Shadee Elmasry – Comments Online

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker discusses the dangers of the online world and how it can damage the heart. They explain that people are abusing the virtual world and that real people will not admit half the things they say. The speaker also criticizes a person who keeps commenting on a rat's behavior, calling it "arson."
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In the online world, you have to navigate it very cautiously. It

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could be very bad for your heart. Because literally people are

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dumping. They're just spitting it out and vomiting it on people's

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timelines, because there's no accountability. And it's one of

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the worst places and it's not natural. It's not a real place, in

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my opinion, because real people will not dare to say half the

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stuff that they say. And I knew a kid who was saying very bad things

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about another kid, but in person, this kid is a mouse, not even a

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mouse, he's a rat, he scurries around nervously but you watch his

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comments on the his anonymous account, we know that it's him,

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right? It's unreal. The viciousness, right is unreal, but

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in real life, a little scurrying rat. So I wouldn't even blame

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somebody who puts up content and either shuts the comments off or

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keeps them on but doesn't look at them. Because I can't see how it's

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any good for the heart. It just becomes bad for the heart.

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