Shadee Elmasry – Allah Protects You Through Dua EP. 7 Ramadan 2024
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The speaker discusses the concept of hesitation as a form of fear and how it can lead to behavior. He uses the examples of Allah's use of hesitation to protect his passengers and his desire to encourage others to do the same. The speaker also discusses the concept of hesitation as a way to believe in who is the absolute giver and how it can lead to behavior.
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Here's the beauty of this, when Allah loves somebody, or when,
let's say a mother loves a child, or when you love your car, or when
you love anything, what do you do? You keep it close to you. You keep
it real close, you guard it, you cover it, you put a garage door in
front, you lock it, you make sure there are barriers between it and
getting harmed. And oftentimes that comes in the form of threats
and prohibitions. You tell your kid don't go out at night so he
doesn't get hurt. Don't go down the steps so he doesn't fall.
Don't do this. All those prohibitions. If you do this,
you're gonna get in big trouble. All those prohibitions and threats
are in backed doors protections of something that you love
Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us in the same way.
Oftentimes there are threats and there are prohibitions that are
all based on Allah's love and this is one of them. Allah subhanaw
taala tells us in the Quran, who the only Esther Gibler come call
upon Me I answer you in the lead the NASDAQ be Runa and a bed that
he said when a Johanna muda Karim which means Verily those who are
too arrogant to worship me. They will enter Hellfire humiliated. So
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is linking here, you're not asking me for
your needs first. Those who are arrogant, they're going to go to
the hellfire. So Allah links when you don't ask for your need, he
has actually telling you the cause. When you don't ask Allah
for something that you need, and you said I could do it myself.
It's right in front of me. I got my arms, I got my legs, I got my
money. I got time. I could do it myself. Your diagnosis for that as
arrogance. And arrogance leads to hellfire. But Allah also called
dua here worship. So here Allah is telling you benefit yourself is
worship. An act of benefiting yourself is an act of worship. So
here it's two for one, I get the deen and the dunya. Really, it's
like a sales pitch. Do you want the deen and the dunya at the same
time, that ask Allah for your material needs and desires. Ro
mentioned earlier Allah said Oh, Ibrahim, if you need salt, ask me.
So material needs the Sahaba went and they needed sandal strap they
would praise Takata da for sandal straps. So Allah Tala wants us
connected to him at all times. And he's even putting Hellfire there
to protect us from going into this realm when and believed that we
don't need him anymore. And this is why would only as the Gibler
come call upon me our answer. There's also something else about
this is one of the side of here and he said, people go and they
ask other human beings because they see those other human beings
right in front of them. Whereas Allah is unseen to us, it's much
easier to ask them when you see that someone you don't see this is
why Allah has to constantly say, Come to me come to me, rather than
go to people. Now people, if you look carefully at them, they have
limited time, limited access, limited ability, they get
frustrated with you, why do they get frustrated with us? Because
we're asking them too much? Why are we asking them too much
because they're weak. So one of the side of hate is saying, look
at the weakness of the person that is that you're asking, and look at
how quickly he's going to be fed up with you from asking once,
twice, three times, and look at how much time it takes for them to
fulfill your need. Whereas in contrast, you have this verse,
Allah subhanaw taala is not only telling you to come to him, he's
commanded you to come to him, and he's threatening you for not
coming to him. Because he has, he's the one who is ahead for this
meaning he's the one who's capable of doing this. And he's the one
who never tired from giving, and never runs out of things to give.
So why would we go to the creation, when we can go to Allah
and what this means is believing in who is the absolute giver, the
absolute givers, Allah, people, we may need to go to them only
because this is the way of life that's it. You have to go apply
for a job you have to go ask for a woman's hand in marriage, you have
to do these things physically because that's the way of life not
because they're the absolute givers. The real absolute giver
who really controls the matter is Allah subhanaw taala. If you liked
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