Shadee Elmasry – Best Dua to Make When You Hear Bad News

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of hearing things in a certain way and says that women should also say their personal lives in a way. They also mention a woman named Betty and encourage people to reward them for being patient and helping others.
AI: Transcript ©
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What is the best jot to make to ease the heart when hearing

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something painful? The best thing to hear is to say in a way and

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also to say Allah home journey. Female see Betty, we're full of

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nuclear men. Memorize this to our O Allah, reward me, for this

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calamity that I'm in. We get rewarded for being patient with

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collect, and grant me a life better than a future better than

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than this calamity.

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