Shadee Elmasry – 3 Ways Your Dua is Answered Ep. 5 #Shorts

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a situation where a person will only receive a reward if they do not answer a question, and this is due to a belief that people do not know they can avoid harm. The speaker uses the example of a dawella that people say is big for them, but they may not be interested in the reward. The situation is seen as aatorica trip by some people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, You'll be answered in

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your DUA in three different ways you will be given what you asked

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for, or an equivalent harm will be removed out of your way. Or, and

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this is the best of them, your DUA will be saved and not answered in

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this life, but save for you as reward on the Day of Judgment.

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Now, many people don't realize you're not supposed to think about

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this when you're actually making dua, but they do. And this is a

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Satanic trip. shaytani always uses the truth to dislodge the truth.

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For people who have knowledge, he uses knowledge to lead them

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astray. And in this case, I'm telling you this is a big mistake

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that many people approach their da with a doubt because of this

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hadith. They say, Well, I'm going to ask for it, but maybe it's not

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good for me. And as a result, I'm going to only get it in. Maybe

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Allah doesn't want to answer me

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