Shadee Elmasry – 57. Tajwid Suras al Nasr & Masad

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The transcript appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize.
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Okay next Surah either
Nasrallah he well fat
either Ajah what is that Madam matassa Nasrallah he will fat.
Where are eight Anessa Dooku Luna feeding Allah He F word no Madhu
no noon second or 10. When we're in the ROM
fansubbing the Hamdi Arabica was sterile field here you have one of
the first examples of the raw maraca, okay because it's preceded
by a cassava. All right West field field who, okay, you won't say
what sort of filler who know we're still filled
in who still Silla Surah can tell web med Tabi and meta vi guy Of
course, if you continue then it would be a club in who can tell
when Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim he tapped but yeah,
Abdullah bin whatever you have here muddiman Felton and you have
here at the ROM be Ivana
Elena muddiman falsehood
and humeri who Silla sobre warmer Kassab kala kala Cobra Kassab se
else learn now that della hub c'est la alert now run that
that Allah had up kala Cobra, where MRA to who Silla sobre Hmail
atoll help OB Caracalla Cobra Fiji they have a long method VGD Her
fee method via G Mata ba her method ba have illumine Okay, have
a loan Hello ma'am. All right, and that is what I'm given. And this
is MYM method that I'm given.
Have a loan in method and ROM given