Shadee Elmasry – Arabic Lesson 7 Sifa & Mawsuf, nounadjective phrases
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We're live Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim last week or last last
session we talked about
something new, which is mold and majeure, which is the second term
or word of the Alpha complex construct, keep saying enough for
complex, it's awful construct that is the apostrophe s of possession.
in English. It's also expressed in the English language as the of
construction. So city of New York, city of Lahore, of city of Cairo.
It's also expressed as the compound word which is like car
door. Babel sejati. Alright, so this is the second thing which is
module. The first thing is module, we said is the Johto module,
obviously, Min Illa Allah fie. Rob will careful, but we'll learn. All
right, well, hold on for a customer here and well, we'll bet
what's up. So this
this half, the second construction is also much more. Okay. It's also
much more. Does anyone have any questions about that? You have any
questions on that? All right. So we identified that and we send
your homework. Where's Islam by the way? Skipping up.
Okay, give him a text.
Because he had your homework was to to find in the Quran from what
you have memorized five examples of IT office, right? Because once
you get the ring of the offer, you'll know.
All right, so what are your examples?
Tibetian and B Lab, that's three parties offers the two hands of
Abu Lahab right. So the second and third word have to be majeure.
And the first word can be anywhere could be I could even afford to be
it could be a moped, it could be a cover, right? It could be
anything. So in this case, it's an FOB. Yeah. To hence. Yeah, they're
a bit now. Didn't we say that the dual? Is he a den? Right? But when
you when it's in an adult for construction, the noon of the dual
and plural has to drop, you can say yeah, Danny and Billa. Right.
You have to say Yeah, Dad, I'd be the hub. So this is something to
add to your understanding of the offer that when you add a win when
the offer is made to a dual or plural that ends with a noon you
actually have to drop the noon. So
me know. Alright, Cardinal, a world the believers of the first
generation right? So what is the definition of the self? This is a
technical term actually. The self is anyone who came before you, but
when you're talking in the sciences and transmission, this
when someone says the setup, really the
specific mention is the first three Muslims of the first three
generations so you say mostly mo karoun A fella and ruler right?
Right The First the Muslims of the first regenerations so if you want
to talk about the Muslims of a country you have a city like Kira
mostly mu Alka Hara, you wouldn't say mostly Monaca Hara. So
whenever you are placing an Adolfo which is an additional term,
alright on a plural or dual you are dropping the noon. That's why
Tibet. Yeah, there are beloved. Right. So Tibet, right? It's not
Yeah, they you then. Avila. Okay. Sorry. Yeah, here is the fat
actually. Actually it's the fat. It's not the fob. Tibet is to be
it's a word of you could say displeasure or a word of
diminishment. Right. So his two hands are diminished. Okay, or
Smackdown. Okay, yeah. And then EBI is moved off to that and the
hub is moved off to me all right. So you have two three parties for
construction right there. Okay, what's another example
okay, what I ate up family a NASA afford to be here monsoon with the
Fatah NASA. He had to hold on a fell Medora
the WHO Luna feeding Allah here for Jarama judo. Deen Allah He is
the MODAF and Rudolph la right here. So Dean is modular by fee
and Dean Allah He is the lock to Janella there is given a customer
up as the offer to deem. Okay, who's Dean? Is it the novela okay,
How to take the same case as
Darfur. What was the second word is?
The Madame la is the
second word. So that takes us in cases. You
know, don't say the same case it Oh, the second term is always much
of those.
Yeah, the first term can be anything. It can be in any part of
speech. It's roaming, but it cannot have an elephant. Right?
You're gonna wouldn't say Dean Allah. Allah column was eight
won't work. You have to remove the elephant. Okay. So it becomes a
what if it's a specific item, right? It becomes specific by its
attachment. Right to so you can say LePen or actually Zaid spin,
you don't say Zaid the pen, right. So likewise, the first term can
roam anywhere, but it can never have an LLM in front of it. And
then the second term must be module. Okay. And it can have
additional right so and then you have a flat John is one of the
Mefa eel. It answers How did they enter the deen of Allah? Right and
you saw the people enter the deen of Allah in droves. So it's one of
the method which we haven't gotten to yet. That is monsoon, it could
only be Dena de F Weijun. Right, which is third example.
Okay, either Jarrah either does not affect the sentence at all.
Family. Sorry, family. Jah, nostru Llahi. That's the Farad right
there, and the NUS victory whose victory victory Oh ALLAH. So
again, the lawful generic, they're receiving the customer. And
whenever the lawful Janella is in the state, that state it's never
Allah. It's
no, sorry. If the previous word is majeure, then you don't pronounce
Allah You pronounced Allah for like, that's why there's no Salafi
and de Nilay. What's the difference? Why is Allah subhanaw
taala Allah's name pronounced Allah in one and INLA in another?
Because if the previous word is majeure, and it's MODAF to it,
then it's INLA. So fie de Nila Raja versus nostril lahi. Alright,
so for example, he would say biller you wouldn't say be Allah
right biller. Okay, filler. Tala wallet, right? Well light because
it's a fatter wallet, right? So that's what you're looking at
whenever you know the difference between Allah and Allah, you have
to look at if there's a customer on the word that it's moved off
to. Okay, then it's going to be in the right to lie Wallahi because
there's a fetter on their bill a casserole filet mignon right even
men Allah He because men
does not have a customer underneath it, even though it's a
jump hard for Jada. But we're talking about the first letter
here, we're not talking about the last letter, and our OB is about
the last letter. Okay, so when you have a sukoon Well, it's not a
customer, therefore, you're going to pronounce it properly Allah min
Allah. Alright, third, fourth example.
Couldn't I will do, I will fail Medora call fail, fail longer.
Remember fail and we haven't even gotten to this much zoom out. Oh,
do I seek refuge thermadata beer up in SE. All right. So you have a
general Mujuru enemy Darfur be renders rub to be modular.
Alright, so that's Tjaarda module, and then an NES is moved off to
rob. So who's Rob visit? All right. I've been NES. Okay. The
Lord of the people. Yep.
And a file.
No, there's never a file
in a command tense statement, right. However, in this sentence,
there are really two sentences here. Because our will to be
robinus is a sentence and the fan is the speaker.
I seek refuge. It's built in. Yeah.
All right. So. So really, the MODAF is the first word and then
we'll have LA is the second word opposite of
English, I believe it will be the opposite.
And anyway, let's forget the comparison. So does everyone get
them without feeling? Any questions about the mood often
will awfully Alright, so we'll take a very quick lesson then on
something that is what we call Toba. Okay. There are certain
constructions that are very important, okay. That appear all
the time and they don't have a specific answer.
up to it. The word tab is a means follower. Okay? And the tab that
we're going to look at today is called a net, also known as a loss
for CIPA. Okay, so for admins who have net means description of
like, not not, not a description of the Prophet peace be upon.
Okay, so it's really short for natural Nabhi or knots it'll suit.
Okay? So
knots is simply that anything that describes a word
follows it in every single way. Namely, in
specific or general, which is Nikita or Madico. Okay, number two
gender that go into number three Adam. Number four added plural. If
it's dual, the NATs must be dual. If it's feminine, and Atmos be
feminine. If it's module, then that must be modular. If it's
natural, then that must be natural. So it must follow in
every way, shape and form. Okay. And when we, when you do era of a
sentence, even mentally, when you see a job or budget or Minella
filler, il baits like this, you put parentheses around it. Okay.
Accola do Phil bait the boy eight in the house, put parentheses
around it, because Because gentleman's rule has no impact on
the grammar. It's like it has an impact on the meaning, but not the
grammar. So you it's like stuffing something in there. So you just
put brackets around it, well for not all you do it you just double
underline it right. Because you know that the we got the one word
and then the net, you just double entendre underline the most of the
described, okay. And you double underline the description. So, def
Allah, Allah do l Jimmy Lu
el Beit El Kabira. So here you have two nuts. The beautiful boy
entered the big house. So you have definite family. Okay. And well I
do fare and now we will want to call him as well. I do ljmu The
beautiful boy. Okay. And Jamil relates to beauty specific as with
everything Jamil and
Hudson, what's the difference between Jimena and Hudson? Right?
They have the same meaning of beautiful, but they have a subtle
difference. Jamil relates to beauty
of the nose. In other words, his nose is perfect. Right. Harrison
relates to beauty of the ice. Right that he's beautiful because
of his eyes. So how you separate Jimmy that has an it's one of
those words that if you use them independently,
it's synonymous. Jimmy, it hasn't doesn't matter what you say. But
if you use them together, there has to be a different meaning.
Right? So Jimmy relates to like the German What is unique about
the camel is the nose of the camel, right? Hassan is beautiful
beauty of the eye so that the eyes are beautiful. So if you say
someone Jamila and Hassan means his nose and their eyes, but if
you just say Jimmy and or Hudson, it's synonymous for general
beauty. So you're saying and well I do ljmu It has to be terrible in
every single way. And then you say duckula L beta l Kabira. There has
to be so or you would say Dhaka and wala do ljmu bathe and can be
run. Right.
All right. Well, Ocula and he ate Phil hora, fatty civility and NaVi
Fateh and he ate in the clean small room. Alright, so it has to
have exact same following and all these four things. So now what
we're learning here is this to go from the top the seven types of
words, which is masculine, feminine times, singular, dual
plural that six plus broken plural, then you'll learn the
sentence constructions. Germany estimated Germany failure then and
the participants move to the cover for the and you learn that there
are four cases and often that's just a rough goes into the motor
that the cover and the value not only goes into the fob
and all of them if he did jasm cuffed or just what is going on
over there as a riot or something. Who's on the job who's on the
clock? He's not doing their job. Okay. So right over there.
Cuff now goes into two cases, right two scenarios, a JATO and
Maduro and I'll move off
and then we'll have a construct the second term. Okay. The mood
off is the word that's added the McGuffey lay is the original you
the possessor. So if I say a column was eight, without delay is
eight, the MODAF is column, right? The first word there is the MODAF.
zayde is the mode of LA. He's his pen. Okay? So
that's the two situations in which the half of the will be, we're
talking about the high percentage stuff. So now we've just added
another situation which are construction, which is the CIFA.
And the most safe, a noun, an adjective. So let's, and in that
case, there's no specific.
There's no specific
case that's going to receive, it's going to follow whatever the Mozu
the described word is receiving. And of course, we know that Esma
or nouns, best translation would be nouns never received jasm. Just
as verbs never received cuff, the noun will never receive scicluna
will always have an arrow on it or how to go on it. Alright, so let's
pause here. We'll cut the camera and then we'll pause while I get a
drink of water. You come up with five examples, then we'll go over
that and then we'll we'll pick up where we left off from the
reseller visit some alojado say that I'm having to do some stuff