Shadee Elmasry – Aqidah Dispute Do Things Have Inherent Power
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The speakers discuss Allah's existence and disagreements between the creation of everything and the disagreement between the creation of naturalism and reality. They touch on the "monster" created by a "monster" and the "monster" created by a "monster". They also discuss the difference between the law and the reality of things, citing Shara's de reading of Shake House and Shake House's "entsire" of Shick as a creation of shake. They also talk about the ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
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We traveled with you, in ships, in other words, so Allah is
attributing the existence of ships to Himself. Therefore, inventions
made by human beings are also the creation of Allah subhanaw taala
and of course everything is the creation of Allah will call aka
Kula shaker Allah says this is important because there is Aki to
with the students of entertainment and they say that Allah creates
powers within things.
And we say no, no, right? No be on why do we say no, because if Allah
creates power within things, then you can then those things make
something then you could attribute the pearl to the oyster, right?
You would attribute the the pearl to the oyster and therefore it
would negate the direct statement of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Allah
created all things. So that is one of the points of dispute now what
what is the level of that point of dispute? Some of the scholars have
edited sunnah have said that if somebody says that Allah gave them
the power, then it would remove it from Cofer. And we would simply
say it's an innovation. Is it an innovation that puts you outside
of Edison? Or is it an innovation in itself only?
Allah knows best about that. I do believe that they say it's an
innovation that puts you outside of Edison. Because Cydia Hamid did
in his Clarita.
He calls that person a bidet. The mess Allah in Arabic is called
Miss Ella to Al Quwata Muda.
The issue in Arabic If you want to look it up in Arabic, salt, Alcoa,
Al Muda,
the place to power did Allah place power, real true power
in anything? And we say the answer to that is no. Yet because Allah
attributes all creations to himself. And if true power was
placed by Allah into something else, then that thing created
something good.
produce something like the way an oyster produces a pearl, then we
would have to attribute the pearl to the oyster. Okay. So we say no,
we can say that somebody created something, mainly mainly as a
means we can say that, right? He created a great masterpiece. But
what we mean by that is that you're the means of that
masterpiece coming into existence. And we hold all of the
true creation, to be the direct creation of Allah. And here, ALLAH
SubhanA What's odd is attributing
the ships to himself when cruise ships are not a natural produce
thing humans made ships, right? Well loaded Jodan oneshots. So to
man, for him, are the chips that move. You see how it's just
theological proof for him know who he is the creator of that. If we
make if you make a robot, and you program the robot, right? And then
that robot then goes and produces what you programmed it to produce,
right? A car, or that you gave it the ability to acquire the
knowledge to download all the factory knowledge of how to make a
car and then it goes and makes a car. You're the maker of the car.
Right? You made it. So nothing has troupe? Essentially, the analogy
of robots is very good in the sense that no matter what a robot
does, the human gets the credit who made the robot? Right? It
cannot. Yeah, so there's no legal power, or existence to a robot.
Right? So in the same way, we have wealth and we produce wealth, for
example, but Allah subhana wa Tada says, what to whom give to the
poor, minimal Allah from the wealth of Allah, which He gave
you. So Allah owns the wealth, and he gave it to you as a steward of
that wealth. Now, I just want to make one point clear here.
When we make when we mentioned, a
of this nature of theology with the Tamizh, or set of views or
somebody's, okay, I want to just say here, we're not making
anathemas in the amount of Islam or to create because somebody will
take it the wrong way. We would clearly if someone explicitly says
No, Allah is not the creator of all things, and they'll never say
that. They'll say, Yes, Allah is the Creator of all things, and
they'll have their own way of going around it. So that will
downgrade the disagreement from like heresy to you're incorrect
about that. And I do think that the issue of a court and Buddha
the majority of Edison that did all this to be a very
In a cutaway matter, that would render one a moped. Could you look
it up?
I mean, it's it's in the sentence yet it's in the Khadija when he
says veka de un and early sunnah I believe he means that's an
innovation. It's you become a sector now. Right? You're You're
it's a it's an innovation that puts you outside of medicine. If
you say that things have actual power.
I'm now reading Shara Animoca geomet written by associate Maliki
circle S Bab wo is nerd theory s babble idea, which means a branch
of Shick meaning granting a divine attribute to a created being is
that you attribute the effect to the means
to the means so I'm now satisfied in my body by drinking this
tea this Chai? Is it the chai that satisfied me or is the
satisfaction a creation of Allah directly? I must attribute the
satisfaction to Allah directly Okay. Through that he did that
through the drink but the drink itself has no power absolutely no
power at all.
Cuz shitcan philosopher who has this the philosophers and the
naturalist and today the scientists, essentially everyone
who is believes in naturalism.
Okay, well, men, Tabby, Alamanda, Vedic. Well, I'm actually writing
a circular rod. Okay, we're talking a lot about and hochma
said this. Now he says, he says here, there's a tough seal men
color fill as verbal idea in order to get through Vitalia for Kadakia
hmm, recovery we mentioned that. But whoever says that it does have
a direct effect because Allah placed that power in it. Be cool
with an elder or Hello which I'll have you up for her first circuit
and move on with eco vehicle learn. Alright, so he is a big
day. This is an innovation why you are negating a direct verse of
Allah. Wa Calaca. Colors, shape, color come when match I'm alone,
he created you and your actions. Your very action is a creation.
Therefore how could you be the result the cause of an if
the source of the effect. So our theology is very different from
our law here. In law, we don't bring this up in law. You have
agency and you're responsible for your actions which you intended.
You're also responsible to a lesser degree for actions you
didn't intend. That means I accidentally broke your mug. I owe
you the mug, right? I accidentally injured somebody, I owe him a
deal. I owe him money. I accidentally kill somebody. I owe
his inheritors money, blood money. If I intentionally did it, then I
then it could be dia orca sauce or forgiveness. Point being is that
don't confuse
the hokum ID with the haka of things, the hokum it is life as we
know it. Life as we know it, okay. I do stuff if I want to what my my
throne and drink I need to drink, right? So that's called hokum, ID,
the normal way of life. But the Haqiqa of things. The Reality of
Things is different from a commodity. The reality of things
is that Allah is the creator of every single action we do. What do
we do? Allah says, Lahoma Conservatoire, they have access
but our role is Casper, which is intending. That's what we gained.
I intended Lahoma Conservatoire, the hammock talks about so Allah
Tala calls this cusp. So as you understand the difference, what is
ID ID is what Allah has accustomed us to. Allah has accustomed to us
if you're cold, make a fire. If you're dirty, pour water on
yourself and you become clean. Pour Soap on yourself and not
soil, right. If you're if you want something to be cut, get something
sharp, not blunt.
But neither the sharpness nor the bluntness has true power in
itself, but you still do it. Just the fact that we do something and
we advocate doing something and we study it, and we are amazed by the
last creation does not mean it has true reality, power in itself. So
that's something that is to be understood.