Shadee Elmasry – 4. What’s Better, Memorization or Recitation

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of memorization in a man's life, including a greater reward for himself in the afterlife. They also mention the importance of memorization in teaching and excelling in recitation. The speaker emphasizes the superiority of memorization over recitation in achieving a desired effect.
AI: Transcript ©
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The most direct reward in the afterlife is memorization. Okay,

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so for which one rises a level in paradise for every verse recited.

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So the most direct reward is in memorization. The greatest benefit

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is an understanding and teaching. If you understand if you can

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understand and teach the Quran, right? That's the greatest

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benefit. But the the greatest benefit for you, the greatest

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reward for yourself is the one who memorizes right? That's a good

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there's a greater reward in that for yourself, that Allah will tell

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every half as of Quran, sit and memorize the Quran, recite the

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Quran and elevate, you elevate yourself, the teachers, those who

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understood and our folk AHA and pass it on. Well, yeah, they may

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be rewarded. Alright, by what benefit they gave others and

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they'd be honored by what benefit they gave others.

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Memorization is categorically superior to recitation in that the

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memorizer gains the ability to do Tila recitation at any given

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moment of the day. All right, except while on Ginebra if you

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ever have a question, Should I do Cutsem recite or should I

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memorize? Well, the answer is obvious. It's memorize, right?

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Categorically speaking, Heathfield is superior to recitation you

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recite once and that verse has gone until you go back to it. But

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you memorize and you etch that verse in your heart you can recite

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at any time you could be on your bed laying down about to sleep as

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a prophesized enemies to do and recite. You could be in the car

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driving and recite. You could be online in the airport and recite

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while you're not out loud, they might pull you over. You could be

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doing anything and recite as long as you're not upon the state of

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Geneva. And the Maliki med hub, is the only method in the mimetic

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removes hide or menstruation from the category of Geneva. He said

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that the job is someone who placed himself in Geneva through sexual

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relations, whereas the house and the new facade menstruating and

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postpartum bleeding are not in state of Geneva because that's out

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of their control. So they may recite the Quran while they are

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upon hide manifests in the Maliki madhhab in specific Okay,

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