Shadee Elmasry – 8 The Use of Kashf in the Hanbali School

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to religion and culture. They mention specific examples such as the use of mocha fats in ritual and the weak Hadith in daily life. They also touch on issues of references to emotions and values in relation to religion.
AI: Transcript ©
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We could say, specific matters this is specific, but it relates

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somewhat of soon. And this regards the practices in the daily life of

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a Muslim.

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One example is let's read up the first night of Rajab the Ellison

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you'll find in the there Mutasa with a hold that mocha fat, if

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it's has a basis with a, even a weak Hadith, or a saying of a

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hobby enters into a practice becomes a practice. One of those

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is the four nights and then other narrations or sayings five nights

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in which do Ah Is Mr. Job. One of them being the first night of a

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job just as an example.

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I want to my purpose and bringing this up is not to defend one side

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or another, but just to try to actually remove the fangs of

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argumentation between both sides.

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They also have a lot of ahead is sunnah is to accept McCosh effects

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of side of Hainan odia known and well known and,

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and relied upon scholars who have MacArthur fats, which is like a

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spiritual unveiling, that has some basis in a weak Hadith or a saying

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of a Sahabi. In this sense, the saying of sage 90 Regardless of

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its Senate, weak or otherwise, that say Nayeli is the one who

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said there are four nights in Wichita is Mr. Job, first night of

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ledger being one, I want to ask the humbly approach to the Europe

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in history, the utilization of mocha fats in ritual practices.

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It was not enough, were left update, and now we've even left

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FIP I mean, this may be as at the bottom issue of FIP. Right. So

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could you expound upon on that?

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That's first degree that the HANA villa in the through the accept

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that we have is that we, the moderately weak heavies.

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And they even use it in the issues of fake issues of how that will

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help in a certain way. It's not important to explain it now. But

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they use it.

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This is a fact. Another fact Akhmad himself used the weeklies,

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not it hasn't been laid.

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Yeah. And even some of my Hanbury Salafi to whom I might not even

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mention the names.

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They said no, it doesn't mean it hasn't been writing. So, even the

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Salafi themselves they have this position among themselves, I used

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the weak Hadith

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in a way, which is different from the rest of the Hannah Villa that

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Annabella cannot do the same thing. I have not had a taste

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and this taste made him accept some of the weak Hadees that he

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himself considered weak.

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Another fact Hanna villa in their soul, they rely on the fact word

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of the companion and the must have have the companion and the

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position of the company certain requirements certain conditions,

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not important to mention them now.

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When it comes to the issue of Emeka shefa, this is an Sophie

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issue and Hannah Bella

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in a very beautiful way had this separation between

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sensitive issues of the soul and the issues of referred soul

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elemental voice in general.

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So, you will not find them talking about an AFOL

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you will not find them talking about issues of the South unless

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they can be practice.

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Yeah, and you see the books of CDC from the cardiology, then you find

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his his

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his theories dissolve apply in the books of adept in embodiment.

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It's clear, no one attached these things. But if if we sit together

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for like an hour, holding two books, I can show people. This is

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from what the study said. When it comes to sensitive issues. Like do

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we rely on things that were known by Luca Scheffer?

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Am cashoffer this is generally what I mentioned things about them

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or they have of the companions, the weak Hadees.

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This is general and there are mother hips in the sole regarding

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this issue of immigration, but they have that, for instance, a

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map that says

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If you had guests, you are obliged to do this, but you do not tell

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other people you tell other people but they are not obliged. You tell

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other people and they are obliged as long as they trust you and

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you're a trusted narrator. Matthew, the Annabella didn't go

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there. didn't tackle this issue.

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So the so it's basically it's either going to be in a weak

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Hadith or a Colaba Sahabi any. If that's the case, then it doesn't

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matter whether a Merkava confirms that or not, because you already

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have the nuts. And there's evidence and if it's purely a

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mocha for then, then it's not acted upon. Now Jomo, I want to

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ask another question and then you can chime in with anything that

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you have

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