Shadee Elmasry – Arabic Lesson 5 Review + Introducing Jarr Khafdh
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The speakers discuss various topics such as Islam, language, coffee, and a "joong" and "roost module." They also discuss various examples of words and phrases, including a "monkey" and "monkey case." They stress the importance of "bringing" and "monkey case" in sentences to avoid confusion.
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I just asked the guys that are we on? Yep All right. Is there sound
no testing
nobody's gonna
test it yourself
Oh what is it
the exchange two
minutes here on here with sounds video doesn't load up on my reach
I'm gonna try to open it
she look when you gotta go down that's yesterday or something
today nobody said the one I do we just go back go down and go to the
you're listening there's no bathroom. Can they hear anything
though? You
smell out of men that
are looking at them on soup. The monsoon.
Okay, is acquired or placed on the left or on the right. On the left
will be. Number four will be being the object of a census. Okay, the
object of the sentence barraba Zaidan hamrun. Okay, you got this
Islam? Who was the one getting hit?
Roger Lu Rajala.
A man at the other men. Okay. Now when you have this knowledge, you
can actually switch and swap the location of the fob and the fat
right daraga
ze then I'm running. Go ahead. Who?
daraga Zaidan hamrun who hits a? Or who had who?
Oh, you have to look at what's my foot.
All right, what is my four bonobo ze then I'm Ron. So I'm gonna is
mark four. Therefore he's the one doing the verb. So this is the
value of understanding the concept of the roof and ask because the
words can be switched around. And you'll know which is a subject in
which is objects comprender Okay, now you just remember that instead
of endlessly moon, you would have what? For the fob. How would it
Mostly me, right? You're going to have a Yeah. taking the place of
the wall. Okay.
And you're gonna have ane taking place and all right. So, Raju, Lan
barraba Raju LAN Raju Lane, the two men hit the two men, right the
other two men, Raju LAN and originate. Okay. You understand
this is not? Okay, good. Because now we need to introduce something
new. And if you don't understand these parts, you might be confused
by something new. So we're going to add now something called what
we call an English like a symbol most similar to is a prepositional
All right, we call this we're going to call this a jar or
module. It's called jar module.
And that is when you have min the whole roof have men. Enter. I'm
Isla de KEF. Beth now.
Okay, the word after it will be Mujuru.
So now we're adding little flesh to the sentence. Okay, so I'm
Well, I do a twofer, Hatha PBTE now you have a past tense verb.
And well I do more for LMR four and two far hotter. Meth all day
monsoon with the Fatah. And then now we're adding cough, fever a
And we weren't filled at let's do that. Let's take off the Wi Fi Bay
tea in his house or sorry, Phil Beatty in the house. So when you
have meant it, I feed them back or calf.
Proceeding a word that word will be Mujuru. So now we're
introducing what I think they call the genitive case I believe yes.
It's the genitive case. Good. Which is a cup or a joke. The sign
of danger is exactly the sign of notice except for one thing rather
than if that's how customer but the aim and e is the same.
At the end of the day, the aim and the aim is the same. So you would
say l Beatty l Bay attain elbow you t it's broken plural, okay?
And Muslim or Muslim, Muslim, Muslim and mostly main and mostly
mean. Okay, so the jar if you look at your chart, the status of the
jar or also known as cough is exactly the same as not regarding
the duel in the plural. The only difference is in the singular or
the broken plural rather than a Fatah. It's using what a customer
so Islam I want you to think for two seconds and give me the
example up. Echo let al been
okay, Allah Kolb's.
fitment rasa
the girl ate the bread at school in the school. So give me the app
give me the how to catch properly. I've got Albion's and cubs film
collages of past tense verb we're not even thinking about verbs
we're only thinking about fat and before b and now Jarle mudrooms
echonet affair and what is the fad going to receive? Oh
oh no bad fat
what's the fat is going to receive
what is the fat and receive what's what case
rough Okay, so if you have the word bins okay and bins in number
four case what is
what is it
Albanes chocolates wake up
what's the Fed mark for
right there I just want
more for okay so when it's more for what is it receive
good adventure. Now what's the next word in the sentence?
Of corpse so what is that comes in this sentence
what is it subject object prepositional phrase what is
object so the object is what monsoon and what is it monsoon
with? customer?
Customer is going to happen on your head if you don't get this
right. Okay.
The nurse case gets a fatter take this read.
Okay, okay. Let me get my
customer is the gentleman who first comes upon the monsoon when
it's single or broken.
Okay, you got this?
Okay, Alex Alban to El kobza. kobza Fattah.
Okay, Phil madrasa. What are you going to put on another episode?
There's a T, because y. Jar module. The easiest thing in Arab
is to indicate or isolate the jar in the module. Right?
All right.
Let's take an example. Let's look at an example.
All right.
he ever settle.
He washes his two feet. Here you have a verb.
The fact is inside the verb comes I'm gonna ask you this. The fat is
inside the verb
is two feet.
So you need to give me how it's going to be and what is the hawk
upon it for the grammar of El Sado?
rigid rigid. Rigid is a single so rigidly
Okay, good. Yep. So orig line or originally he is two feet. Okay.
Originally, originally
His two feet to the moon disappears.
disappears. Okay.
Let's look at it and look for examples. Okay
in other words you virgin
Wisam Illa l watch this just a phrase Illa l watch what's gonna
go on the head.
And then watch he good whenever you see men in either feet, but
care for them. Immediately the word after it is called module
Kustra or ain or EAN. Okay? Cut it up or aim or E now it's actually
time that we have to take a break for lunch. So it's a very short
thing here. And we're pumping fluids.
But it's rarely used. Okay.
All right, let's
let's stop here. In the break, I need a sentence from you. Okay,
from both for all of you, that it consists of verb
fit that my phone B and A Jonah module. You understand that? Write
it down. You got that?
All right. We're ready to
alright stuff. Let's do it.