Shadee Elmasry – Arabic Ajrumiyya Lesson 1 What is kalam
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AI: Transcript ©
All right.
Okay, Amanda Rahim and hamdulillah alongside everybody get to see the
new Muhammad one earlier Sunday sermon slim. Alright, so this book
is the digital media
and the author of the digital media he was mashallah
really blessed in his his work. His name is an agile room. Anyone
who knows anything about Arabic discipline knows this little text,
the digital media because it spreads so far and wide, so much
so that the
Hindu writer, or I think he's Hindu, vs Naipaul, you heard of
him Hamza.
He's like a Nobel Prize winner literature. He writes these types
of novels that only like a select few people read. But apparently,
they're he's a really great writer. So one of the things he
wrote a book on Muslim groups in Malaysia, okay? And are like
little revivalist groups. And he has a page in there, where he said
that anytime there's been ever been a Muslim revival, there's
always been a revival of their knowledge. Right? They're
learning. And anytime that there's been a revival of learning,
they've always studied the digital media. Right? They've always
studied this, this little text, they begin with this text that
legitimate in grammar. So we say that
Allah subhanaw taala has granted Kaboul for this text, because
literally, what's inside of this text is inside of every grammar
book, right? It's just that this book, there's some acceptance to
it. Alright, so this little book, so he is from he died in 723 after
the Hijrah.
which is actually a little bit after him haven't had dead a
century after him had
no, no, no, sorry. I got my dates confused way before Mm hmm. 1332
member had that died 1721 member had that as 1634 to 1721. So he's
1332. So way before he was making ombre, and while he was sitting in
front of the cabinet, he had this desire that everyone should know,
a little bit of the basics of grammar. So he wrote this and he
said just out of to get the baraka of it. He wrote it without looking
his eyes were on the camera the entire time. And he wrote the
whole book. little it's a little booklet. Okay, while his eyes were
on the Kava. So this type of thing is anyone who's ever thought of
and should know that legitamate inside out, it doesn't even cover
everything of grammar doesn't even come close, but it opens the door
and gives you like a very good idea about what's going on
grammar. Now, Arabic in general, is three disciplines. Okay? Just
like fic. Right? You got a bad debt, and all its sub chapters and
omelette, and all of its sub chapters. That's FIP. Right.
Also, you can divide your soul into two categories to you could
the sources, right? And the rulings so the five rulings and
then how something is haram? How do we know something is halal? So
how do you know something was fought? How do you know something
has been doober mcru. So also and then there's a third category of
soul is the rules of a Mufti and MSFT like the guidelines of how to
receive them stuff D and how to answer him and what are the
conditions of a Mufti? So Saul has these three chapters, any book of
lasagna get is going to either look at the sources. Let's take
the Quran first. The types of verses, Hadith, the Sunnah, the
categories of the Sunnah, right? And so and then there's chapter on
PS chapter on each Mac and the chapter on all the lesser sources.
Okay. And also, then the chapter on the five rulings, how do we
know what indicates the five ruling and then the Mufti in the
most Defty. So likewise, Arabic has the same thing. But the three
subjects of Arabic are sort of now and then Bella ser, is the study
of the Word itself, and how the word could sort of
have this metamorphosis into different types of words with
different shades of meaning. Okay? So this is sort of and also the
verbs, how the word becomes a verb, etc, and the different types
of verbs. So you have to memorize a bunch of charts, right? You have
to memorize charts for that. Then now is the sentence. Now who is
the study of the sentence? Okay, so, the grammar of the sentence
where you have your verb and you have your fat and guide the
subject, you're fed fat, I'm fob or you have your milk, and your
cover, etc.
then you have Bulava, which is the study of literary techniques that
beautify ERATION and composition. And Bulaga is where the language
develops beyond grammar. Okay, so it's not. So no good grammatical
sentence is a sentence that fits the grammar Well, right. But below
the goal of beloved eloquence is to bring a meaning to you. Even if
it sometimes transcends the basic grammar rules. That's why poetry
has its own rules. Okay, poetry
and these types of things, they always sort of
break with basic
grammar rules. Alright, so the first lesson on page five, and you
can take a translation to
this translation for anyone who's following online, okay, is
a good translation. There are a bunch of translations online.
There's this one too, if you just look up the digital media, you can
find a bunch of translations, but we're going to work from this
little workbook that we put together.
Ticket translation.
You got your translation?
Let me see that book.
Oh, this is just the Arabic. Oh, good. You got a little Arabic here
with the notes base rules, okay, so the first lesson is very
simple. All right, Al Kalam. So what is speech, Al Kalam and you
should start you should try to memorize at least as much as you
can from this. Definitely the charts you're going to memorize
at least this initial and Kadem who are loved and workable Murphy
to Bill, what do you know about this? Right, Muhammad?
Okay, well, Sam with that if it's worth it, well Harbinger Illumina.
So Al Kalam, speech has four qualities. Number one.
All right, it's a left. It's got to be spoken. So the origin of the
Arabic language is that it's spoken. Okay, not written. The
origin of the language is spoken, not written.
Right. Number two,
it's more up. So you can't just say a word. So what's the opposite
of speech? The opposite of speech is little symbols, signs, hand
gestures, facial gestures, notes. They don't consider that cut up.
It's got to be speech and what up means several words, put together.
Okay? So you're not going to just say one word, you're going to say
my number of words. And then
it's got to be more feet.
All right, the opposite of Mofeed is that the listener will feed
means beneficial, but beneficial here does not mean that the
content, it means that you are not waiting for more words to come. So
if I was to say,
hola, hola. I'm a severe, the small boy. All right. So you're
still waiting? The small boy is what? That's a subject. Where's
the predicate? Okay. So an alum, a severe, right? Thought of j, it is
a good student. So now it's a complete sentence. So when he says
here, Mophie doesn't mean that you have to benefit from the content,
it means here that you're not waiting for more speech to come.
bit of other.
But what that means here milliwatt, that a lot of it. And
oftentimes in Arabic language, there can be a word that's left
out. And the word that's left out here is an army. Right? In Arabic
language. Okay, trying to get into this wife.
All right, but what a lot of you so these are four conditions, any
speech that is outside the Arabic language, they don't consider an
Arabic. Therefore, this does have impact on us, for example, when we
insula, right in
the dominant opinion is that no speech outside of Arabic is
allowed in the Salah. Okay. So, names though, are an exception,
obviously, people's names is outside of this. Also, what are
they when they talk about Arabic in the Quran? And they say, well,
there's the Quran says it's in an Arabic language, but there are
many, many Arabic non Arabic words, a lot of non Arabic words
in the Quran. But the answer to that is that what the Quran
considers Arabic is what was accepted. What entered the tongue
of the Arabs in that time
All right, so what entered the tongue of the Arabs in that time,
so there are a lot of examples, remember, CLT gives a lot of
examples of Arab, not Persian words, East African language,
right like Ethiopian language, other words that entered into the
Arabic language at the time. So that's considered Arabic. Now the
is that what happened was that complaints started to come in the
second year, or in the second generation, meaning after the
death of the Prophet salallahu idea was sending them complaints
started to come from abroad, that the new generation of Arab kids,
in other words, born Muslim kids, that never
experienced their time with the prophets of Allah, who it was.
Their whole life is that Islam has already spread far and wide. And
that there are now Persians, other people, nationalities coming into
the community living with the Muslims, learning the language
themselves. So these kids are born interacting with these. So it's
like children of Sahaba, right? of younger Sahaba their children.
So, people started notice that these kids, they are butchering
the grammar, or whatever you gotta received a letter.
Right? That said
that the scribe had her in min sad even Abby, walk us, right. Illa
totally incorrect grammar, right. So Omar became very concerned,
this concern developed until finally said, and Ali came up with
a solution. And this is sort of like one of the narrations that's
in all the grammar books. And then some guy who was being annoying is
gonna say, Well, did it really happen? Or is it really like a
myth? But it happened, okay? Because it's the only sort of
trace of who came up with the idea of Arabic of this breakdown. So
Satan, I even thought it went to a very intelligent scholar that was
in his circle. His name was Edwin s, where the dalai, okay.
And he said to him, break down the language, right? Name, the names
and the doors, and that which connects
the name to the door, right? So that is the three parts of the
language, every word in Arabic is divided into one of these three,
it's either an S, and the definition of an isthmus something
that points to it's
something that has meaning in itself.
And then the Fed is something that has meaning in itself, but it's
connected to time meaning that when you say a fad, it must either
be past, present or future or command tense. It has to have a
thirdly, have harff has no meaning in itself, but lends meaning to
another word. So that's a hot so for example, feet in you cannot
in this
without two objects, there has to be something inside of something
else. All right, so that's a huff. Now the essence is unique in a
couple of ways. Namely, anything that receives coffee or jar All
right, cup slash jar
is noted by the Kasara.
Okay, cast it up.
Yet noon,
okay. Cause customer and yet noon,
or aim, if it's dual, but of course in an aim can also be
markers for Nasim we'll get to that later. The next one is at 10.
the IS is the only type only type of word that can receive 10 When a
heartful never received double Fattah double Casula double double
dama and a fan will never receive double Fattah double Casula or
double dama right Can we
and next the whole LEP will learn
if Elif lamb can enter in upon a word then that word is an is it is
not a fad. Or you can never have Elif lamb entering upon a hearth
or entering upon a fit.
Right and hold off we'll have
preposition certain week we call an English prep is
will enter before a word that word will always be an will never be a
fit. Min Illa Allah feet rub a bet will KEF we'll learn how to fill
customer helwa will. So men from inna to I'm
Rick regarding or through Isla above okay or about fi in Aruba
perhaps I'll bet with Wellcamp like well lamb to and then though
oh the the whole roof okay are the particles of oats
oats well and back into the to the Hartford custom of the tap can
only enter upon the lawful Gela of Allah Allah subhanaw taala okay
autofill custom
again Heroku custom well we'll bet what and the rules of custom are
known that custom can only be by for us the creation by Allah or
any of his attributes or any of his
names. You can make oaths by any of his names or attributes, okay?
But the tag can only be used to make an oath by Allah the word
Allah Azza would love to Jelena Okay, and the Collect the Creator
makes oaths by all his creation and even his creation was chumps
All right.
What team was a two okay and also the statement of Allah that He
will not give an oath la ocho Cinco de la oxen will be added
ballot Okay, is greater in effect than actual oath. Okay. Actual
Now the next one is the Fetish welfare you you are awful Beckett
was seen
was sofa what's new the second the field is known by cut anytime you
see the word cut, okay? Cut is a protocol of emphasis. It's a heart
of emphasis. Okay.
If the word after cut is a past tense verb, cause is only going to
come in on two things a past tense verb or present tense verb, right,
presents less future. If cod came on a past tense that emphasizes
that it has happened. If God comes upon a present tense verb, called
yet, it means maybe.
So in front of a past tense verb, it's 100 of emphasis. In front of
a present tense verb fan will dot out. It is the heart of meaning
perhaps, but yet, right.
The present tense verb of course, you know, begins with an A to Elif
pneumonia or right cut if I might do it, cut the F L, he might do it
cut an F and we might do it and cut F and she might do it.
Now comes scene and sofa, scene and sofa transform the federal
data from meaning the present to meaning the future, right got the
All right, our sofa or say f5 He will or she will seen what sofa
and their effect is one. Basically they transform a verb from being
the present tense to being the future tense.
With that technique, the second
the only time that you see a word ending with tat with a sukoon we
call that a technique a second, which means the feminine tat that
has a sukoon on it.
And it refers to in the conjugation that a woman or a
female did something such as for I let it's always going to be past
tense. Okay, she did fallot okay.
And that will own that will indicate that something is a verb.
Right? Well hurtful and the Harf. Very simply, now that we have
identified two you don't need to identify the signs of the third,
right man is Lahoma who did you notice me when I delivered that
which doesn't.
That which doesn't have upon it any effects either. It doesn't
have the sign of the system or the sign of the Fed. So if it's not an
it's not a fan, then by default, you don't need to define the
heart. Right? You don't need to give signs of the heart. As long
as you know it's not an estimate. It's not a failure.
Everything else is going to be a half.
All right, so then you have in the booklet here, which I think we
need someone who's going to make copies Muhammad Yvonne, you're
going to make copies of this, make a cup, make a copy each each.
Could you each make a copy of this, take the book today, and
swing over to the staples, and then make a copy and have them
bind it. So she could take the bind off,
run it through the machine, and then rebuy it and then bind it and
rebind it all. If you can each make a copy, then we'll have four
copies to go around.
And that'll be your tuition. So what if I look? How are you?
Everything's good.
I was I was, I could tell you that I was at home. I had to visit my
if he goes, then I'm changed.
I had to visit family. So
Okay, so you got your questions? Now you got to answer these
The way the book is open to page four, the way this book is, then
is there's a text examples and practice questions. And then what
we could do is we could take the SW zone book, which would you do
with this bonus zone book.
And we could do some reading, actually, we'll do our reading
through the through the reset the reset, it will be our reading.
After when is the horse today 115 131 15 Or so we'll break for
the horse. And then we're going to come back and our Arabic reading
will be our fifth. But he started to have an MSA That's why they say
reseller free youth are beginners read for Arabic is actually
preferable to study than ignatia Not from the content particularly.
But from the aspect that you could read prose, very simple prose.
Whereas obnoxious poetry right? So you can learn your Arabic and you
can learn your
fifth at the same time. Alright, so that's Lesson number one, and
you have to do the answer the questions. All right.
All right, take the new that new lesson number one and we'll come
back after the whole four