Shadee Elmasry – 6. Physically Respecting the Book

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of clean-up of one's body, particularly the physical treatment of the book. They stress the need for everyone to respect and demand respect from their children, particularly when they are learning. The speaker also emphasizes the need for everyone to use their body to create a ...
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The matters of the heart are reflected in the manners of the

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body. This is important. We don't just say, well, Allah looks at the

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heart. Of course, he looks at the heart. Well, he also looks at the

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body. Well, why did he create it? Why did he tell us to clean our

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bodies? Why did he make us pray with our bodies, right? So Allah

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looks at the body as well, and how we handle the physical book. So

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the body has to be clean. The physical treatment of the book is

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extremely important. The Quran must never be anywhere that is

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low. All right, it should be never on the ground. Alright, it should

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be never handled sloppily. Of course, it could be on the ground

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or on a low table. If everyone's sitting on the ground. If you walk

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into a room and there's nothing but the grounds then that's a

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problem. That's not a problem. That's the way some people live.

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Okay? We're in the masjid itself. If you're sitting and you're

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studying and you're teaching on a desk that's not low, then it's

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fine. But otherwise, the Quran should always be above the waist.

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That's really like a rule of thumb. If you think about it, the

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waist everything below it is not clean. Okay? Everything above it

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is clean. So that's really the symbolic area is the waist of a

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person that most have should never be put on a low, I go into some

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places and the Quran is on a low shelf, we should just lift it and

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put it and one of the best deeds that you can do every time you go

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into any Masjid is clean up the shelf of the Quran. If there's a

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Quran and some kid has written on it, well, they shouldn't be

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handling it. I mean, you would you let them handle your wallet, your

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debit card, your credit card? No. Would you let them handle your

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work documents? No. So why should he handle the book of Allah? If

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he's three years old, and he's going to write all over at seven

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years old flipping through the pages? And you say I want him to

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love the Quran? No, well love it by respecting it. Love the Quran

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and love the masjid by honoring it and respecting it and knowing that

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it has rules. And if you don't respect it, then you're not gonna

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you're not gonna hold it. If you're not going to respect the

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messenger, you're going to be asked to step aside. Everyone

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respects the orchestra. You go to Sydney Opera House, you go to New

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York, you go to Italy and go to the opera, right? Everyone

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respects it because they demand respect. Because when you go in

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there, they demand just but they don't care if you love it or not.

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It's it's for your benefit. It's not for their benefit. It'll

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benefit if you love it. Now we Allah doesn't benefit from us he

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doesn't need is we who benefit from loving the masjid loving the

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Quran, and therefore the to command that respect and demanded

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from people that's the best way to make you want your kids to love

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the Quran and love the mustard. command respect and demand it

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right. That's the best way for them to know okay, this is

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actually a big deal. Then I need to treat it like a big deal. And

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when everyone does that, then you can have an aura in the masjid

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where everyone's silent, everyone's full of respect. But

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you take this attitude where we want kids to love the Quran and

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love the deen and as a result, they're just going around, not

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respecting it in the name of loving it. Well, all you've done

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is reinforced disrespect and you create an environment of chaos.

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