Shadee Elmasry – Angels Don’t Like Dogs

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The speaker discusses issues with dogs in a house, including rats and snakes. They suggest leaving the house alone, but warn that dogs are not immune to any damage from animals. The speaker also mentions a fourth issue with a dog that causes harm to passengers.
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Angels will not enter into your home if there's a dog in your home
because angels don't like dogs. That's it. It's just the way
angels are created. You will not enter a room that that has a rat
in here sleep in the guest room. Only problem. There's rats. Would
you sleep in there? No. All right, go into this house. It's infested
with cockroaches, but that's okay. No, go into this house that has
snakes in it. We can be harmed purely emotionally. Disgust is an
emotion, right? Certain animals will they can't harm you, but
you're disgusted by them. So angels are likewise they are put
off by dogs. These are all separate issues. There's another
fourth issue with the dog. Someone who plays with a dog