Shadee Elmasry – 54. Tajwid Suras alFil & Quraysh

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols. There is no clear context or topic, and the dialogue is mostly one-senths of words and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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Surah two field

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LM Terra que Ferrara. Buka the US have been fee nothing but meta via

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e or just short vowels and here you have met the VA. Otherwise

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it's short vowels and you have made the out of the sukoon the ELS

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have been fi LM er J. K the home theater li made out of the sukoon

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whatever Salah la him by Iran, Airbnb by Iran availabile What do

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you have here? If ha and again they've marked it with the even 10

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When by Iran a baby tell me him behavior or team is it G you have

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here Don Belinda? And you have here Ms. A gene if a notice again

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noon when it's if or it's it or it's alarm? They put nothing on

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the noon All right, they don't put a sukoon only for IV ha Well, they

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actually put a sukoon just to give you a hint. So when you see that

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you know that you shouldn't be pronouncing it okay Mincy G Fauja

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Allah home cause Finn Gu gas FIM cool is Yvonne Bivona then

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followed by me cast hold it down for two counts, cows fin goo and

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then med out of the school

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all right now we go to Magdalene here in Surah Quraysh Lila, if

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you're Karachi ish, that's Magdalene and it's made out of the

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sukoon the elf your Quraysh in for him here you have Scylla surah.

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You have Silla sobre Isla for him and there we mentioned Scylla

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Surah being that it's comes after the suffix and in a few cases in

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the Quran. You'll see it coming after the hems up that has a

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cursor underneath it. So you actually treat instead of saying

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elf for him, it's enough for him. You treat this as if it's a yet E

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for him to read letter sheet. E ashita. E is mad demotic. And if

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followed by Hamza in the same word, as she thought he was Saif

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Ali Abu Al Bayt, again, Madelyn and let the alpamayo you see this

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year has a tilde on it. indicating that it is med motel sell that

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sorry, med demo and faster because the next word has a LF with the

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Hamza and let the Obama and this thought will receive Caracalla

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Surah ELPA I'ma home. Me joueur noon. Second followed by Jim is it

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muted? You're muted you are

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okay, this sunwin followed by what well? Is it the lum b1 minzu Manor

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home in Cove and you have so here you have Mingyur that's

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ju that's

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a bomb Bivona and then min health if ha so have a

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go it Ron Bivona and if har in literally in five words, okay it's

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five or six words in one minute I mean Zhu Min Oh Min Cove actually

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this is probably one of the end and then if you add the best Mala

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that's EClub so actually you have iffa is the bomb. If har EClub in

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one verse really if you connect the best modem, me, Allah the Alto

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I'ma home minzu Are you mana home MIN HO FIM Bismillah R Rahman r

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Rahim alright Allah you can do with it. Alright, so that's really

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interesting. You have all the four in one provided you continue them

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to the best Samila and the first area of suits and MT

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