Shadee Elmasry – A new year is upon us. Fall Classes 2017.

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the success of their program, including online classes and classes for children and adults, as well as classes for homeschooling tracks. They emphasize the importance of keeping an eye out for updates and check out their website for information.
AI: Transcript ©
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my name is Sarah Monet come everyone and Hamdulillah, Safina

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society when we're in our 11th semester, five and a half years of

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classes we've been running hamdulillah for the this year.

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Everything is laid out very crisply. And clearly we got three

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things going on. Number one is the live classes at NBC, including the

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head of Quran, which is a very successful program with Chica

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Dima, he has a number of students, we have the podcasts which you can

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access online and on your mobile phones. And we now have Safina

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online, which is online classes that are our live classes online

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and also special classes that are just online. So keep an eye out

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for those constant updates. So check out everything out Safina

00:00:49 --> 00:00:53 something we're very proud of is that we offer classes

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from children to adults, including the homeschooling track. All of

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our teachers from the children, the homeschooling track, the

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tweens like 12 to 14 age the high schoolers, all our teachers are

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actually coming from within the adult classes. So they're all

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people that we ourselves are teaching we know them and now

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they're teaching so that's a big accomplishment we're very happy

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about so check it out Safina said I want to

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