Shadee Elmasry – Ashari Kitab AtTawheed

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a summary of a book and appears to be a monologue or retelling of a story. The book is a series of covers and appears to be a retelling of a story. The story is about a man named Joe Hu stat and is not a big book but is 330 pages long.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is our go to summary of the SID creed Joe HuHot a towhead

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written by a Lakhani, the Egyptian the commentary of a bear god known

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as Chofetz Elmo read it's not a big book it's only 330 pages very

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easy to read good footnotes to kriege very good print and copy

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that gives you the subject matter on the side that medicine in read

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the commentary in black and the footnoting of the Hadith because

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that's our go to but we don't say that the that is the only sounds

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awkward. The Hannibal I have a sound awkward but we say that

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that's what we study at least that's the Ashley's version if you

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tap into it he

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gets avid so he from the aspect that they always go to it as their

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number one book. Yeah, this is our number one book. Yeah.

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He caught me off guard on that one.

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