fine. Give the dog a hug. No problem.
Take the dog maybe you know to get some exercise. No. But to be
playing with a dog the prophesy centum said you will lose two
hills of your good deeds. Good. Why wastage of time with the dog
is discouraged. Okay, we should say it's discouraged. So you say
you've spent all day with the dog. And now the dog has become such a
bigger part of your life than
the regular shepherd or a guard dog that would we are now entering
a realm of discouragement at this point. Alright, so that's the
answer to the dog. I personally, some dogs, I can understand why
people love them so much. Right? But we have a religion and we have
guidance who have to submit to it. He's not allowed to come in the
And I'm not going to spend hours upon hours or even 3040 50 minutes
every single day with the doc right.
And the the urine and the dedication of a dogs and ledges.
So be careful where you're in. It's because that's not just it's
not like a duck
or a sheep or goat. Where the defecation and urine of those
herbivores is not niches. So just keep keep that in mind.
service dog. Yes, you may have one that the home becomes a question
at that point. I don't know. I mean, you don't need one. How many
blind people in the world have existed without a blind dog?
Right? So keep it in the garage. Keep it in it have a nice shed in
the garage heated everything. Okay.
But just don't bring him in house. Okay, and then what else about?
About the dog? How about the depression ducks? No.
That's not one of the things that's going to break the the way
that we the rulings on these things I used to says How would
you advise a girl who was broken up with her fiance, who was with
her for three years and change his mind that last week for continuing
to marry her.
Bring new guys into your life.
I mean by that your parents, your family should start
suggesting new people. Let your mind be distracted from that guy.
And don't chase around the guy who doesn't like you anymore. Okay. So
try to find somebody
try to distract your mind with other people. There are many many
men in the world.
Listen, folks.
Time's up.
Time is up. Unfortunately, we got to run. We've been almost two
hours streaming now.
And unfortunately we have to go.
Adam, Enzo.
Please answer the sisters question. Yes, that is Ayesha's
question about a woman she basically got stood up by her her
fiance for three years. Why fiance for three years? Why would you be
fiancee for three years? That's another example. Why don't you get
married earlier? Okay, maybe they have some situation. But that's
not really the norm by the way to tell you the truth about it. This
is one of the reasons right.
This is one of the reasons this is a prime example of why fiance
engagement should not go this long.
One year max maybe because of some situation circumstances but you
agreed to marry So marry that, right.
I agree to buy the car from you in three years. Well,
something could happen change of heart
is terrible things happen in any way it happened. Now there's no
point in blaming after the fact.
The sister says the parents didn't agree then how did you get
engaged? It wasn't a real engagement than it was a secret
engagement. It was all funny business to begin with them.
Right? So the debt the guy's parents didn't even know he was so
quote unquote, engaged. Oh, this is funny business to begin with.
That's why this stuff is not allowed on our religion. Thing is
that a lot of youth they like to follow their desires and do
things. The elders then said, No, we're not to do this. The youth
don't know why. Right now, you know, this funny business always
leads to bad things happening.
Okay. So for the sister now,
it's not me, it's my friend find good. She's like,
tell that sister now.
Okay, start distracting yourself with somebody else.
Alright, distract yourself with somebody else.
The hard side of me, the rational side of me wants to say well,
blame yourself. You got yourself in the situation. Actions have
consequences, right?
Actions have consequences.
And you did this funny thing where three years you had the secret
relationship with a guy maybe your parents knew, but his parents
didn't know. Wait engaged? Wouldn't the families be
constantly having dinner together when they're engaged? Right.
So you gotten yourself in this funny relationship, and now it
ended up badly. That's not the right way to do things. So but the
best way to clear your heart is there are other men out there.
And as an even better than that stronger than that. Ask Allah Tada
to clear your heart. Okay, and recite? Yeah. calfy calfy calfy.
The name divine name. Caffee means sufficient. He's enough for you.
Yeah, Kathy. Yeah. Kathy, if you keep doing this, and yeah, trust
me on this hundreds upon 1000s of times, eventually Allah will lead
you to something that will fill your heart. And that will suffice
your heart from being so down and depressed.
Do you recommend a student of knowledge from different methods
study some medical method just to understand the soul? Yes. The
rules, the OSU Yes. But the actual rulings? No. Don't confuse
yourself with rulings that will sue Yes. What's the medical
opinion on music? It's all forbidden. Except for the drum
during weddings.
Does a lot more than 99 names? The answer is yes.
Yes, the answer is yes.
What was the one? There's one more question. I think I wanted to
answer what was that question?
If one believes that Allah can't give you something even better
than what's taken away from you, that's disrespectful. If there was
clay that would have happened. That's correct. What is the dog
saliva? Is it not just in the Hanafi? School? He says yes. What
is a good dog for protection while calling out oppressors?
You know, don't be so reckless and calling out oppressors. It is good
to call out oppressors. But some of us are in these cushy Western
countries where we've never seen what it's like. They'll take your
Right? You think, you know, like these people are like Americans
who have some kind of rule of law. They'll take your kids, these
people are crazy. Right? So be very cautious. You know.
Be very cautious. You want to go to UAE and then go on and talking
about Bin Zayed.
Does not Biden over there who can just get rocks hurled at him and
he doesn't even know what's going on. This is not Trump who has
limits by law? No, these people have no limits this rule by decree
he's kink he's rule by decree.
Pick up the phone security
whatever police agency whatever they got.
Go arrest so and so. They're not gonna say do you have a warrant?
Warrant? I'm the king here. Right? I'm the king it's rule by decree
in these countries be very cautious when you deal with MBS
CC Don't play games. It's we can play games when you're here in
America. Right?
In the old days,
when they don't know you exist, right? There was no Facebook.
There was no WhatsApp. They don't know you exist. You talk all day
about the President's and no one knows you exist and then you go
visit those countries, no problem and leave. They all know what's
going on now. Every single one of us who has any possible account
that is talking about these people
They know okay, and they speak English. It's not like the old
days it is a Daffy doesn't speak English right now they all speak
English. They all have people speak English. They're all in
Be careful what you get yourself into.
Where do you get this hat? It's a custom made.
It was really an accident the way it came out to be honest with
the like the tight Goofy's on it.
There was one thing I needed to mention, I think I guess.
We're not gonna get to it right now. I can't remember what it was.
There was a question here. I wanted to cover it before I left.
What's the outro music?
We will we will make a video for that and put the whole thing on
YouTube so people could listen to it. Yeah, no problem. 100%
Hmm. And we're gonna get our share too.
But it was thanks to so Eva one with his Turkish connections
goddess this.
This the same people who made the aerator will make our outro
right. And the new Saladino UB, so
those same people, they're the ones who made this and we went
through three four renditions of it and really the first one turned
out to be the best one. Right? So it was really good. And we're
probably going to use this for the intro to now. Okay, all right,
folks, does that come Lokeren Baraka lofi calm folks Subhanak
Allah whom OB Hamitic Nisha?
Illa illa Anta nest of Pharaoh corner tubular Lake well us in Al
Insana. Luffy of course Illa Allah Deena am Anwar middle sila
what was sobered up what was sub sub was set I'm on a camera how
much a lie but I gotcha.
Got it