Shadee Elmasry – Can I use tarawh to make up prayers

Shadee Elmasry
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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols.
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala

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Rasulillah who are the lives of human who Allah? So before we

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start will answer a couple questions people are having about

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tarawih and make up prayers. All right, someone has up. All right,

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make up prayers, so long as they're actively in the process to

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make up their prayers, right. There's no nothing stopping them

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from paying prank totowa as for combining the two and say that my

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total we will be my makeup prayers. This is only valid in the

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Shafi school of thought. McSheffrey method allows that, but

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obviously you'd only be making up Fajr right? You'd only be making

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up Fudger unless you continue to do two more or one more after the

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Imam slams out. But so that's if to laugh between the Imams

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according to Imam Malik Radi Allahu anima Jemaine or the Imams

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the the intention of the Imam and the intention of the masala has to

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be the same intention. So the matter wasn't exactly discussed by

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the Prophet peace be upon him and therefore the automa they use

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their HD head on the matter. Alright, so that's your makeup

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prayers. The only time that is actually

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Yanni bottle is someone who doesn't

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have any concern about the obligatory prayers. And he someone

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who does doesn't pray at all. Their Nafa is invalid, right it's

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unacceptable and we gave the example the other day yesterday of

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someone he he owes you money he doesn't pay you back the money but

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he keeps giving you like a gift Christmas gift, whatever. If he's

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given you a gift and a Christmas gift, he has other issues at the

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same time

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this is a very fire can

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ask the water stronger than fire now it's water things that are

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