Shadee Elmasry – Am I Ready for Marriage

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the importance of marriage in a relationship, and how it can affect expenses and one's ability to make small things. They mention that while small things can be difficult to control, small things can be beneficial. The conversation is unclear and lack of information is cited.
AI: Transcript ©
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How does one know they're ready for marriage? If you're Dean and

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your character is sounds, part of your deen is being able to be a

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garden over this wife of yours, that means that you have to make

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sure that her expenses are covered. Is that not a foot upon

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you, so therefore it's part of the team. If you can do that, if you

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have the capacity to do that, and you have the ability to be the

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Imam of a small little unit. What else you what else do you need?

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