Shadee Elmasry – Angels Don’t Like Dogs

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker discusses issues with dogs in a house, including rats and snakes. They suggest leaving the house alone, but warn that dogs are not immune to any damage from animals. The speaker also mentions a fourth issue with a dog that causes harm to passengers.

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			Angels will not enter into your
home if there's a dog in your home
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			because angels don't like dogs.
That's it. It's just the way
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			angels are created. You will not
enter a room that that has a rat
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			in here sleep in the guest room.
Only problem. There's rats. Would
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			you sleep in there? No. All right,
go into this house. It's infested
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			with cockroaches, but that's okay.
No, go into this house that has
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			snakes in it. We can be harmed
purely emotionally. Disgust is an
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			emotion, right? Certain animals
will they can't harm you, but
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			you're disgusted by them. So
angels are likewise they are put
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			off by dogs. These are all
separate issues. There's another
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			fourth issue with the dog. Someone
who plays with a dog