Shadee Elmasry – Arabic Lesson 4 Introducing nasb for the maf’ul bihi
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The speakers discuss the use of words and phrases in various sentences, including in English and Arabic. They also discuss the proper pronunciation of words and the use of words in a sentence, such as "bringing up a bat" and "bringing up a bat." The conversation is difficult to follow and requires practice.
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Hello earlier he was talking to human whether
what are the types of words?
And how are you exhale and like that you should say it's my honor
to be involved in this class and seek knowledge of the deen instead
of what you're learning in physics and chemistry in the world of
rocks and material objects. Okay? What column who will love to
unworkable movie to Bill Wada? Well, Sam, who's Aletheia? What
are they?
What are they
is? Oh,
we'll have
now the types of sentences or how many. Now we take words we got to
use them in sentences. Actually, let's let's go back the list will
come into you in seven types. Okay. What are they? Okay
keep going.
Good matching saying I'm asking do a masculine plural what else?
Correct. The types of sentences now
are two
is Joomla Izmir.
How do you tell the difference between the two?
Correct the first word, right.
The verb will always come in the first word. It's not like English
where you have subject verb object. And subject predicate No.
So now we're talking there's this new thing in Arabic there's this
or this fourth element that is new to you, as a student of the
language. So what are these calls? What do we call these things?
This new element cases? And how many are there?
For what are they?
craft and jazz, rough pneus craft and jazz.
Now let's go back to the sentences the parts of speech or the
sentences are what?
Let's say the Joomla is to me what are its parts of speech
now for the Joomla Izmir only two what are the
There's three four for the jungle failure they are what are they?
First fan.
Good. So you have your verb, your object, your verb, your subject
and your object fit before to be okay. You gotta
now there's so there's sort of five parts of speech right?
Because the German economy has to and the German of failure has
three of these five parts of speech which ones are metaphor,
milk, the cupboard fed there and with all B, which of these five
are marked for
file correct? And
move to the uncover
the file in the geography or near the map to the end the cover in
work in the Joomla
is me. So the Jimena, isn't they both are are microphones. But only
one in the gym nearly, which is the most important one the fad.
Next question.
When we apply an effect to a word, what indicators do we use?
The motto? Well, le fu well
Adama will Elif.
And not forget that that sounds if we say put to Damas and one that
doesn't matter. It's called dama
dama while Elif for the dual. And what about for the plural?
Like Muslim?
What if you make it how do you make it plural? Well, when you
make it plural, okay, so let's go over this again. Kitab if I put it
in the mark for since Al Kitab what is it going to be? Al Kitab
Whoo. What if it's two books? How's it going to be
in the mark for Al Kitab n?
Muslim put it in the mud for
Muslim moon. It
could have broken plural put it in the mud for Alko
that's going to be
Boo. Boo Boo. Okay. So we are using dama and Elif and well,
okay, you got that. We're using dama and Elif, and well
all right. So now give me the correct Yarrabah on the following
statement. Okay.
Far lib bellied
a toilet bellied What am I going to put on each one remember as
well indefinite gets 10 When
and definite right? The microphone gets just a dumb
attire level good you know firstly translate the sentence
no bleed
bleed for poor student he's a bad student. I don't know why I got
that idea. I don't know how that example popped in my head. A
poorly believed the student is a disaster. Horrible student. Okay.
Belly dumb. Okay, so what is the example here? What are the attire
level correct what's the belief gonna get?
The need don't a party who the lead on? Okay. Of course we're not
talking about you. I'm sure you do we get that idea. Right. Stuff
what Allah How could you think? How could you think? Talking about
you? That barley. Whoo. Billy don't Okay.
The student is bad. All right now. That's
a toilet.
Al Horford the student entered the room.
we want you to know just give me the thought all remember now the
subject matter grammar now. All we care about is the the last letter.
Yeah. So now it's on the Fed.
The color a terrible, good ol.
overfill now, we're going to talk about pneus. Okay.
just like we talked about love, which was ambitious because we
have how many parts of speech have rough three and move to the cover
and the fact right now notice was easy. We're only talking about one
part of speech, which is what?
The majority? Okay? The objects of the verb.
You with me? You don't have his chocolate. Okay.
The object of the verb is one soup.
And just like the roof, there are three indicators of the nostril.
Okay. Instead of the Dhamma we have a Fatah
instead of the Elif.
It's with
Fatah. And yet, so instead of saying Taliban would say barley
bein. Okay. Instead of saying I will go to for 10 we would say at
114. Okay.
And then instead of the well known of our Muslim moon, we would say,
Yeah, I didn't mostly mean. So I'm Homestake
you have to
do good. You're gonna stay in the red with that bad boy.
What do you got for us the books?
Okay, so instead of saying using the well known we use what? The
Got it? So now, let's go back to this sentence
duckula a tileable algorfa What are you going to use remember
instead of the word dama al Fatiha? You know the feta is
right. Okay. It's instead of the LF for n it will be ame instead of
the well was the moon was the mean? So def Allah Akbar lib Akali
and whatever what are you gonna put on number four?
What is that? What if we're going to become it's the object now?
Before we
know it's one word for
a good feta. Good. Albert feta. All right, how about Accola
Ocala attire level
two rips in order cases. Yeah.
Hello. Okay, tool gifts.
So what is rugby?
Rugby Fein
Yeah, instead of rugby fan rugby Fein alright it's not tell me if
this sentence is correct and correct it if it's incorrect
Ravi Fein
Jaya he's attend is it correct or incorrect?
Because now we have a Joomla Izmir mocha and cover. I'm saying the
two loaves already
Okay. And what do you know about most macabre what they have to
receive? What?
What are they receiving?
Yeah, what case rough or not?
No, the McTernan cupboard. Rough. So rough is going to be the
dumbbell elephant. Well, right. So I'm telling you a Ravi Fein
wrong good. Every fan J he's the two loaves already. Okay. Two
loaves already. Okay.
All right, we Sam, let's give you an example.
All right. You ready for an example?
Rama were Jibon right or wrong?
This is a sentence Haram is wajib let's say for Hajj. Right. Ramu
yj. Born good. All right. Islam
This is a a verb meaning transmitted.
And I Lima, Alhaji through
the scholar transmitted the Hadith. But Allah Allah Allah Lima
al Hadith Who is it right or wrong?
Remember the parts of speech
because you have a file here, that's got to be more for and you
have a mouthful. These gotta be monsoons. So what's wrong so what
is it that Allah
Allah, Allah, Allah al Hadith,
and Raja hour, early MOU
and Hadith that because it's now it's meant to be. So if you have
in your head, that the third part of speech here,
right in the sentence, then Jimena Ishmael felt that it will always
be Fattah, or aim or aim.
The object of the sentence okay, because if we say Aroer Alma al
Hadith, we're saying the Hadith transmitted the scholar
doesn't make any sense. Okay.
This is most important in an era of Quran right, which if you make
an error in this is
which says in the Yaksha Allah mean a baddie ultimo, which means,
verily, only the scholars truly have perfect Taqwa or Kusha right?
are excellent Masha Allah azza wa jal if you mess up the fat and the
Dhamma then you could say that this Luffy is the scholars which
is cool, right?
Okay. Now the villa.
Okay, so Islam, remind us now let's say if let's take one word,
Al Kitab and put it in the monsoon case. Monsoon.
Al Kitab what's it going to be like when it's monsoon
and Kitab
two books
al Kitab ain Nikita Ben Keaton bein All right. Broken plural. Al
broken plural Koto
good to go. Okay. All right.
And Muslim feminine singular
almost limited. Yeah. And was limited. All right to Muslim
Team and Muslim attain
and Muslim plural.
General plural.
Mostly mean? Okay, I didn't Mussolini.
all right.
Any questions? We break for that then?
Um, so you got the stuff you got Oh, we got the book here Islam
open up to your chart so have your pages the chart it's not open to
page eight in that book
this is the chart that you have to memorize you and where's the
document skipping class today? What does he have a job or
anything played video games all night and isn't it?
Where is it
taking bio? Oh, he's got a summer class
I'm gonna hand doesn't waste time though.
All right, look at that chart. Okay, you see the chart? Snow you
got a rough Kitab Whoo. Right.
A safe N
Okay, just um there's different examples. Okay.
And Kitab boo a safe N two swords a sub rune a Cydia caught Akuto
boo Amaru Buka. Okay, now if the same words are in the nozzle, that
means if they're in objects, Al Kitab a safe Ain? A submarine a
Cydia clouds? T L kotoba. Amara adakah. You understand?
You understand this stuff? You're getting the concept now. Okay.
You got the concept No.
One does in a prepositional phrase only. Or if it's second part of a
something that we're going to study that's called the
second word we offer or in a harsh gyro Mujuru. So all in those two
cases. Yeah. It's gonna get tough
No, look on the side. And this minimal front, singular, write it
down in English next to it. So so that you have I mean, some people
say don't do that. But here because it's forced you to read
Arabic. And it's even more fraud means the singular, okay? And it's
minimal thunder means dual. Okay. Gemma muda Kursaal. Imperfect
plural. Okay, Jim. Mo nslm. Perfect. Feminine plural. Okay?
geometrics here. Okay. And don't worry about the bottom two.
That's broken. Don't worry about the bottom two at this melody
line. Sorry. Don't worry about that. Another smell comes in.
We'll do that later. But just you understand how this works. These
are the parts of speech. If it's more for, it's going to look like
this. If it's monsoon who is going to look at this. If it's modular,
it's gonna look like that. And Jasmine, you see Jasmine has an X
next to it. The fourth case does not apply to Islam only applies to
the fifth. Okay.
Any other questions? Yes. Now, you get the concept. Very important to
get the concept
does not apply to the fact now your assignment when you come back
you're going to write down
very simple assignment. So simple. You're going to be asking for
more. Okay.
I want two sentences. One Joomla Izmir, with correct era
Unterschiede one Joomla fairly. Okay, with correct, Yara, just
keep you got that.
And don't get me some sentences and derive. You know, the writing
sentences like the student is a disaster. The student has no
brain. Don't give me that stuff. Right? Because we know that
doesn't apply to you.
You got that? Alright, so Monica la Mobium. They can show their
stuff to the lake.