Shadee Elmasry – 27. Common Errors Regarding haa and hamza

Shadee Elmasry
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The transcript describes a video featuring a person pronouncing words and characters correctly, using a combination of English and spoken language. They also mention a video of someone pronouncing a letter properly, but the person pronounces it wrong. The video ends with a statement about a snake being 12 feet long.
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The hair and the Hamza come from the deepest part of the throat,

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almost the chest. The hair at the end of the word must be pronounced

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by a heavy exhaling derived from the chest. So which one is the

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sutra that has this?

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elkaar Melaka Raya, we're at the Rock Metal cardio. Yo Mucuna SoCal

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for us in Memphis with orange Welcome to

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the fam hematocrit mo Zeno faux pas shutter all the while I'm in

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Hoffman was for Omaha her we're Morocco here now on Hermia now

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don't Hermia. Okay, so it has to come out. So the hair is known. I

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mean, it's like the letter H in English is the same age as the

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hair. However, the at the end of the word you cannot say.

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You should not pronounce me pronouncing and skipping the like

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El cada wrong. Oh, Korea. That's correct. Correct because it even

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gives the actual impression of someone exhausted. Oh god, it

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means that which is impending, which is gonna like it's knocking

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on the door. Right? It's coming out of Korea.

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Okay, and there's a reason why there are some letters have a hat

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at the end. So you have to actually pronounce that hat at the

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end. You can't say Oh, god, yeah. That you just ended it with an LF.

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You have to say l cardio. Okay, so you have to pronounce it. The, at

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the end of the word at you have to actually give it that. And of

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course the Hamza we do have it in English, but we don't actually

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have it as a letter. People do pronounce it properly. Whenever

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people say like feet or foot, right, people with a T at the end

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of the word and they don't pronounce it properly. So this is

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one of the things in journalism. If you want to be a news anchor,

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they teach you you have to make sure you pronounce your T at the

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end. So you must say alright foot or feet. Right there. We saw there

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was a snake that was 12 feet long.

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