Shadee Elmasry – Anxiety Over Finances

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the challenges of managing one's finances and the risk of losing savings due to anxiety. They stress the importance of avoiding harming their health and managing their finances in a way that is mindful of their actions and interactions with others. The need for individuals to have a clear understanding of their actions and interactions with others is crucial for one's success.
AI: Transcript ©
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being fearful that God will provide for you is one of the big

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diseases, right, being fearful that God will not provide or

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fulfill our provision. And this is a big one. And this is one of the

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big anxieties that people have in as far as I've seen in our society

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today, is this anxiety of, do I have enough? Am I going to have

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enough will I be able to make my bills, what's going to happen 10

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years from now what's going to happen when I retire will not have

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enough savings for retirement, and being cautious, being diligent,

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working hard, trying to be careful with your money is all good, but

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not because you fear that Allah will will not provide for you the

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same way that he would have if you didn't do those things, because

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your risk has already been written. This is a fact, it's a

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hard one to internalize. It's a really difficult one. Because the

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way that Allah has made the ASVAB, the means of attaining onto your

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provision is that you go out and you seek it. And that you obtain

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it through the means that you're obtaining of work, through family,

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whatever the means are, so we have to go through the means. And so

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sometimes, that's a veil for us to know that it's really all from

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Allah, your boss is not paying you. Allah has written that money

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for you, it was already provided. And it would have been provided

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through another means if there was another means. But this is what's

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been written for you. And you can't decrease it. Sometimes what

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we see in our period right now in our times, is that this is a big

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area where people fall into into sin out of this fear, right? So

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they lie.

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They'll lie on their resume, they'll lie to their co workers or

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lie to their bosses, all because they're afraid that they're going

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to lose the risk when it's already been written through and

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committing a sin is not going to increase it in any way whatsoever.

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People will be dishonest in business, this is the worst,

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right? When you have your own business, and you're cheating your

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customers, because you think that's going to increase you? They

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won't, they won't. Absolutely.

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You know, there's a saying that no one can, you know, you can't

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benefit your dunya this life by harming you after the next life

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does that not only is that a bad trade off, but it doesn't even

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work, it won't work. He's breaking down here, the two sources of

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these diseases. And the first one is really it's anxiety. It's this

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anxiousness that overtakes us. And we're like that this is the way

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we've been designed. And sometimes that's to our benefit. And it

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helps us in our preservation in the preservation of our life and

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our safety. But we shouldn't let it overtake us.

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And I was I was talking to someone recently about this.

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Something like

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60 million, maybe Americans are on or maybe more are on some kind of

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anxiety medication, right. And these are the ones that have been

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diagnosed, have actually gone to a medical professional and received

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a medication for unfulfilled and fill the prescription. So maybe

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like another 50% that are just dealing with it. And it's not

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surprising, right? And these numbers are huge. I mean, there's

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only like 300 plus million people in the country. It's a huge

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number. But it's not surprising, because every time you turn on the

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television, right, and you look at the news, first of all, the local

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news is all fires, accidents, and somebody got shot in some town.

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Yeah, on the national level, there's always we're going to be

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attacked, we're going to be killed this and that. And then there's

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always you're not saving enough you don't

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aside from all of those, like fears, like oh my god, my safety,

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right. There's also look at all this stuff that you should have,

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and you don't have it.

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Like, you open up your mailbox, and you have one piece of genuine

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mail. And then there's a bunch of stuff trying to sell you things.

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It's the same thing in your email. You know, even if you're real

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careful with your email address, you go into your email, and

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there's ad after ad, you bought one thing from a store once and

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now you're getting you're getting emails every single day telling

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you that there's a great sale, everything is pushing us towards

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feeling anxious, like we need something that we don't have,

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whether it's safety, whether it's security, whether it's more money,

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or whether it's just more things, or shinier things than the ones we

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have even though we have one already the state of anxiety that

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we're being put into by design is it's not it's it's a big deal. And

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so and one of the biggest one of the biggest ones that happens is

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you fear for your money. I don't know how I'm gonna get by, will I

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be able to pay my mortgage will I be able to pay my rent?

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I mean, and even the fact that this concept that everyone has to

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own everything right? Like you have to own it. What are you

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talking about? You don't own that you have to own it. You have to

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own it, you have to buy this you have to buy that. What do you mean

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you have two kids and you have a passenger car you crazy? You need

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like a really big car with a lot of space in it for all their

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stuff. We get the kids and stuff you want it to be car.

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He also mentions the importance of that

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the remembrance of Allah and this is vicar with the tongue and also

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in the heart and also in our actions that are not specifically

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what you might consider the remembrance. So it's not just

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saying Lila who will last panelist pounce upon Allah after so all

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right. It's also remembrance throughout the day, right when I

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shall Radi Allahu anha mentioned that the Prophet salallahu alayhi

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wa sallam was always in a state of vicar. She didn't mean that he was

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always reciting, but rather that he was his state was that he

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always remembered Allah, because there's really only two states,

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right? There's remembrance. And then there's heedlessness.

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waffleh. waffleh is your heedless of Allah. So your actions are what

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the actions of a heedless person, when you're committing sins,

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you're not remembering Allah. When you're ignoring the time for

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prayer, and it's getting close and you and then you missed it. That's

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heedlessness, so there's only two states. And the better state is

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remembrance. Because if you're remembering Allah, you're not

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going to be rude to your family member, you're not going to be

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angry when you shouldn't be, you're not going to be fearful of

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things that you shouldn't necessarily be fearful of. You're

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not going to be miserly when a poor person needs your assistance,

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etc. Right? So being mindful of a lot and being having remembrance

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of Allah constantly is really a big, big deal.

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Because the knifes brothers and sisters, the nest was never meant

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to define for us what is wholesome and good on this earth. The neffs

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is connected to the dirt is connected to this earth, but the

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rule is what's connected to Allah subhanaw taala. So when the source

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of the rule has telling you what's good for you, that's what you

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submit you and that's what you connect

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