Shadee Elmasry – Cont Arabic Lesson 5 examples including jarr khafd

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases that make it difficult to summarize. The speakers discuss various topics such as post-up, cartella Elgin, and the meaning behind certain phrases, as well as a mistake in a Facebook message and a nurse fee. They also mention a woman named Jarrah who is drinking from the well and the difference between men and women in their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right today right now we're going to look I'm about to post up

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on the thing on the actual video and that's a post up about five or

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six sample sentences. Okay?

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And then we could go over these

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and then you have your own sentences that you produced

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All right, here we go. Examples are

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cartella el jun de la Junoon. Is everyone paying attention slam?

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That this brother a cup of coffee serious? Okay, cartella is

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different from khatola Right? If you put the Elif there it means

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fought. That means two people can fight all the time. Fought doesn't

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necessarily mean killed or murdered. Right Katella and jun de

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la nuit

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who's gonna do it?

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Who's gonna give me what should go on the yet of Elgin? D the

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soldier. The single soldier as renewed the broken plural soldier.

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Let's go. Doo doo doo doo did it. It's law. Oh my god. Dude, it's

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not me. There's something

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Listen to John D. What's on it? What's on a John D.

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Taylor. l John D. l Giroud.

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John D you good stop there. We Sam. LG renewed?

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LG knew that. LG knew that. Okay, now what if it was NEC era? NEC

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era meaning not specific. So what if it was cartella Elgin? Do you

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Giroud what would it be?

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Do you knew then? Because the only difference why put some wheat on

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the neck Kira. If it has Elif lamb, then we do not okay. Which

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we call modify. And if it's an item, which has a name, then the

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item is treated

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the same way if there's an IF now, you say an ABA suit, right? If

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there is no Elif lamb, you would still put and we haven't done

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Rasulullah right. Okay, next sentence is going to go to Hamza.

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duckula Rajul elbaite.

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The color the color

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I'll take you by the color.

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actually forget it. I don't want to get my rug dirty. duckula

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Rachel elbaite

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beta good duckula Raju Lu L beta

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we got them

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all right, we're back around Leyba l wallet

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I'll pause on it because I don't want to get my carpet dirty we can

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put on the

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Etherpad real quick

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sec the only fact that Holmes has had since he's going to UFC

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but if you get it right, you get to take a bite. Okay. la Eva al

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Well Ed Bill Cora

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al well as Bill caught up

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the bill The Bill correct you can take a bite

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could you spend over so everyone can see his reward? Okay

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all right. We're Sam Europe AKA a nurse fee and boots

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No, because they're gonna get the rug dirty they can only get one

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they can only get two pizza if they're gonna have

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Okada and you can give Islam a bite and if you get the rug dirty

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he is going to clean it with his tongue

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I cannot unless Phil boots with them go

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is to jab Allah dua Haroon you're ready to answer this stuff or no

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did you have a logo

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one mistake

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that's the Apple logo. A die

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before will be monsoon

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Yes, Rob and Ness mean a bit.

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I mean, I'm very good. There and then locally, they call it beef.

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Let's look at how

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let's look at how Google has translated Facebook has translated

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this Katella Elgin Diaz Jr.

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A Facebook says soldier soldier soldier

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okay duckula Roger elevate the manager that was good. Ly bad well

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at belcarra the ballplayer the boy played ball not really correct

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that I have been well at Bill Curry played with the ball

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I can a nurse fill boots

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Facebook says eating people at home okay Jeffrey Dahmer style

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okay sounds like direct translation there it's the job

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hello dot God answered prayers right this God answered the prayer

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yesterday and last minute people drink from the well not that bad

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rate this translation okay how are we going to rate this translation

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let's give it three stars because two because soldier soldier

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soldier soldier soldier yeah right

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now let's hear your sentences this time do you have a sentence

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let's hear it

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I've been to

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that will happen when you're in summer

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the girl hit the boy

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as well said again not about money

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boy stop the sub watering the plants is going to kill him

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you can't water the plants when it's 100 degrees out

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that's why I have a permission reducer

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kill the plants like them

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tell them not to do it again.

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Go slow

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Okay, so the rabbits have been to

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* while other

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mothers he was using as well as an unwanted that's

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correct and well it's father but what is the boy Okay. Muhammad you

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have a sense for us? Yeah.

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How about this let me give you a sentence. But Rafa Maha Mohammed

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Al Afghan

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Muhammad lifted the weights. Okay, as you send it so all right, Rafa,

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I fell muddy. Mohamed don't have left. When you have a Mfold V. You

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put a feta up on it, if it's singular or broken plural, right.

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All right, we sound What's your sentence?

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Say again.

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Mr. Lim, is Teacher masculine bath that is feminine.

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baths, and we're limited to next.

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That's Hi Mila.

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Okay, so she sent hammered home Hamadan, innovating Good, very

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good. The teacher sent hammer to his house, or to the house,

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because we didn't do the mirror. The mirror is the pronoun that you

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add to an object. All right, when you have a sentence or no

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assignment, you get a sentence just like these with a fan before

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the heat and Adjara module

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say said the translation. The boy wants to

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say it again. Arabic.

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Urdu didn't mistreat me, but I'm so

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I don't. I don't proceed.

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Because it's my normal stuff. I don't quite see what

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would happen. The machine was Goof Proof until like last Friday when

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we were goof proof for a while. Anyway, I don't want to talk about

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Now there was one

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showing but I don't talk about it. Let's go back to ourselves our

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Sometimes you bring things up that you don't want to

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know I'm done with the whole subject. Okay.

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How about semi Allahu Lehmann Hamidah that's Germany failure

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semi out pasterns Allahu even Hamidah. All right, so that's a

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quick review and introduction to

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I'm not aware that that's a difference.

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That there's a difference.

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Is any Does everyone understand this example? Very simple. And you

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have Jada majeure. Khasra Phil Beatty. Little Beatty.

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Il menzi Lee. All right. All right, men. Ella isla. Fie. All

00:09:55 --> 00:09:59

right, and then Lee lamb and birth and calf. Okay. There's that

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Point watering them again

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okay good because I heard water alright. Alright let's stop here

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go to the data because we just did this was just a short thing anyway

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that we wanted to

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to review so stop that real quick and what are we on fifth lesson

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